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Heat Treat Legend #71: Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®


Heat Treat Today publisher and Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, is joined by Dan Herring, known in the industry as The Heat Treat Doctor® of The HERRING GROUP, Inc. In the second installment of a periodic feature called Heat Treat Legends, listen as Dan tells stories from his 50 years of expertise and experience in the industry.

Below, you can watch the video, listen to the podcast by clicking on the audio play button, or read an edited transcript.

The following transcript has been edited for your reading enjoyment.

Doug Glenn:  Dan, thank you for joining us. As you know, we’ve spoken before about this: You are actually second on our list of recordings that we’re doing in what we’re calling our Heat Treat Legends podcasts. There were several people that I had at the top of my list — you were one of them. First off, congratulations for being on that list and we’re looking forward to the interview today with you.

Dan Herring:  Doug, it’s my pleasure to be here. I just want to say that I consider this a distinct privilege to be considered one of the heat treat legends. But I’d also like to point out to everyone who listens to this that no one individual can do it by themselves. So, I’m accepting this accolade, if you will, on behalf of the many men and women who toiled in, what I’m going to call, relative obscurity and who made this industry what it is today. On their behalf, I’m more than willing to be considered one of the Heat Treat Legends.

DG:  Thank you, Dan, that’s very magnanimous of you — that’s very generous and a good way to start and keeps with the character that I know you have.

Let’s go back and talk a little bit about your history, very briefly, to give people a sense of when you started in the industry and your work history. We don’t want to go into too much detail, just where you’ve worked and things of that sort.

First time I met you, Dan, I can still recall it, was in the office of Mr. Ron Mowry at C. I. Hayes and I’m not sure whether it was Warwick or Cranston, Rhode Island, I’m not sure where they were located at the time, but I was a young buck in the industry and went up there with one of my colleagues to visit Ron, and you were there. That’s where I knew you started, where I met you at C.I. Hayes, but there may be time prior to that in the industry where you were already in the heat treat industry. Very briefly, go ahead and give us your history.

DH:  First of all, Doug, you’ve got a great memory. I remember meeting you, as well. I’ve been in the industry now a little over 50 years. My working career prior to becoming a consultant in the industry dealt with, or I worked for, three companies and they were furnace manufacturers or, what we call in the industry, original equipment manufacturers. That was Lindberg, which was in the 1970s, C.I. Hayes which was in the 1980s and early 1990s, and then briefly for Ipsen. Then, I "got smart," as the phrase goes, and I saw an opportunity and I formed my own little company called The HERRING GROUP, Inc.

One of the things throughout my career, Doug, that’s rather interesting, is I’ve held an incredible number of different jobs with different responsibilities. I was hired as a corporate trainee by Lindberg. What that meant was that the corporation paid my salary and not the plant, so they were happy to have me, but I was a junior metallurgist who became a metallurgist who ultimately became the chief metallurgist of the organization. Along the way, I worked in engineering, I worked in international marketing, I was a junior application engineer, a senior application engineer, I was a product manager, finally winding up as chief engineer of the company. I joined C.I. Hayes and worked as their corporate metallurgist then became the technical director for the midwestern region of the United States, research and development director at Ipsen, director of new product development.

"My curiosity and interest in science has fueled, if you will, my working career. Metallurgy was once defined to me to be “the chemistry of metals,” which I’ll never forget – I enjoyed that definition." - Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor

So, I’ve done a variety of different tasks. You might say that I’ve been a chief cook and bottle washer of the industry, if you will.  But all those tasks, seriously, have taught me what I know today. I learned something from every job I had. Most of my career has been spent “hands-on,” what I mean by that is actively running either heat treat departments, up to a dozen furnaces in the case of Lindberg (there were atmosphere furnaces, there were vacuum furnaces, there were induction heating equipment), running thousands of processes from anything from hardening to enameling. I ran hundreds and hundreds of demonstrations for customers to prove out that the process would work in a particular furnace. I’ve also had the good fortune throughout my career for a period of about 10+ years, I traveled about 15 days a month. To put that in perspective for people, there are only 20 to 22 working days a month. I was visiting customers, visiting manufacturing facilities up to 15 days a month and did that for over 10 years. So, I got to meet quite several people in the industry who, again, shared their experiences and their knowledge. I came across an infinite number of problems in the field that needed solutions, and on and on and on.

Where it began, interestingly enough, and I’m going to put a little call-out here to my parents, that always pushed me to become what I call the best version of myself. My mother was a registered nurse, but I would swear she was an English teacher in disguise; it’s where I learned my love of writing. My father was a machinist — a hands-on guy that ran screw machines. He was one of the most inventive people that I ever met. He was really a good, common-sense individual. And, to horrify the listeners, I’ve been in machine shops since I’ve been six years old. Today, you would never, ever bring a child to work with you and only tell them, “Don’t touch anything and watch yourself.” But anyway, I learned a great deal on the shop floor, so to speak. Then, combined with my education as an undergraduate in engineering and graduate work at the Illinois Institute of Technology, I’ve learned a great deal of my craft from there.

That’s a brief overview of who I am. I’m an equipment guy, I’m a process guy, I’m a hands-on guy, and basically, I’m a problem-solver.

DG:  Yes, right. There are two other things, Dan, I’d like to highlight that you’ve humbly left out of your description. One was, back in the day, when I was working for Industrial Heating as their publisher, you and I connected, and you started authoring a monthly column for them for over 10 years, I’m guessing, and had done that for quite some time. Not just because of that, but I would assume somewhat because of that, you heightened yourself as The Heat Treat Doctor®, which you did not mention but I think that’s how you’re really known in a lot of the industry is as The Heat Treat Doctor® from your website and, of course, from some of those columns. I think that’s notable.

And you also did not mention that you are an author of four books: Vacuum Heat Treating Volumes I and II and Atmosphere Heat Treating Volumes I and II, both fairly significant tomes in and of themselves.

DH:  Well, thank you, Doug. We’ll talk a little bit more about The Heat Treat Doctor® brand perhaps a little later, but, yes, those are some of the accomplishments on my resume.

DG:  Good, good, good.

You mentioned earlier, about some people — you mentioned specifically your parents, which I think was great. It’s very, very interesting, I always find, to see what influence parents have had on people. Is there anyone else you would like to mention that has been significant in the advancement of you and your advancement in the heat treat industry throughout the years?

DH:  Well, a few people I think are noteworthy. But I’d like to begin on a rather interesting note. When I was a young boy growing up in Chicago, I want to credit my next-door neighbor, Mr. Joe Pallelo. He happened to be this strange person called a “heat treater.” I didn’t know what he did exactly, but he and my father would spend endless hours either talking between fences or in our yard or in his yard, so I grew up listening to two people talk about heat treating, among other things, which is very unique. Now, truth be told, and I probably shouldn’t admit this but I’m old enough to say it — I was probably more interested in his daughter than I was in him (true story!), but some metallurgy rubbed off along the way.

Also, I think it’s interesting that I have had the extremely good fortune of working for two or three people that actually fell in the genius category. These people were absolutely, positively of genius intellects and they worked within the heat treating industry. At Lindberg, there was a fellow by the name of Hobart Wentworth (aka Bart Wentworth) whose grandfather or great grandfather (I forget which) was actually mayor of Chicago, and he taught me the engineering discipline, if you will. In other words, translating what you learn in university into the real world.

The second one was a guy by the name of Russ Novy. Russ was the chief metallurgist at Lindberg when I started. He was actually a mechanical engineer, of all things, but was one of the smartest and finest metallurgists I ever knew. He had infinite patience, Doug, to tell you what he had learned, and explain things and talk about the root cause of things.

Then, at C.I. Hayes, I must give a shoutout to Herb Western. Herb, still to this day, by the way, holds the record, I believe it’s 300 patents in the state of Rhode Island. The first time I saw Herb he was sitting at this desk fiddling, believe it or not, with typewriter keys. He had a pile of typewriter keys on his desk — he would lift them up and drop them back into the pile, lift them up and drop them back into the pile. Now, I’m a brand-new employee. I’ve been introduced to him — that’s the only thing that stopped him from lifting and dropping typewriter keys. I watched him do this (because my office was right across kitty corner from his) for four days! I’m asking, “What are they paying this guy for?” Then, one day he got up and he walked away from his desk and a little later when I was out in the shop, I noticed that he was building a furnace. He built a furnace; he ran the typewriter keys in that furnace and C.I. Hayes was fortunate enough to get hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of business from this strange company called IBM to [indiscernible] typewrite keys.

"The things you learn in the industry, you must share because you strengthen the industry by doing that, you give the industry a competitive advantage by doing that and you’re helping, in your own small way, to educate the next generation of heat treaters. Because, at the end of your career, I think what you’re going to find is that what is important in our industry is to lead not to follow." -Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor

So, Herb had many, many inventions. He was an extremely creative fella. One more quick story — I don’t know if you want to take the time, but it’s worth it: Herb was the only guy I ever knew that while driving through a car wash got a brilliant idea for load transfer, through and in a furnace, from a car wash. He rode back through the carwash multiple times (of course, with the windows down), looking at the transfer mechanism and then went back to the shop and designed the principal drive system that C.I. Hayes uses to this day.

All in all, I think all the people that I worked with were outstanding. And since my working career ended in the furnace manufacturing, I’ve had a lot of people in the general industry, really contribute to my knowledge and my awareness of the industry. I probably could go on and on and on with people, but I’ll just give a special shoutout to one of them which is Bill Jones who is the CEO of Solar Atmospheres. He taught me quite a few lessons both in business and also from a personal standpoint. I’ve had a whole group of people, Doug, yourself included, that have influenced my life in great ways.

DG:  That’s great. You know, Bill Jones, of course, was our first Heat Treat Legend guy, so it’s a good name to mention there.

That’s all very interesting, thank you. When you look back, now, on your career, what would you say, in your humble opinion, are the top two or three most significant accomplishments or achievements that you’ve had?

DH:  You mentioned one which was the heat treat books. I’ve had the privilege of writing actually ten books and several of them — six, as a matter of fact — have been in the field of heat treatment. I feel that that’s certainly an accomplishment I’m very proud of.  In other words, sharing what I know with others forever, if that makes sense.

The second, of course, is establishing, as you pointed out, The Heat Treat Doctor® brand. I’ll talk a little bit more on that later, perhaps.

The other thing that I guess I would say is that one of the things I’m most proud of accomplishing is doing a lot of good in the industry and doing as little harm to the industry as possible and also helping customers that have critical problems — whether they be in the aerospace industry, the medical industry, the automotive industry — helping them fix their problems and get back in operation again. I’ve been called up at three o’clock in the afternoon and asked, “How fast can you get here? We’ve shut the entire assembly plant down and there are a thousand people on layoff right now. Can you come in and help solve our problems?” That was on a Thursday afternoon, and by Saturday morning, they were back in production. Those are things I’m incredibly proud of.  Those are the ones that stand out the most.

DG:  Yes, that is impactful when it’s people you’re helping. That’s great.

Look back if you would please, Dan, on your career and say, “What are some of the lessons?” Give us two or three lessons that you’ve learned based on the experiences that you’ve been through.

DH:  When I think of what I’ve learned or the lessons that I’ve learned, I think I’ll divide it into two areas: One I’ve learned in business and the second will be what I’ve learned in life. Relative to business, I think the first one is: Be honest. And, of course, be ethical, be fair, try hard, communicate well and have infinite patience. In other words, not everyone understands what you’re saying. You must take the time to explain what you mean to the people you’re dealing with. Although that’s a strange answer on the business side, I think it’s most impactful.

Then, on the life side, my advice would be to enjoy the moment, live in the moment. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what you’re doing, enjoy the moment. I’ll give you one little aside on that: I remember the first day I started to work at Lindberg — I took the train to work, it was right across the street from the train station, I was walking across the street, I was 21-years-old, and I said to myself, “Only 44 years to go.” And I turn around and the 44 years has disappeared like it was yesterday. So, you must enjoy what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

The other thing I would say is to never sacrifice family for work. Never, ever. I made myself a promise as a young man after missing a couple of my oldest son’s birthdays that I would never miss another birthday of his in my life, and I’m proud to say I haven’t. But I think that’s an important life lesson, as well.

DG:  Yes, that’s good.

Were there any disciplines? You kind of mentioned a couple here, but were there any disciplines, whether they be life-general or work-specific, that you established during your work career you think have treated you well? Things that you’ve said, “This is a discipline I’m going to do every day, every week” or whatever it is. Is there anything along that line that you can remember?

DH:  Well, I have two passions in life right now. From the time I was old enough to remember, I had a passion for science, chemistry, in particular. My curiosity and interest in science has fueled, if you will, my working career. Metallurgy was once defined to me to be “the chemistry of metals,” which I’ll never forget – I enjoyed that definition. My other great passion in life is mathematics. I think that the logical thinking and the problem-solving aspects of that discipline stand out to me as something that help every day.

DG:  You mentioned earlier, just briefly, about not missing your son’s birthdays and things of that sort, which makes me wonder about this question which I’ve asked before in other interviews and that is:  How about work-life balance? Any tips for people? I, personally, find it difficult to turn off the work at five or six o’clock, sometimes. Any guidance or any suggestions for work-life balance?

DH:  First of all, Doug, that’s a hell of a question to ask a workaholic! Howsoever, absolutely, positively, there is a life-work balance. It’s different for each individual person. I will simply share mine and that is the fact that I have the unique ability, once the workday ends (and the workday may be 12+ hours), but once the workday ends, I can immediately transition into relaxation and “fun mode,” as I call it, without one thought about work. The thinking about work maybe creeps in when, finally, about midnight you’ve gone to bed or about 4:00 a.m. when you wake up, but the idea is the fact that I have real quality time to enjoy family and friends and pursue some of my nonwork passions. I don’t know if I should mention these; I mentioned mathematics, but I enjoy poetry and critical thinking, and those are hobbies of mine.

DG:  Do you find those hobbies to be exceptionally helpful to you in the sense of giving you a mental break from what you do? Does it make you a better metallurgist, a better engineer?

DH:  Yes. I really believe — and this is where that work-life balance comes in — you have to get away from it, whether it be five minutes or five days, you have to get away from it so you can come back to it refreshed and ready to go.

DG:  Yes. There is a concept out there about what they call “focused thinking” and there is “diffused thinking.” A lot of times when you’re focused on something and you’re thinking and you just can’t get it, you get away for a while. You’re in the shower or you’re sleeping at night and suddenly, boom — there it is! It comes to you because you weren’t focused on it, you were diffused. You were out doing something else and all of a sudden, the genius moment comes.

DH:  I will warn people: Don’t shave when the genius moment comes! It can be a life altering experience. It did happen to me, but that’s another story for another day.

DG:  Well, that maybe ties into this next question and that is this: This is maybe a little bit more of a serious question because, you know, life is not, as they say, all a bed of roses. What was the most trying time for you in your work career (whatever you’re comfortable saying) and coming out the other side and looking back, are there any lessons you would have learned from that?

DH:  I think one of the things that I think people will find to be a little bit unique, is that in my professional career, I’ve had very few trying times. Yes, I’ve had insanely tight deadlines, horrible/horrific travel schedules, getting to a hotel at three o’clock in the morning when you’ve got to get up at six and go visit a customer (we’ve all been there), and trying to temper customer expectations from “the want” to “the need,” if you will. Those are trying professional times.

But some of the work lessons that I’ve learned from that is that not everyone brings the same intensity or focus to a project as you do. Everyone is not as dedicated, and I want to not say “driven” because a lot of people are, but I hold myself to a high standard and as a result of that, you must learn to temper it down, to use a heat treat term. You have to learn to make sure that the recipient of the knowledge is receptive to the knowledge. I’m very much “old school,” although you’d never guess that from looking at me, but my word has always been my bond. I was taught long ago — if you say it, do it. If you don’t want to do it, don’t say it!

So, yes, I can handle pressure, I can handle a tremendous amount of stress, and I don’t view work as work, I view it as just a true labor of love. But all of that, my personality and all my experiences and all the help I’ve been given through the years, have blunted what you’d call “trying times.” I’m very fortunate in that sense.

DG:  That is a blessing, honestly. I don’t know that there are a lot of people that could say that. Most people, I would think, if I asked what the most trying time is, something immediately pops into their head. So, that’s very fortunate, it really is.

Let’s flip that question on its head though:  If you can think of one most exhilarating time, what would it be? What was the peak of your career?

DH:  Again, I’m probably going to give you a very nonconventional answer. And I will also make the comment that this is, perhaps, a little bit of a sexist comment, as well, but I have to say it:  I’m lying in bed one evening with my wife many years ago and I do a “sit up” — “I’ve had that “genius moment” and I said, “Oh my God, I’ve got it: The heat treat doctor!” Now, my wife, who’s semi asleep at this moment in time when I have my eureka moment, glances over at me and says, “Now that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” She rolls back over and goes to sleep. Well, it took me quite a while to get back to sleep. But, anyway, now we’re laying in bed about ten years later and she says to me, “You know, I was wrong. That heat treat doctor idea is really something.” And I’m lying there, Doug, and I’m going — I can count on one hand the number of times in life a man has ever heard a woman say, “I was wrong.” So, although I wanted to do a fist pump, I restrained myself, I lay there in bed basking in the glow of masculine superiority for all of about 30 seconds and then it’s business back as usual.

This is not a personal accolade here but establishing The Heat Treat Doctor® brand has brought heat treating into the forefront of manufacturing, into the forefront of the industry, into the forefront of engineering, that, yes, there is something called heat treating and it is a solution to your needs. So, I view the brand as not so much a personal accomplishment as an industry accomplishment.

DG:  Yes. Well, again, I think you’re being modest, because if I can just interject here:  You know The Heat Treat Doctor® idea was good, as has proven out to be the case, but there could be other people who would’ve come up with that and it would not have been as successful. Personally, Dan, I think that the reason that is the case with you, specifically, is because of your relatively unique skillset, which you’ve mentioned and I’m just going to highlight here a little bit.

I think you said it was your mother who taught you “all things words” and English and grammar and things of that sort. It’s a unique skillset to have someone who is knowledgeable about engineering, knows what they’re talking about and can do two additional things besides just knowing the engineering:  One, they’re patient enough (as you’ve mentioned in an example of someone you’ve talked about) to be able to spend time to explain it, but secondly, they’re good at explaining it. Some people are just not good teachers. You capture all three of those elements, if you will, “the engineering knowhow”: the ability and patience to teach and the ability to explain things well. I think that’s why The Heat Treat Doctor® has worked for you and worked very well.

DH:  I think that’s the case, Doug, and I agree.

DG:  Last question for you, because I always like to go away and depart on a question of:  You know, you’re an old-timer, right? (Not by my assessment but by your own statement. I still think you have a lot of years left here and we look forward to those.) But what kind of advice would you give to the younger people? You know, Heat Treat Today does 40 Under 40 — we’ve done three or four years of that, so we’ve got either 120 or 160 young people under the age of 40. Hearing advice from those more senior in the industry can be helpful. Are there any pieces of advice you would give to those young people?

"The idea being the fact that soap is your friend, soap is not your enemy. Get out there, do good and do work with your hands, contribute to your science and you will be a success."

DH:  Yes. It’s a very, very good question. The thing that comes to mind first, and this is perhaps difficult for younger people to understand, but you have to share your knowledge openly and without reservation. Now, I’m not saying give away company secrets. The things you learn in the industry, you must share because you strengthen the industry by doing that, you give the industry a competitive advantage by doing that and you’re helping, in your own small way, to educate the next generation of heat treaters. Because, at the end of your career, I think what you’re going to find is that what is important in our industry is to lead not to follow.  In other words, heat treating has to be the most cost-competitive industry or we will cease to exist.

An example I use, and everyone under 40 won’t understand this but I beg you to try:  When I was a young man, there was something in this world called the slide rule. We could do marvelous engineering calculations with nothing more than a slide rule. Well, the slide rule is a thing of the past. It’s a device that works perfectly fine, but who would ever use it over a calculator or a computer? It’s a product that’s obsoleted itself. We cannot let our industry obsolete itself.

Another piece of advice is:  Don’t worry what people say, what they do or what they think. Do good, contribute to your science and grow the industry. I guarantee you that at the end of your careers, you will feel like you’ve never really worked a day in your life.

The last piece of advice would be to emphasize: Be a hands-on engineer. Be a hands-on person. This is from my father, of course: Look at the practical side of things, the practical skills, the common sense that it takes to do our jobs. And don’t be afraid to go out there and get your hands dirty — soap was invented specifically for that purpose.

If I can indulge and give one last story (I’m all about telling stories with morals). I always have a bar of Lava soap in the bathroom so when I come in from working outside, I can wash my hands. I was out with the grandson one day a few years ago and we went into the house, and we went in the bathroom to wash our hands, and he took one look at that Lava soap, and he said, “Boy, does that taste bad.” And I’m thinking how would he know what Lava soap tastes like if his father hadn’t washed his mouth out with it? The idea being the fact that soap is your friend, soap is not your enemy. Get out there, do good and do work with your hands, contribute to your science and you will be a success.

DG:  Thanks, Dan, so much. I appreciate the time you’ve invested, not just with us here today, but for the 50 some years you’ve put into the industry. It’s been a great pleasure knowing you and working with you. We look forward to doing more with you here at Heat Treat Today, but thanks for all the very, very positive contributions you’ve made to the industry. We appreciate your time.

DH:  Doug, it’s my pleasure and thank you for doing this. I think it’s going to be a tremendous service to the industry.

DG:  Thank you.

For more information:

Doug Glenn <br> Publisher <br> Heat Treat Today

Doug Glenn
Heat Treat Today








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Heat Treat Legend #71: Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor® Read More »

Heat Treat Today’s Meet the Consultants: Dan Herring, “The Heat Treat Doctor®”

Heat Treat Today recently unveiled its Heat Treat Consultants page in the October 2018 print edition (available in digital format here) and at FNA in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer this comprehensive listing of heat treat industry consultants as part of our efforts to help minimize the effects of heat treat “brain drain.” With so many heat treat brains growing older, the expertise that once used to reside inside of manufacturing operations is dwindling. Where, then, do manufacturers with in-house heat treat departments go when they need heat treat answers?

Turn to Heat Treat Today and our comprehensive list of heat treat industry consultants, which we will introduce to you one by one in this occasional feature, “Meet the Consultants”. There is no more comprehensive list of heat treat consultants. Learn more about Dan Herring, “The Heat Treat Doctor®” and then click through to the page to read more details about each consultant. We are adding more regularly. Contact them directly, or call us and we’ll introduce you to them. Whether it’s a technical process question, a safety concern, a compliance issue, or a business related question, one of our heat treat consultants will be able to help. If you are a consultant and would like to be listed, please contact Doug Glenn.

Name: Dan Herring “The Heat Treat Doctor®”
Company Name: The HERRING GROUP, Inc.
Location: Elmhurst, Illinois
Years in Industry: 45+
Consulting Specialties:

  • Problem Solving & Technical Advice in Heat Treatment, Sintering, Brazing, Metallurgy, Engineering & Material
  • Metallurgical & Failure Analysis
  • Technical Education & Training (SAE-ARP-1962, Nadcap)
  • Marketing Studies, State-of-the-Industry Reports
  • New Product & Business Development

Send an email | Website | Phone: 630-834-3017


Dan Herring, who is most well known as The Heat Treat Doctor®, has been in the industry for over 45 years. He spent the first 25 years in heat treating prior to launching The HERRING GROUP in 1995. His vast experience in the field includes materials science, engineering, metallurgy, equipment design, process and application specialist, and new product research. Dan holds a patent (as a co-inventor), and a broad range of industries are made better for his consulting services in heat treating and sintering, metallurgy, operations, business management, sales and marketing, and technology. In particular, The Heat Treat Doctor strongly believes open sharing of knowledge and discoveries in the field will improve the industry: he holds a position as an associate research professor with the Thermal Processing Technology Center (Illinois Institute of Technology), has written four books and nearly 500 technical articles, and lectures frequently at conferences and workshops worldwide.

Publications or Significant Accomplishments:

  1. Founded The HERRING GROUP (1995)
  2. Associate Research Professor, Thermal Processing Technology Center, Illinois Institute of Technology.
  3. Author of 4 books on heat treatment: 1) Vacuum Heat Treatment: Principles, Practices, Applications, Volume I(BNP Media; 2012); 2) Atmosphere Heat Treatment: Principles, Applications, Equipment, Vol. 1 (BNP Media, 2014); 3) Atmosphere Heat Treatment: Atmospheres, Quenching, Testing, Vol. 2 (BNP Media, 2015); 4) Vacuum Heat Treatment: Applications, Equipment, Operation, Volume II (BNP Media, 2016); as well as U.S. Government publications, including The Influence of Process Variables on Vacuum Carburizing (U.S. Department of Energy, 1995)
  4. Author or co-author of over 425 technical articles on Heat Treatment Processes at The Heat Treat Doctor’s Technical Library as well as The Heat Treat Doctor’s Heat Treat Hints .
  5. Co-inventor of patented “method of carburizing steel comprising carburizing steel under vacuum utilizing as the carburizing gas an aliphatic alcohol having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, preferably methanol and natural gas additions.” (Patent No. US4386973A)
  6. A frequent lecturer at local, national and international conferences
  7. Consulting Technical Editor and Monthly Contributor, Industrial Heating, including over 500 articles and blog posts
  8. Contributing Writer: Vac Aero, Fastener World, Fastener Technology International, Heat Treating Progress, Wire Forming Technology International, Gear Solutions, and more (see list linked under #4)
  9. Member: ASM International, American Gas Association “Hall of Fame”
  10. One of the “25 Most Influential People in the North American Heat Treating Industry” (The Monty, 2007, 2009)

Links to Heat Treat Today or Other Online Resources from This Consultant (a select list)

References (partial list): |  The Heat Treat Doctor  |  Vac Aero  |  Industrial Heating  | Thermal Processing Technology Center

Heat Treat Today’s Meet the Consultants: Dan Herring, “The Heat Treat Doctor®” Read More »

Heat Treat Radio #80: Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today – Mill Processes and Production, part 2

Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, and several other Heat Treat Today team members sit down with long-time industry expert Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor® of the HERRING GROUP, to finish the conversation about mill processes and production. Enjoy this third informative Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today

Below, you can watch the video, listen to the podcast by clicking on the audio play button, or read an edited transcript. 

The following transcript has been edited for your reading enjoyment.

Dan Herring (DH):  When it comes to heat treating, the mill will do what we typically call ‘basic operations.’ They will anneal the material and, if you’ll recall, annealing is a softening operation (it does other things, but we will consider it, for the purpose of this discussion, a softening operation) so that the steel you order from the mill will be in a form that you can then manufacture a product from. You can machine it, you can drill it, you can bend it and things of this nature.

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There are various forms and various types of steel that can be ordered directly from the mill. So, the mill typically does annealing operations and normalizing operations. The difference between annealing and normalizing is that annealing has a slower cooling rate than normalizing does.

In the aluminum industry, we don’t talk about normalizing but talk about homogenizing. Homogenizing is to aluminum what normalizing is to steel; it’s a crude analogy, but it’s true. The mill can do other processes; they can do other heat treatments, they can do specialized rolling and things of this nature to give you enhanced mechanical properties. In today’s world, there is a lot of what we call “custom” or “specialty mills” that can manufacture very specialized products. There are mills that primarily make pipe and tube, there are mills that make primarily wire, there are mills that make primarily strip. There are some very customer-specialized mills out there. In general, a mill will produce most of the type of products that we see or use in industry (or the steel for those products), and they will make it in a form that is usable for the end user and heat treated to a condition where the end user can make a product with it. Now, obviously, once you make a product, you may then have to further heat treat that product, for example, to harden it or to give it certain characteristics that you need. We’ll talk about those things in later discussions about this.

What I did want to talk about is the types of steel that are produced by the mills. I’ll do this, hopefully, in a very, very broad context, but I think it will make sense to everybody. Again, metallurgists aren’t known too much for their creativity, so we start out with something called carbon steel. Very original. There is low carbon steel, medium carbon steel and high carbon steel. Low carbon steel has low carbon, medium carbon steel has medium carbon, and a high carbon steel has high carbon.

Now, to be more serious, a low carbon steel typically has less than or equal to 0.3% carbon, or less than 0.3% carbon. A medium carbon steel has between .3% carbon and .6% carbon, and a high carbon steel is greater than .6% carbon. An example of a medium carbon steel might be a 1050 or 1055 grade of steel. Those are commonly used for stampings, for example. So, all of your seatbelt, both the tongue and the receptacle are made of a 1050/1055 steel and they’re austempered to give them both strength and toughness so that in an accident, the buckle won’t shatter because it’s hard but brittle and it won’t bend abnormally and therefore release because it has inherent toughness.

So, there are various things you do with these carbon steels in the heat treat mill to enhance their properties. Carbon steels are used because they’re low cost and they’re produced in tremendous quantities. If you went to a hardware store and bought a piece of steel, it is very likely it will be a simple carbon steel.

On the other hand, we also make alloy steels and, interestingly enough, there are low alloy steels, medium alloy steels, and guess what, high alloy steels. Again, metallurgists are very creative with their names. But idea here is you get higher strength than a carbon steel, a little better wear resistance and toughness, you get a little better corrosion resistance, for example, you might even get some specialized electrical properties and things like this.

But low carbon steel, just to go back to that for a minute, as I said, is produced in huge quantities. Examples are steel for buildings, steel for bridges, steel for ships. We learned our lesson, by the way, with the Titanic; we got the steel right this time. The problem with that steel, by the way, was high in sulfur which embrittled it, interestingly enough, in cold water. So, when it hit the iceberg, the steel shattered because it was brittle because it had too much sulfur. But we learned our lesson.

Titanic, 1912
Source: Wikipedia

There are also various construction materials; anything from a wire that’s used in fencing to automotive bodies to storage tanks to different devices.

When you get into medium carbon steels, because they have a little better strength and a little better wear resistance, you can use them for forgings, you can use them for high strength castings. So, in other words, if you’re producing gears or axles or crank shafts, you might want to consider a medium carbon steel, or seatbelt components as we talked about.

Then there is the family of high carbon steels. Again, they can be heat treated to give you extremely high hardness and strength. Now, they’re obviously more expensive than medium carbon or low carbon steels, but when you’re making knives and cutlery components, (knives and scissors, for example), when you’re making springs, when you’re making tools and dyes. Railroad wheels are another example of something that might be made out of a high carbon steel. As a result of this, the type of product that your company is producing, means that you’re going to order a certain type of steel that you can use to make your product and give it the longevity or the life that your customers are expecting.

One of the things about steel that differentiates it from aluminum: Aluminum has a very good strength to weight ratio. But so again does steel, but obviously the strength to weight ratio, the weight is specifically much more, from that standpoint. But we can take steels that we produce from the mill, and we can do processes like quench and temper them. If we do that, we can make things like pressure vessels, we can make the bodies of submarines, for example, we can make various pressurized containers and things.

Stainless steel pots
Source-Justus Menke at

There are a lot of different things we can do with steels to enhance the products that we’re producing. Besides just low carbon steel or carbon steels and alloy steels, we then can go into the family of stainless steels, for example. Most people think of stainless steels as being corrosion resistant. I’ll warn you that not all stainless steels, however, are corrosion resistant; some of them can corrode in certain medias or chemicals, if you will. But with stainless steels, a good example of that is food processing containers or piping or things that will hold food or food products, and again, we can make with stainless steels a variety of different products. We can make different components for buildings, for example, or for trim components and things.

Besides stainless steels, of course, we can make tool steels. Now, tool steels represents a very, very high alloy steel. The alloying content of tool steels is typically 30 to maybe 50% alloying elements: molybdenum and vanadium and chromium and these types of materials. As a result, we can make a lot of dyes and we can make a lot of cutting tools, we can make taps and other devices that are used to machine other metals, if you will. So, tool steels have a lot of application.

But there are a lot of specialty steels that are made by the mills, as well. One example of that, that I like to talk about or think about, is spring steels because you can make various things like knives and scraper blades, putty knives, for example, besides cutlery knives. You can make reeds for musical instruments, the vibrating instruments in the orchestra, if you will. You can make springs and you can make tape measures, tapes and rules and things of this nature out of these various spring steels, if you will.

Depending on what your end-use application is, the bottom line here is that whatever your end-use application is, there is a particular type of steel that you should be using and there is a form of that steel that you can use. Again, those steels can be produced by a variety of different processes; they can be forged, they can be rolled, hot and cold rolled, again. And when I’m talking about hot rolling, I’m talking about temperatures in typically the 1800-degree Fahrenheit to 2200/2300-degree Fahrenheit range. When I talk about hot rolling, the metal is, indeed, hot, if you will.

By the way, roughly, iron will melt at around 2800 degrees Fahrenheit, just to give you a perspective on that, if you will.

The key to all this is that the form that is produced by the mill meets the needs of their customers and their customers’ applications. If you need a plate, for example, they will produce plate in various sizes and thicknesses.

Rolling direction
Source: Barnshaws Group

By the way, just a quick note, and this is for all the heat treaters out there: Be careful of the rolling direction in which the plate was produced. We have found that if you stamp or cut component parts out of a plate with the rolling direction, or transverse or across the rolling direction, you can get vastly different properties out of the products. It’s amazing that you can get tremendous distortion differences from heat treated products depending on the rolling direction. If you’re stamping or forming out of a plate, you’re transverse or in line with the rolling direction. Most people don’t even think of that. They take the plate, they move it into the stamping machine, and they could care less about the rolling direction. Then, when the poor heat treater does his heat treating and distorts all the parts, the man comes back and says, “What’s wrong?”

By the way, that little example took only nine years of my life to solve. We had some, what are called, "springs" that are the backing on a knife. When you open a knife blade, there is a member that it’s attached to called a spring. Those springs were distorting horribly after being oil-quenched in an interval quench furnace. It happened to be a conversation around the coffee machine where one of the guys made the comment that, “You know, it’s really funny, we never had problems with distortion until we got that new stamping machine in.” Low and behold, in investigating it, the old machine took the plate in one direction, the new machine had to take the plate in a different direction and it rotated. . . . End result.

So, I guess for everybody listening, the key to this is that no matter what the material is that’s being produced, we need to use it sometimes in its cast form, we need to use it sometimes in its finished forms, which again can be bar and sheet and plate and wire and tube and things of this nature. And to get those shapes, we need to do things like hot and cold rolling, we need to do forging, we need to do operations like piercing to actually produce rings and things of this nature. So, although I didn’t go all the details about that, there is a lot of information out there about it. I wanted to set the stage for it to say that it’s the end-use application by the customer that fuels the type of steel being produced and fuels the form in which the steel is produced.

Perhaps as a last comment, on my end anyway, at this point, is the fact that a mill is a business just like anyone else’s business. We’re always looking for ways to cut costs, (not cut corners, but reduce cost), and mills have found that in the old days — and the old days weren’t necessarily the “good old days” — a mill made everything; they made all types of steel, they made all types of shapes and forms. But today, a lot of mills are saying it’s not economical to produce that particular type of steel or that particular form of steel, so we’ll leave that steel production to someone else, and we’ll only concentrate on high volume production.

You know, it’s very producing steel, a typical heated steel (and people will probably correct me on this), is somewhere in the order to 330,000 pounds of steel. So, if you’re a small manufacturer and don’t happen to need 330,000 pounds of steel, you have to go to a distributor and, more or less, maybe compromise a little bit to get the steel that you need. But the mills are producing large quantities of steel and very specialty steel grades, in general, today.

Doug Glenn (DG):  It’s essentially specialization of labor so it helps keep each individual mill’s cost down, but it doesn’t have the variety it used to.

Let’s open up for questions, really quick. I’ve got one if nobody has one, but I hope somebody else has one. So, fire away if you’ve got one.

Carbon steel gate valve
Source: Matmatch

Bethany Leone (BL):  When you said that, Doug, my question jumped out of my head. I had 3 questions though but the ones I remember aren’t that important. One is — I recently visited an old blast furnace in Pittsburgh, Carrie Blast Furnaces; everybody should go, if you’re in the Pittsburgh area), so some of this sounds familiar. The second thing I was wondering is just how high can the carbon percentages go in carbon steels, .6%+, right?

DH:  Yes, greater than .6%, and it’s not uncommon for carbon in various types of steels to go over 1%. It typically can go in certain tool steels and things higher than that. But one of the things that differentiates a steel from a cast iron is the percentage of carbon in the material. And carbon over 2% is considered a cast iron as opposed to a steel. Steel has a carbon percentage from .008 all the way up to 2%. That’s a great question and something to be aware of. When you buy a cast iron skillet, for example, you’re getting a material that has greater than 2% carbon in it.

BL:  The other question I had is sort of more on the business end, if you know any of this, is- with the high energy that it takes to process iron, I imagine there have been efforts to try to reduce costs to produce energy that’s used to be a technology and innovation and especially right now with many people concerned with sustainability in those practices, are there ways that maybe even clients have influenced how businesses iron manufacturers in the iron manufacturing world have been trying to keep those environmental  loads down, do you know?

DH:  That’s a very intriguing question. I don’t have all the facts and information on it, but I’ll share a few things. As opposed to the production of aluminum, which is primarily using electricity, steel production uses typically natural gas. There were, in the old days, oil-fired equipment and things of this nature but today it’s typically gas-fired furnaces and things of this nature. Now, I have to be careful when I say that because some of the steel refining methods, (for example, the vacuum arc remelting furnaces and things of this nature), again, use carbon electrodes and use electricity, if you will, in the process. But essentially, what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to, for example, capture waste heat and reuse it to preheat different materials and processes and things of this nature, and they’re using methods that are trying to make the overall equipment more energy-friendly; if you will, better insulations, better fit of components than the old days when they didn’t care too much about if we got heat pouring out into the shop, we don’t care. Today, we really care about those things.

But steelmaking, again — for a different reason than aluminum — is a very energy intensive process; it uses a lot of energy to produce steel.

I’ll make a quick comment also, and I’m not saying this especially from anyone internationally who happens to be listening in to this: I’m not saying this is an “America only” comment, if you will, but in 1900, the largest industry, the largest company in the U.S. was U.S. Steel. United States Steel was the number one most profitable company in the country. If you think about it, throughout what would be the 20th century, steel and steel production has fueled, if you will, the American economy. We’ve since transitioned to other more angelic materials, if I can use that phrase; I won’t define it. However, who do you think produces over 50% of the world’s steel today? Anyone want to guess?

DG:  The U.S.?

DH:  No! China. And where is the manufacturing growth taking place? So, the production of aluminum, the production of steel, fuels manufacturing is my message here.

Yes, there are environmental consequences, but I often use the phrase and, again, this is not intended to be insultive to any one country, but for all the recycling, for all the energy saving, for all the environmental progress we can make in the United States, if we could reduce coal consumption in China (and India, of course), it would have major, major impact on the environment. And that’s not having 100-year-old steel mills, like we have here in the U.S., will go a long way, if you will.

DG:  I’m going to give you 30 seconds, Dan, to answer one more question, okay? Here’s the question: Aluminum doesn’t rust, most steels do. Why is that?

DH:  In simple terms, because aluminum reforms an aluminum oxide on the surface and that oxide is impenetrable, virtually, to further oxidation, whereas iron produces an iron oxide on the surface in the form of rust, it flakes off and you can reoxidize the surface. Now, there are steels — core10 is an example — self-rusting steels, that once they rust, they don’t reoxidize, but that’s the basic difference, Doug, between them.

DG:  Perfect, perfect.

Alright guys. Thank you very much, Dan. I appreciate it. We’re going to get you on deck for another one here pretty soon on another topic, but we appreciate your expertise.

DH:  Always a pleasure and, as I’ve said, I’ve reduced 3,000 pages into 30 minutes so hopefully people that are interested will read up more on these processes.

DG:  Yes. Appreciate it. Thank you!

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Heat Treat Radio #80: Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today – Mill Processes and Production, part 2 Read More »

Heat Treat Radio #76: Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today – Mill Processes and Production, Part 1

Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, and several other Heat Treat Today team members sit down with long-time industry expert Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®, to talk about simplified mill practices and processes as they relate to aluminum and steel. Enjoy this second informative Lunch & Learn with the Heat Treat Today team. 

Below, you can watch the video, listen to the podcast by clicking on the audio play button, or read an edited transcript.


The following transcript has been edited for your reading enjoyment.

Dan Herring (DH):  It’s my pleasure to be here and what I’m going to attempt to do in about the next 30-40 minutes is take about 3 or 4,000 pages of literature and condense it down into some simple English and some common sense, if you will.

We will talk about mill practices, production methods, and what I like to call the forms produced. We might call this whole thing “simplified” for lack of a better terminology, if that makes sense. I’ve selected two very common materials to talk about. The first one is aluminum and the second is steel. But I’m going to disguise that a little bit and talk a  little about aluminum and iron. Just to recall, maybe our high school chemistry, aluminum (or aluminium as it’s called by the rest of the world), has chemical symbol Al and iron has chemical symbol Fe. You might wonder how we got Fe from iron: it’s from the Latin word ferrum. Aluminium is another story which I’ll leave for another time, but it is quite interesting.

If we’re going to talk about aluminum and if we’re going to talk about iron, why isn’t steel an element? That’s a question I get very often. Steel is actually an alloy. That’s a combination of different elements. The way I like to think about steel is it’s iron and manganese and carbon and some other alloying elements put in that make specific types of steel that are used for specific applications and application purposes.

Watch or listen to the first episode in this series

The other common question I get is you’ve heard of terms in history like “the stone age” where all the tools and, by the way, the weapons were made of stone. Similarly, the stone age gave way to something called “the bronze age.” That’s where an alloy of copper and tin came on. Again, it made better tools and, by the way, better weapons than the stone tools were. Then, later, you probably heard that there was something called “the iron age”, and we all commonly have heard these terms, but why haven’t we heard about “the steel age”? That’s a common question. What is the steel age? Why isn’t it an age, if you will? That’s because we came up with a very fancy term: The Industrial Revolution, where we started to use steel as an engineering material. I don’t want to get too off subject here, but thought I’d mention that.

So, we begin with raw material, and we call that within the industry an ore. Now, most raw material is in the form of ore or minerals that are found in nature, and they’re typically the element of interest (aluminum or iron in this case) combined with possibly some undesirable elements. The ore that we get from the raw material that we get from the earth has to be refined to make it into a metal. And there are certain raw materials (gold is a good example), that are found in its pure state. I which I could have found more of it in my career, then I wouldn’t be talking to you, but that’s a different story! The idea here is the fact that most ores come in the form of, or most minerals are found in nature and have to be refined.

[blockquote author="Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®" style="1"][The] chemical bond between aluminum and oxygen is very strong. As a result of that, we need a lot of energy to break that bond apart, to produce aluminum the metal and oxygen the byproduct. A lot of energy is required for that[/blockquote]

The principal ore containing aluminum is something we call bauxite. Bauxite is aluminum oxide, chemical symbol Al203. The way I like to think of bauxite is bauxite is dirt. We can put a dress on it, but it’s still dirt at the end of the day. It’s a special type of dirt. It’s a dirt that has 40-60% aluminum oxide in it. And there are certain areas in the world where bauxite is more common than others. Interestingly enough, Australia is a tremendous source of bauxite as is Africa. That’s why you find the majority of bauxite mines in either Australia or Africa or other places in the world.

When you get into iron, there are two principal ores — there are hematite and magnetite. They are iron oxides and they’re obviously rich in iron.

But to begin, let’s deal with aluminum and what the mill has to do, or what the aluminum manufacturing process really is. We start off, as I said, with dirt, with the raw ore. We then get fancy, and we crush it into a very coarse powder and then after we’ve crushed it, we want to refine it — we want to take and remove some of the impurities. So, we mix it with a little of what we call caustic soda, which is sodium hydroxide, and lime, which is calcium oxide or calcium carbonate, and we use that refining method to purify the raw ore. What we wind up with, interestingly enough, is a very fine white powder which is called alumina or aluminum oxide.

We start out the manufacturing process with a raw material that is a very, very fine powder that is almost all (principally 99%) aluminum oxide. We take it and we put it into a furnace, and we heat it. We do that process with electricity because we’re using carbon anodes, if you will, placed into the bath that we pass current through to melt the aluminum. The process therefore is extremely energy intensive. That’s why you find aluminum production plants in areas like the Tennessee valley, where we have a lot of hydroelectric power. You find them in Iceland, where you have a lot of geothermal energy to help produce electricity. But they’re very electrically intensive operations.

The scientific reason for that is that the chemical bond between aluminum and oxygen is very strong. As a result of that, we need a lot of energy to break that bond apart, to produce aluminum the metal and oxygen the byproduct. A lot of energy is required for that.

You might also find it interesting that when the process was first developed back in the 1880s, and it took that long to produce pure aluminum — if I remember right, the year was 1883 — but the price of an ounce of aluminum was more expensive than the price of an ounce of gold just because of the manufacturing of it.

But anyway, we’ve taken this aluminum powder, which is a white powder, we’ve melted it into a silvery-colored metal, and we do that inside a furnace. Then we tap the furnace — in other words, we pour out the molten aluminum and we either produce cast products from the aluminum or we produce what are called ingots for subsequent working. We either make castings directly or we make ingots.

Cast products, examples of them, might be engine blocks, wheel rims for automobiles, even some small appliances (there are toasters that are cast), patio furniture, tools, cookware — a lot of things wind up just as cast products.

But if we’ve produced an ingot, now we have various methods that we take to produce an engineered product, if you will. We can extrude the aluminum — in other words, we can take an aluminum ingot and we can put it in a press and press it into a form and we can make things like aluminum ladders, bicycle frames, even certain airframe components, out of extruded material. We can take these ingots and we can roll them — we can roll them hot, or we can roll them cold — this is called hot rolling and cold rolling.

But we can turn around and when we roll it, we can make sheet, we can make plate, we can make something that we’re all very familiar with which is aluminum foil. We can make wire, heat exchangers, panels for automobiles, and battery components. Again, in the transportation industry, we can make a lot of things for automobiles or airplanes.

Similarly, we can also forge the material. We hot forge it in this particular case, but we can make various rings and blocks and cylinders and sleeves and components that we can then take and machine.

The process of manufacturing aluminum is relatively straightforward, and it winds up, as I said, with an ingot of some type that is then manufactured into a product.

Doug Glenn (DG): I want to jump in with two thoughts:

You’re talking about that the manufacturing of aluminum from raw materials is highly energy intense. Two points on that: One, it’s much more energy intense than steel production, for one thing, and secondly, that makes some sense of why it is we do so much recycling (or at least try to) of aluminum, because it’s a lot cheaper to take already formed aluminum (an aluminum can or an aluminum wheel off a car) and melt it down. The amount of energy to do that is a lot less than it is to create aluminum from scratch. That was one thing, Dan, if you want to comment on that.

The second thing is you were talking about extruding. I imagine that most everyone knows what that is. You were talking about pressing it into a form. You’ve got to remember that with an extrusion, you’re pressing it through a dye. It’s kind of like your playdough that you push in that form, and you get a shape coming out the other end — that’s extrusion, and not to be confused with forging where you’re putting it into a closed thing and pressing it into a form.

DH:  Those are both very, very good comments. Interestingly enough, when you get into iron and steel making, the minerals, the iron oxides if you will, are far easier to break the bond between iron and oxygen than it is between aluminum and oxygen. That’s why the aluminum is such an energy intensive process.

And absolutely correct — recycling saves a tremendous amount of cost and is something that is vital to the long-term success of aluminum because an aluminum product, in general, is more expensive than a steel product.

You are correct — when you extrude something, you basically squeeze it through a dye, if you will. We’ll talk about that a little bit more in forging.

I want everyone to understand that when we start to talk about iron and steel making, because the process has been around for such a long time, there are certain terms that are used in the manufacturing process that have become synonymous with the process itself. Once again, we start out with an iron oxide, a mineral in the form of magnetite or hematite. We take that raw ore and we put it into something called a blast furnace. This is where we do a process called “smelting” of the material. We form a metal by taking and reducing the ore in the presence of air under pressure.

Source: Historic Pittsburgh

Coming out of the blast furnace is molten metal, molten iron, if you will. Now, historically, it’s called “pig iron.” The reason for that is when they originally cast different molds with shapes, the resulting structure looked like a litter of piglets that were actually suckling on their mother. So, the term “pig iron” came about. These little “pigs,” if you will, were broken off from the main casting. As I said, there are a lot of historical things going on.

In the old days, you then took the pig iron and you put it into what is called either a BOF (basic oxygen furnace) or an EAF (electric arc furnace) and then you remelted the pigs, if you will. But today, in most of the BOF and EAF processes, you wind up charging a hot liquid iron into those furnaces. They heated up, or continued to heat up, and then you turn around after you’ve converted the pig iron (which is about 94% iron and 6% impurities, so it’s still very impure) and with processing in a BOF or EAF furnace, you get the impurity levels down to less than 1%.

You might say to yourself, “Why is that important?” The idea in steel making is to take the raw material — the iron — and take everything out of it, so we can precisely add back in just those chemical elements that we want to make a particular type of steel. That’s essentially what the BOF or EOF is doing it; it’s converting the molten metal (or the pig iron) into a very, very pure material.

We then do a process which is called “tapping.” We transfer the raw material into a ladle furnace and inside the ladle is where we do the remainder of the refining process. What we wind up doing is we purify the material — we get rid of the additional impurities that are present, anything from hydrogen and oxygen and excess nitrogen to tramp elements and things of this nature. So, in the ladle, we do the refining. This can be done in a vacuum process, a vacuum degassing process, it can be done with an argon process, if you will. But we go from the blast furnace to the refining furnace (the BOF or the EAF), we then go into the ladle and what we’re doing is we’re taking the raw material and we’re making a purer and purer and purer form of, first of all, iron, and then we’re starting to add in elements that we want to make a particular grade of steel or type of steel. Then we’re going to do a process called “teeming” and “casting.” Teeming is basically pouring the molten metal into molds.

Source: BHP

What we wind up with is we have a process where we have liquid steel and we’re going to send it into either something called a continuous caster, we’re going to make ingots out of it, or we’re going to take and atomize the steel. I want to talk about atomizing the liquid steel first. The process is done by adding a gas such as nitrogen or argon or even air, or by using water, but the idea here is that what you wind up with is a powder metal.

By the way, it’s called “powder” metallurgy not “powdered” metallurgy. Powdered is cookies, but powder is what we produce from the atomizing process. The powder can either be spherical in nature or it can be rounded or even irregular-shaped, depending on the type of atomization process. But we take this liquid stream of metal, and we impinge it with either water or gas and burst it or break it apart into particles. Then we do a simple process which is called screening of those particles — it’s basically taking and getting finer and finer, or dividing the powder into finer and finer powders.

Depending on the purification of the powder, how fine the powder is, we use it for what we call conventional powder metallurgy, so we take and use it for basic sintering operations, for example. You’re all familiar with the rearview mirror on your automobile. Interestingly enough, the rearview mirror fits into something called a mirror mount, and that mirror mount is a powder metal part. It happens to be a stainless steel, but it’s a powder metal part.

The idea is the fact that we can have a conventional powder metal. We can have (if we use finer powder) a metal that is suitable for metal injection molding for making things like firearm components, orthodontic braces and things of this nature, or other medical-type devices. Or, if we get a superfine powder, we can turn around and we can use it for something called additive manufacturing.

We’ll talk a little bit more about these later, but from the casting process, we can either go into a continuous caster, we can make ingots, or we can atomize the liquid steel.

If we go into a continuous caster, we’re cooling down the steel and we’re producing three products — they’re called blooms, billets, and bars. Basically, the difference between them is their physical shape. A billet might only be 10 inches square or something of this size (10 x 10 x 10 inches). A bloom is defined as something that is less than one hundred square inches, typically, except if it’s a jumbo bloom caster which makes bigger blooms, but we’ll ignore that as it gets complicated quickly.

The idea here is the fact that we’re either going to take the liquid steel, we’re going to cool it down in some continuous fashion or we’re going to put it into a mold to make an ingot or we’re going to atomize it using water or a gas to make a powder. Those are the three forms that come out of this whole process.

DG:  Dan, I’ve got a quick question for you on that:  With the aluminum, you mentioned that you can melt it and then cast it directly into a finished product (a cast product). Do we do that much with steel? Do we often take steel and actually take it directly into an alternator casing or some other finished part?

DH:  Absolutely. There is a lot of cast steel that is used. The example that comes quickly to mind are probably valve bodies that are used in the petrochemical industry and things. If you think about the iron side, you’re very familiar with cast iron skillets and cast iron cookware. You can also have steel castings as cookware, but you typically don’t as it’s more expensive. But yes, you can make a variety of products directly as a casting.

As I said, you can make powder metallurgy products, and you can also make a family of products that we then call wrought products. What we do is we take those billets, blooms, and bars and then we either hot work them or cold work them to make various types of materials. We can roll them, we can pierce them, we can forge them. We can make sheet, we can make plate, we can make bar and tubular products, we can make wire, we can make strip. A good example is the fact that if you’re a razor blade manufacturer, you want to order material from the mill that’s in the form of strip, thin strip actually.

If, on the other hand, you’re in the oil and gas industry, and if you’re ordering pipe or tubing for use, as we call it, “down hole”, obviously it does no good to have delivered a strip of steel or a sheet of steel or a plate of steel, you want something obviously in the form a tube or a pipe that can then be used.

For more information:

Doug Glenn <br> Publisher <br> Heat Treat Today

Doug Glenn
Heat Treat Today








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Heat Treat Radio #70: Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today – Heat Treatment vs. Thermal Processing

Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, and several other Heat Treat Today team members sit down with long-time industry expert Dan Herring, the Heat Treat Doctor®, to discuss the difference between heat treating and thermal processing. If you’ve ever wondered about the difference – if one actually exists(!), then you’ll enjoy this highly informative Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today.

Below, you can watch the video, listen to the podcast by clicking on the audio play button, or read an edited transcript.

The following transcript has been edited for your reading enjoyment.

Doug Glenn (DG):  So, Dan, I want to turn it over to you, but I want to give a context though of what we’re going to be talking about. As you just mentioned, before we hit the record button, we’re pretty heat treat centric in our world, but there are a lot of other thermal processes that go on that aren’t exactly heat treat. We talk about some of them in our publication, not all, so what we’d like to do is turn over to you to talk about the difference between “heat treating proper” and “thermal processing, generally speaking.”

Dan, welcome and thanks for educating us.

Dan Herring (DH):  Well, thanks, Doug, and good afternoon, everybody. First of all, for everyone listening, I hope to cover the basics providing information without confusing everyone. If there are any questions as I go along, please don’t hesitate to ask them. I think it’s always better to have an interactive, back and forth discussion on things.

You are absolutely correct, Doug. we live in a heat treat centric world. I’m going to start off in familiar territory by discussing a little bit about heat treating. Then, we’re going to move into the differences between heat treating and thermal processing.

To give a simple definition of heat treating — simple yet complicated at the same time — is heat treating is the controlled application of time, temperature and atmosphere to produce a predictable change in the internal structure (that means the microstructure to metallurgists) of the material being treated. Now, the interesting part is that heat treating is (a) predictable, which is why metallurgists exists in the world and it is (b) controlled, which is why heat treaters exist in the world, and the darndable thing about heat treating is that it happens inside the metal or the material and, unfortunately, you (c) can’t see the changes that are taking place.

"Let me give you an example, if I can: I’ll hold this up; I don’t know if people can see it that well, but what this is is a helicopter transmission gear."

Let me give you an example, if I can: I’ll hold this up; I don’t know if people can see it that well, but what this is is a helicopter transmission gear. And if we were manufacturing this particular gear, one of the things we would do to measure, if we were successful or to see if we were successful, is to measure the dimensions of the gear that we were actually taking and manufacturing. But in the world of heat treating, because the changes happen inside the material, it’s very difficult to know if the part is good or not. But heat treating has the ability, as we say, to vary the mechanical properties, the physical properties and the metallurgical properties of a material. The problem is that we can change them either for the better or, as most heat treaters know, we can change them for the worst. That’s why there is something called quality control and quality assurance. But I’m drifting away from the main point.

In the world of heat treating, with that definition — the controlled application of time, temperature and atmosphere to produce the predictable change in the internal structure of a material — not only are we heat treat centric in this industry, but we are also often steel or iron and steel centric in this industry. Metallurgists tend to be either ferrous metallurgists (specializing in irons and steels) or nonferrous metallurgists, specializing in things called aluminum, or as the British and Europeans would say, “aluminium,” titanium, and some of the super alloys and things of this nature. The idea being the fact that there are a lot of different materials that can be heat treated.

We often limit ourselves, if you will. But there are parts of our industry that heat treat: for example, precious metals — the golds, the silvers, the platinums and things of this nature. There are also parts of our industry that deal with copper and brass. There are parts of our industry that deal with ceramics which deal with powder metal, if you will. So, one of the things as heat treaters we must remember is that even under just the heat treat umbrella, there are a lot of different disciplines out there. There are a lot of things that we cover, and we look at. There are a lot of different materials that are processed. And again, we think, in general, as heat treaters and probably incorrectly so, we think about what are called “semifinished goods.” What we think about are parts that are manufactured from steel, aluminum, titanium, copper or powder metal. We think of automotive parts, aerospace parts. We think of something like weapons or military equipment, ammunition, firearms. We think of agricultural products, farm implement products and things of this nature. So, one of the things we must be aware of is that there is a whole world outside of our comfort zone, and that is something that we’re going to explore today.

Before I go on, does that make sense to everyone, or does anyone have any questions about the heat treatment side of what we do?

"Heat treating is the controlled application of time, temperature and atmosphere to produce a predictable change in the internal structure (that means the microstructure to metallurgists) of the material being treated." - Dan Herring

DG:  No, I think that makes sense. You mentioned on the inside of the part that things can’t be seen so much. You will probably get to this Dan, but I assume that also includes surface treatments, or would that be something different?

DH:  We’ll talk a little bit about the difference between surface treatments and they fall into an area probably referred, in general, as “coatings” and things of this nature. But that is a good question, Doug- plating and coating and things of this nature.

Also, one of the things about heat treating that seems a little bit, possibly confusing is that heat treaters consider processes like brazing (which is a joining process), and they think of soldering (which is a low temperature joining process), as heat treatments. Similarly, we think of sintering, and we think of heat treatments of powder metal products, or we think of powder metallurgy as falling under the subject of heat treatment because we think so much about sintering. But sintering is a bonding or a  diffusion process. So, heat treaters think of heat treatment, they think of brazing, and they think of powder metallurgy all combined into that big umbrella. For any brazers who are listening, or any powder metal people who are listening — they probably died of cardiac arrest at this moment in time — but, in general, that’s what heat treating does: it considers those separate entities as part of it.

Let’s go on and look at the fact that I can say to you — automotive components, gears, bearings, aerospace components, landing gear transmission boxes, fasteners, screws, nuts, bolts, farm implement equipment -- those are things that commonly come to mind. People don’t often think, for example though, of things like jewelry which is something that is commonly heat treated or “processed,” if you will, more on the thermal processing side. A lot of electronic materials are also thermally processed, and a lot of castings and things done in the foundry industry.

But, as I said, we think of semifinished goods where a semifinished goods-centric/heat treat-centric world; but there are other worlds out there. Let’s kind of talk about them. But mill practices, or what we call “primary metals,” are another area that’s covered, interestingly enough, under heat treating. Because in steel mills and things of this nature, you’ll find soaking pits, for example. In aluminum processing facilities or aluminum foundries, you might find solution heat treating and aging ovens and things of this nature. So, there is, in a very broad or general sense, heat treating also done on the mill or the material production side of things. Again, unless we’re in that industry, we don’t tend to think about it that much. So, we have to.

But, if I also said to you that things like cosmetics are being processed, not heat treated, but thermally treated, if you will.  Or things like cement, or minerals in raw ore, ore materials and things- these all fall in the category of now “thermal processing.”

Let me try to give everybody just a feel for what the different categories of thermal processing are. The number one category, of course, is heat treatment. There is another thermal process . . . . And, by the way, thermal processes are also confused a little bit because we use heat, or we use cold — those are both thermal processes. For all the heat treaters out there, we do things like deep freezing, and we do things like cryo-treatments, cryogenic treatments. Those fall under the umbrella of heat treating. But there are other deep cooling or cooling processes that fall under this umbrella of thermal processing.

Besides heat treatment, thermal processing consists of a few areas which you are maybe familiar with and then again maybe you’re not that familiar with. One of them is calcining which I often call the drying of powders, if you will. This can be in the form of ores, it can be in the form of minerals, it can be in the form of coke (which is a coal byproduct, if you will), it can be in the form of cement. So, there are drying processes that occur under thermal treatment which is in the area of calcining.

There is also a big category called fluid heating where what we’re doing, (and by the way, air is a fluid as well as water and liquids are fluids), so we can turn around and do things like chemical processing which is done at elevated temperature. I had a client that was producing mayonnaise and the mayonnaise has held at 180 degrees Fahrenheit- it is a thermal process, if you will.

Distillation. We won’t talk about alcohol much in the world. I will only comment that all of you think this is a bottle of water, but you could be mistaken about that.

The idea is that fact that fluid heating, calcining, drying, smelting, metal heating in general, curing and forming — which is done a lot on ceramics, on paints, paint drying and things of this nature. There is, just in general, other methods of heating. I’ll give you a simple example: waste incineration. We know that our trash is burned at ultra-high temperatures to reduce emissions, if you will, but avoid going into landfills or, worse yet, dumping it in the ocean and believing that somehow it won’t return to our ecosystem. But incineration is an example of a thermal process.

There are quite a number; there are literally hundreds of thermal processes that are occurring all the time that we don’t, in general, think very much about. Heat treating is typically divided into two general categories — processes that soften a material and processes that harden a material. So, in the category of softening, we think of things like aging, we think of things like annealing, we think of things like normalizing, or even stress relieving (in other words, taking the stress out of material is a softening process).

DG:  Tempering, as well, Dan? Would it be in that?

DH:  Well, tempering, in a sense, could be considered a softening process. It’s a good one. I consider it more a softening process than a hardening process, but it’s typically so intimately linked with hardening that people think of it as a hardening process. But, hardening and case hardening, austempering, and then, of course, brazing which is a joining process, soldering, sintering which is a bonding process, homogenizing (when we talk about aluminum), solution treating (when we talk about aluminum). Solution treating is not a hardening process, interestingly enough- it’s the aging or the precipitation hardening process after the solution heat treatment that is actually the hardening process.

The idea of the fact is that we’re very familiar with those terms; we’re less familiar with coke ovens or waste incinerators or distilling facilities, or things of this nature. We’re not used to processing resins or composite materials, even though there are autoclaves that use a combination of high pressure and temperature to form some of the composite materials that are used in the aerospace industry.

The way I like to think about it is there is a giant umbrella which is called thermal processing. Under that umbrella is a small segment, maybe not so small, called heat treating, and then heat treating is divided into semifinished goods and raw materials (or primary goods), and then it’s subdivided into irons and steels and nonferrous alloys. Now, in my day, when you graduated university, you graduated with a degree in metallurgy. Today, you become a material scientist which means that you’re dealing with composites, ceramics, electronic materials, a whole series of materials outside the realm of just iron and steel and aluminum and titanium, if you will.

The other thing that’s very interesting about our industry, in general, is probably the aspect of energy usage. The thermal processing industry, in general, and this is a rather stunning number, uses, in round numbers, about 38% of the energy produced in the United States. Now think about that as a number. Of all the energy consumed by people in the U.S. or in Canada or in Mexico or anywhere else in the world, two-thirds of it or greater — 40% of it, almost — is used in thermal processing. About 25% is used by transportation, and another 20% or so is used by residential. Then, there’s about 15% used in, what we call, “other” category. But, in thermal processing, which is also true in heat treating, about 80% of the energy comes from natural gas. And only 15%, (round numbers), comes from electricity.

We have to realize that we’re not only, as heat treaters “heat treat-centric,” “iron and steel-centric,”  “aluminum-centric,” but we’re also “natural gas-centric.” Those are staggering numbers to consider. The reason for it, the reason we’re natural gas centric, not only in the heat-treating industry but in the thermal processing industry as a whole, is simply because natural gas is the cheapest energy source available right now. And, these numbers, although they apply specifically to North America, can also apply, if you will, to the world in general. The numbers vary a little bit throughout the world, they may be different in Europe and different in Asia, but not so much that it varies so greatly.

What I’ve tried to cover — and I realize I haven’t left a lot of room for questions here and I apologize for that — but I’ve tried to give you the idea that heat treating is a very important part of a much larger industry that services the manufacturing community.

Let’s open for discussion from anybody.

Dan Herring and the Heat Treat Today team: Karen Gantzer, Bethany Leone, Doug Glenn, Dan Herring, Evelyn Thompson, and Alyssa Bootsma

DG:  That sounds good. Do any of you have questions, at all?

Alyssa Bootsma:  I did have one. I think it was very helpful in understanding everything and the idea that thermal processing is an umbrella and heat treatment is just a part of that really clicked for me. I was wondering if you could talk about calcining a little bit more and what that process actually is.

DH:  Sure. But before I do that, I want to mention one thermal process that I forgot to mention. Because I have a number of clients that work in the baking of cookies, and because I’ve consumed a few of those in my life, I don’t want to forget the baking industry.

DG:  The brewing industry?

DH:  Absolutely! By the way, the brewing hall of fame is located here in Chicago, unless I’m grossly mistaken.

Before we get to far afield, let’s talk about calcining a little bit. A number of powders, whether they be ores or whether they be things like cement or various minerals, are often processed in, what we call, a slurry. They’re processed in a form in which they are either cleaned or washed with water or with different chemicals. As a result, you have a wet mixture of a mineral and, let’s say, water, or in some cases they can be different chemicals, if you will, that go to either clean the minerals or dilute the minerals or things of this nature. But to go to further processing of those minerals, you have to dry them and put them into a form that they can be used. If this makes any sense, then let’s take cement as an example. It’s no good to keep the cement in a slurry because what’s going to happen to the cement? It’s going to dry and harden. So, what you have to do to send it to the consumers is you have to dry the powder, if you will, deliver it to the end-user who will then add liquid to it to once again form it or turn it into liquid cement. Calcining, is really, in simplest terms, to answer the question directly, I always consider it, a powder-drying process.

DG:  Dan, any idea why they call it “calcining?”  I’ve always wondered this.

DH:  Well, in the old days, I believe that limestone, (which is calcium carbonate), and so "calcining" and "calcium" from the calcium carbonate, I think that’s where the name originally came from. A good thing to look up, however- that’ll be my homework assignment.

DG:  There you go. Just as another example of a thermal process, it’s certainly not heat treat, just down the road from where I live, north of Pittsburgh, they have a lot of sand and gravel places. Believe it or not, there is a large, what I would call a, horizontally-oriented “screw furnace” — it’s a cylinder and it just rotates, and inside it’s heated up and they’re just simply burning off the moisture so that they can get the materials, or whatever it is they’re harvesting out of the earth, and get it down to a certain level of moisture so that they can process it. So, sand and gravel. That’s just another area.

Here's another one — and Dan, I want you to hit on glass if you don’t mind, in a minute — but here’s another one where thermal processing is used, which you might not think of, and that’s in the manufacturing of paper production. They’ve got to actually dry the paper and you wouldn’t think of it but they’re passing paper through flame (between flames, not actually in the middle of the flames) simply to dry paper before it goes onto these huge rolls.

One last comment, Dan:  We often talk about energy intensity and how much energy it actually takes to perform a certain process. One of the highest thermally intense processes that is used is not so much a heat treatment, but it is actually the manufacturing of concrete, believe it or not. There is very, very high energy intensity — it takes a lot of gas, in this case, to produce concrete.

But Dan, if you don’t mind, could you hit on glass production? We’re all looking out windows here and the manufacturer of glass is a thermal process.

DH:  Absolutely it is. But before I do that, quickly, that rotary drum that you saw, the one with the screw inside it, if you will, that helps move the powder, if you will, or the sand and gravel through, is a very typical calcining furnace. Rotary drums are also used in the heat treatment industry to process screws and fasteners, nuts and bolts, small products, if you will, typically.

But yes, paper is a good example but glass furnaces, too, where the glass is actually brought up and the sand and other elements, if you will, are melted into glass. Very disconcerting. You may find this interesting but roughly the walls on a glass furnace (I’ve seen 10-20,000-pound glass furnaces) are something like 4 inches thick, holding back all that molten glass. But again, you’re taking glass that is basically silicone dioxide, its sand is a major component of it. In colored glasses, you add different chemicals. Like, for example, if you want to form a bluish colored glass, you might add a copper oxide, for example, which will change or tint the glass to a different color.

You’ve heard of leaded glasses, for example. In the old days you added lead to glass to make it, again, more formable, if you will. But yes, glass furnaces or the manufacture and production of glass is very energy intensive, as well as cement, as is the production of aluminum, by the way, which basically uses electricity, which is why all of the aluminum facilities are located either near hydroelectric or thermal energy like in Iceland, for example, where you have geothermal energy which is used to heat and produce electricity. But yes, glass is definitely an example of a thermal process, as well.

Glass is interesting because we don’t necessarily do a lot of heat treatment of glass, but you may have heard of glass-to-metal sealing, where we’re actually taking a glass and sealing it into or onto a metal component. Like, for example, the site ports of burners where we look in to see the flame — those site ports are made by glass-to-metal sealing. But, in general, yes, melting and production of glass is a thermal process.

DG:  Dan, correct me if I’m wrong, and I could be wrong on this, but cellphones, right? Your glass on the front of that — the reason it is actually quite strong and won’t break is because it’s been thermally processed, a tempering process of some sort, I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the thermal process that can make a glass really, really difficult to break?

DH:  It is, plus the fact that glass is a quasi-solid, as we say. It’s a solid but it’s really not; it has more characteristics of a liquid, which, again, makes it more ductile or resistant to things It makes it more shock absorbing, for example. But yes, cellphones and cellphone glass are something I’ve got to do some more research on.

DG:  Right. They’ve got some stuff called “gorilla glass.”

I just want to recap a couple things for our team here and for other people that might be listening: When we talk about heat treat, which is what we’re centered on, it’s helpful for us to know what processes, materials and things that includes, and what processes and materials that doesn’t include, and that’s why this conversation on thermal processing versus heat treat is helpful for us. The way I like to describe it to our team and to most of the people who would be reading our publication or listening to this podcast, is typically Heat Treat Today is not involved with the making of steel but almost everything else after the making of steel we would deal with, almost everything. So, we don’t really do the steel making. Steel making, however, is very much a thermal process but we just don’t cover it. There are other publications that cover that. And we are very much steel-centered; we do aluminum, as well. However, in the aluminum world, we actually do deal with aluminum making. For reasons that basically have to do with the temperature range: the temperature range isn’t quite as high with aluminum making as it is with steel making. So, we do some of that. We don’t do a lot with aluminum making but a lot after aluminum is made. We do a lot of the homogenizing, annealing, solution heat treating and that type of stuff.

So, that is us. In heat treating, we define things like brazing, even though it’s a joining process, we tend to cover it. Soldering we don’t tend to cover because it tends to be a lower temperature. Dan didn’t mention it, but I’m sure he would, is welding: it’s a joining process but it’s not exactly anything we cover either. It’s not what we consider to be heat treating.

There is another joining process that we didn’t cover, and maybe we could hit on it briefly next time, and that is diffusion bonding which, to be quite honest with you, I haven’t done a lot of study on it so it would be interesting to know what that is. I know it’s done in vacuum and under high pressures, I believe, but things of that sort.

At any rate, that what’s we mean when we talk about heat treat — it’s primarily steels, aluminums, titaniums and typically not steelmaking and probably not titanium making either, but aluminum making and everything downstream from that tends to be us, and our temperature ranges tend to be, very generally speaking, 800 degrees Fahrenheit and above, or as Dan mentioned, ­­we can also do some things in the cryogenic range which are subzero temperatures. So, that is us. Everything that falls outside of that we would consider to be a thermal process, which is a lovely thing, but just not our cup of tea.

DH:  Look at this, Doug, a whole new business opportunity for you. With that, I’m extending myself beyond metallurgy, so I’ll quit there.

DG:  Dan, we really appreciate it. We look forward to more of these. We are going to try to do other topics, again, what I would call heat treat 101 type topics, our Lunch & Learn series with Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®. Dan, thanks a lot, we appreciate your time.

DH:  A pleasure, everyone. Thank you.

For more information:


Doug Glenn <br> Publisher <br> Heat Treat Today

Doug Glenn
Heat Treat Today

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Heat Treat Radio #70: Lunch & Learn with Heat Treat Today – Heat Treatment vs. Thermal Processing Read More »

Half-a-Dozen Fixtures and Fabrication Tips

Let’s discover new tricks and old tips on how to best heat treat, whatever your application.

In this Technical Tuesday, originally published in the March/April 2024 Aerospace Heat Treat print edition, Heat Treat Today compiled top tips from experts around the industry to get the best results in your heat treat furnace by optimizing fixtures and fabrications.

#1 Welding Fabrications with Nickel Alloy

Contact us with your Reader Feedback!

“Heat resistant alloys used for heat treating fixtures, muffles, retorts, radiant tubes, and other parts are typically stainless steel or nickel-based austenitic alloys.

“Good welding practices for nickel alloys are centered on the need to remove heat as quickly as possible in order to minimize the time spent in the hot tearing range. The first consideration is to keep the heat input as low as possible to still get a full penetration weld. The actual input in kJ is dependent on the alloy being welded.”

Source: “Marc Glasser on the Tools and Trade Secrets of Heat Resistant Alloy Welding,” reprinted in Heat Treat Today, 2020.

#hottearingrange #austeniticalloys

#2 Consider Corrugated Inner Covers

Inner covers are a component of the batch annealing process in the steel industry. If your inner covers are vertically corrugated, consider horizontally corrugated inner covers instead. Horizontally corrugated inner covers are repairable and, for this reason, offer longer overall life and better value.

Source: Alloy Fabrications

#batchannealing #innercovers #maintenance

#3 Countermeasure To Combat CFC Failure

“It is important to consider the specific process conditions in advance so that unwanted reactions — from carburization to catastrophic melting of the workpieces — can be avoided. Effective countermeasures can be taken.”

Dr. Demmel gives the following countermeasures:

  • Ceramic oxide coatings such as aluminum oxide (Al2O3) or
    zirconium oxide (ZrO2) layers placed onto the CFC
  • Hybrid CFC fixtures having ceramics in key areas to avoid direct
    contact with metal workpieces
  • Alumina composite sheets
  • Boron nitride sprays
  • Special fixtures made of oxide ceramics

Source: Dr. Jorg Demmel, “CFC Fixture Advantages and Challenges, Part 2,” Aerospace Heat Treating (Heat Treat Today, March 2023).

#CFC #fixtures

#4 Allow for Thermal Expansion

When bringing furnaces to operating temperature, always be aware of thermal expansion of your alloy components. Muffles, retorts, and radiant tubes all expand with heat input. These components must be free to expand within the furnace or early failure may result.

Source: Alloy Fabrications

#thermalexpansion #heattreatfailure

#5 Batch Rotary Retorts — Stay Put and Stay Clean

Batch rotary retorts are positioned on furnace rollers at the front of the furnace. In time, these retorts expand until they no longer track on the rollers. Extend the life of your batch rotary retorts by using adjustable roller brackets (available from Alloy Engineering). And to keep the outlet tubes clean, use Alloy Engineering pigtails and augers to self-clean batch rotary retort outlet tubes.

Source: Alloy Fabrications

#thermalexpansion #heattreatfailure

#6 Corrosion at Every Corner

“[All] materials are chemically unstable in some environments and corrosive attacks will occur. It can often be predicted or modeled. . . In the real world, however, it is important to recognize the various forms of corrosion, namely:

  • Uniform (or general) attack
  • Intergranular attack
  • Galvanic (or two metal) action
  • Erosion
  • Dezincifi cation (or parting)
  • Pitting
  • Stress corrosion
  • Electrolytic (or concentration) cells

Source: Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor©, Atmosphere Heat Treatment, vol. II, 2015, pp. 621.

corrosion #heattreatmaterials

Article provided by Heat Treat Today Editorial Team

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Half-a-Dozen Fixtures and Fabrication Tips Read More »

Message from the Editor: The Hard and the Smart of Learning

Heat Treat Today publishes eight print magazines a year, and included in each is a letter from the editor, Bethany Leone. This letter first appeared in the January/February 2024 Air & Atmosphere Heat Treat print edition.

Feel free to contact Bethany at if you have a question or comment.

Bethany Leone, Managing Editor, Heat Treat Today

Ever try to learn something that nobody seems to explain in clear English? While this is sometimes the reality in industries chock-full of competitive information, it can also be rooted in simply not knowing the limits of one’s knowledge.

It reminds me of June 2020, when I was entering the heat treat industry as an editor. I had a background in research, teaching, and writing, but certainly not materials science, manufacturing, or any type of engineering. There was an information gap I was keen on closing.

As a millennial, I went about this by supplementing my work hours with videos of iron ore being poured, reading blogs about specific temperature ranges involved in different heat treat processes, and scanning latest news in the four major Heat Treat Today industries (automotive, aerospace, medical, and energy) to learn what to ask about. The long and short of it was that I decided to “work smarter” by absorbing quick information bites that I could use as context for my work. And, at least to this young blood, the smart way means doing the job efficiently and effectively. (Notice how effectively follows efficiently.)

Now, there was absolutely nothing wrong with working smarter! The problem was that I was not getting any smarter. In fact, I was running into one problem a er another. Often, this was in the form of, “Does this equipment piece really matter to our readers?” or, “I understand time and temperature are important, but how do I write about them in this instance?” While I had absorbed information about the subject material, I
had not reconciled myself with the reality that arduous work was needed to learn information in a usable way.

My idea of working smarter at this stage, while helpful to an extent, was costing me the time and energy needed that could have been used to dedicate myself to learning one thing at a time, accepting the arduous nature of the process. Since then, I have taken opportunities to learn more
about equipment, processes, and heat treat resources through lectures, books, and richer knowledge sources. Now, because I have a richer understanding of industry information, I have the discernment needed to work smarter to be more effective.

As an example, this February issue is dedicated to annealing in roller hearth furnace systems. In preparation for this focus, I:

  1. consulted Dan Herring’s chapter about air/atmosphere furnaces and furnace classifications to identify why this equipment has such a name and some of the equipment highlights,
  2. talked with experts with a history in the heat treat industry about the equipment highlights,
  3. reviewed Heat Treat Radio’s episode on pusher versus continuous systems to better see how a pusher system functions,
  4. located technical articles written on annealing, and
  5. watched short videos of the system in action.

For a B2B editor, this list is sufficient . . . for now. But for heat treat decision makers working for manufacturers with in-house heat treat, more is needed. That is why we have assembled this magazine for you: to be better informed and so make better decisions. There are three features in the pages that follow to help give you greater insight into this one area of heat treat — roller hearth systems (see pages 10, 18, and 26 for these articles). Whether you are a veteran when it comes to using roller hearth furnace systems or a skeptical observer from the sidelines, I hope these articles are resources as you work hard to better learn this topic so you can work smarter when the need arises.

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Exo Gas Composition Changes, Part 2: Cool Down and Use in Heat Treat Furnaces

In Part 1, the author underscored the importance of understanding the changes in gas composition through three steps of its production: first, the production in the combustion chamber; second, the cool down of gas to bring the Exothermic gas (Exo gas) to below the ambient temperature; and third, the introduction of the gas to the heat treat furnace. Read Part 1, published in Heat Treat Today’s August 2023 Automotive Heat Treat print edition, to understand what Exo gas is and to learn about the composition of gas in the first step.

Harb Nayar
Founder and President TAT Technologies LLC Source: TAT

As the author demonstrated in Part 1, Exo gas composition changes in its chemistry for heat treatment; this first step is how the gas composition changes when it is produced in the combustion chamber. The composition of reaction products, temperature, Exothermic energy released, various ratios, and final dew point are all factors that need to be considered to protect metal parts that will be heat treated in the resulting atmosphere.

Now, we’ll turn to Steps 2 and 3.

Step 2: Composition of Exo Gas after Exiting the Reaction Chamber Being Cooled Down

The two examples that follow demonstrate how lean and rich Exo under equilibrium conditions change as they are cooled from peak equilibrium temperature in the combustion chamber down to different lower temperatures (Table B). This cool down brings the Exo down to below ambient temperatures to avoid water condensation.

Example 1: Lean Exo Gas with a 9:1 Air to CH₄ Ratio

The first column highlighted in blue shows the composition of the lean Exo gas as generated in the reaction chamber with an air to natural gas ratio of 9:1. The peak temperature as generated in the combustion chamber is 3721°F. The next four columns show how the composition changes when the lean Exo gas is slowly cooled from 3721°F to 2000°F, 1500°F, 1000°F, and 500°F under equilibrium condition. The following key changes take place as the temperature of the lean Exo is lowered from the peak temperature to 500°F:

  1. Hydrogen volume almost triples from 0.67% to 1.97%.
  2. H₂O volume decreases slightly from 19.1% to 17.5%, but still is very high at all temperatures.
  3. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) changes as the H₂ to H₂O ratio increases from 0.035 to 0.111. At all temperatures, it is very low.
  4. CO and the CO to CO₂ ratio drop in a big way, making lean Exo from being decarburizing at higher temperatures to being highly decarburizing at lower temperatures.
  5. The percentage of N₂ remains at 70.34 at all temperatures.
  6. There is no C (carbon, i.e., soot) or residual CH₄ at all temperatures.
  7. For all practical purposes, at an air to natural gas ratio of 9:1, the Exo gas as generated is predominantly an N₂ and H₂ (steam) atmosphere with some CO₂ and small amounts of H₂ and CO.
Table B. Air to Natural Gas at 9:1 and 7:1, cooled to various temperatures

Example 2: Rich Exo Gas with a 7:1 Air to CH₄

The column under ratio of seven is highlighted as red to show the composition of the rich Exo gas as generated in the reaction chamber with an air to CH₄ ratio of seven. The peak temperature is 3182°F — significantly lower than that for lean Exo. The next four columns show how the composition changes when the rich Exo gas is slowly cooled from 3182°F to 2000°F, 1500°F, 1000°F, and 500°F. The following key changes take place as temperature of the rich Exo is lowered from the peak temperature to 500°F:

  1. Hydrogen volume almost doubles from 5.58% at peak temperature to 9.91% at 1000°F, and then it drops to 5.70% at 500°F. The overall volume of H₂ in rich Exo is significantly higher than in lean Exo.
  2. H₂O volume decreases slightly from 17.9% to 15.1%, but it is still very high at all temperatures.
  3. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) changes as the H₂ to H₂O ratio increases from 0.312 at peak temperature to 0.737 at 1000°F before decreasing to 0.377 at 500°F. Overall, ORP in rich Exo is significantly higher than that in lean Exo.
  4. CO and the CO to CO₂ ratio drop in a big way, making it mildly decarburizing to more decarburizing
  5. The percentage of N₂ remains at 65– 67%, which is lower than lean Exo.
  6. There is no C (carbon, i.e., soot) at any temperature. However, there is residual CH₄ at 1000°F and lower. This increases rapidly when cooled slowly below 1000°F.
  7. For all practical purposes, the rich Exo gas (at air to natural gas ratio of 7:1) generated is still predominantly a H₂
    and H₂O (steam) atmosphere, but with more H₂; hence, it has somewhat higher oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) than lean Exo and a bit higher CO to CO₂ ratio (less decarburizing than lean Exo).

In summary, rich Exo as generated in the combustion chamber differs from lean Exo as follows:

  1. It has a little less N₂ % as compared to lean Exo.
  2. It has significantly more H₂ , but a little less H₂O than lean Exo. As such, it has a significantly higher H₂ to H₂O ratio (ORP).
  3. It is decarburizing, but less than lean Exo.
  4. It has residual CH₄ at temperatures below 1000°F. Therefore, it must be cooled very quickly to suppress the reaction of developing too much residual CH₄.


Let us take the example of rich Exo (an air to natural gas of 7:1) exiting from the reaction chamber in Table B (see column highlighted in red). The total volume is 853.3 SCFH and has H₂O at 152.4 SCFH (17.9% by volume). This is equivalent to dew point of 137°F. Its H₂ content is 47.6 SCFH (5.58% by volume). And the H₂ to H₂O ratio is 0.312.

If this were quenched to close to ambient temperature “instantly,” this composition would be “frozen,” except most of the H₂O vapor will become water. Let us assume the Exo gas was instantly quenched to 80°F (3.6% by volume after condensed water is removed). Rough calculation shows that the final total volume of H₂O vapor has to be reduced from 152.4 SCFH to about 26.0 SCFH in order to meet the 80°F dew point goal. This means 152.4 – 26.0 = 126.4 SCFH of H₂O vapor got condensed to water.

Now the total volume of Exo gas after cooling down to 80°F= 853.35 – 126.4 = 726.95 SCFH, or almost 15% reduction in volume of Exo gas as compared to what was generated in the reaction chamber.

Of course, the composition of Exo gas will not be the same as calculated above. The exact composition after being cooled down depends upon the following:

a. Cooling rate of the reaction products from the peak temperature in the reaction chamber to some intermediate temperature, typically around 1500°F.
b. Cooling rate of the gas from the intermediate temperature to the final (lowest) temperature via water heat exchangers — typically 10–20°F below ambient temperature unless a chiller or dryer is installed on the system.

Depending upon the overall design of the generator, especially how Exo gas coming out of the combustion chamber is cooled and maintained during the period of its use, the expected Exo gas composition should be in the range of the light red columns in Table B — where temperatures are between 1500°F to 1000°F — however:

  1. Total volume closer to 727 SCFH (since a major portion of H₂O was condensed out)
  2. N₂ between 74–77%
  3. Dew point between 80–90°F
  4. CH₄. between 0.1–0.5%
  5. H₂ percentage between 7–9%

Step 3: Composition of Exo Gas after Being Introduced into the Heat Treat Furnace

The cooled down Exo gas will once again change its composition depending upon the temperature inside the furnace where parts are being thermally processed.

As an illustration, let us assume the following composition of the rich Exo gas (with a 7:1 air to natural gas ratio) at ambient temperature just before it enters the furnace:

  • Total volume: 727 SCFH
  • H₂: 8% (58.16 SCFH)
  • Dew Point 86°F or 4.37% (31.77 SCFH)
  • CO: 6% (43.62 SCFH)
  • CO₂: 6% (43.62 SCFH)
  • CH₄ : 0.4% (2.91 SFH)
  • Balance N₂ (%)
  • 75.23% (546.92 SCFH)

Table C shows how the composition changes once it reaches the high heat section of the furnace where parts are being thermally treated. The column highlighted blue shows the composition of Exo gas as it is about to enter while it is still at the ambient temperature. The next three columns show the composition of the Exo gas in the high heat section of furnaces operating at three different temperatures depending upon the heat treat application — 1100°F like annealing of copper, 1500°F like annealing of steel tubes, and 2000°F like copper brazing of steel products. The H₂ to H₂O ratio decreases as temperature increases.

Other general comments on Exo generators:

  1. Generally, they are horizontal.
  2. Size ranges from 1,000 to 60,000 SCFH.
  3. Rich Exo generators use Ni as a catalyst in the reaction chamber. Lean Exo does not.
  4. Lean Exo generators typically operate at a 9:1 air to natural gas ratio. There is no carbon/soot buildup.
  5. Rich Exo generators typically operate at a 7:1 air to natural gas ratio. Below about 6.8 and lower ratios, soot/carbon deposits start appearing that require carbon burnout as part of the maintenance procedure.
Table C. Exo gas compositions in heat treat furnaces


A walkthrough of the entire cycle of gas production to cool down to use in the high heat section of the furnace clearly shows that as temperature changes, so does the Exo gas composition for any air to natural gas ratio.

Having a well-controlled composition of Exo gas requires the following:

  • Well-controlled composition of the natural gas used
  • Air supply with controlled dew point
  • Highly accurate air and natural gas mixing system
  • Highly controlled and maintained cooling system
  • A reliable ORP analyzer or the H₂ to H₂O ratio analyzer as part of the Exo gas delivery system.

Protecting metallic workpieces is paramount in heat treating, and in order to do this, the atmosphere created by Exothermic gas must be understood, both in the cool down phase and within the heat treat furnace. For further understanding of the good progress made in the improvement of Exo generators, see Dan Herring’s work in the reference section below.


Herring, Dan. “Exothermic Gas Generators: Forgotten Technology?” Industrial Heating, 2018, https:// 4828&p=121&ver=html5.

Morris, Art. “Exothermic Atmospheres.” Industrial Heating (June 10, 2023), https://

About the Author

Harb Nayar is the founder and president of TAT Technologies LLC. Harb is both an inquisitive learner and dynamic entrepreneur who will share his current interests in the powder metal industry and what he anticipates for the future of the industry, especially where it bisects with heat treating.

For more information: Contact Harb at or visit

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Exo Gas Composition Changes, Part 2: Cool Down and Use in Heat Treat Furnaces Read More »

Half-a-Dozen Vacuum Heat Treat Tips

Let’s discover new tricks and old tips on how to best serve vacuum furnace systems. In this print edition, Heat Treat Today compiled top tips from experts around the industry for optimal furnace maintenance, monitoring procedures, controls, testing, and more.

This Technical Tuesday article was written by the Heat Treat Today Editorial Team for the November 2023 Vacuum Heat Treating print edition.

#1 Three in One: Control Your Vacuum Furnaces

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Vacuum furnaces are an essential piece of equipment for a variety of industrial applications. They operate in a controlled environment with low pressure, high temperatures, and controlled atmospheres, making them ideal for processing high-quality materials. Here are three tips to guarantee the best results:

1. Understand your furnace’s capabilities and operating parameters:

It’s crucial to know your furnace’s design and its operating parameters — temperature range, pressure range, and cycle time, to name a few. This knowledge will help you determine the optimal setpoints for your process and ensure that you stay within a safe operating range.

2. Monitor process parameters:

To control your furnace, you need to monitor process parameters such as temperature, pressure, gas flow rate, and vacuum level. Using an automated control system like Gefran’s power controller with ethernet communication will help ensure you maintain the desired process conditions throughout the run. You should also regularly check the accuracy and age of your thermocouples and calibrate the system if necessary.

3. Follow standard operating procedures (SOPs):

Gefran 3850T controller showing vacuum furnace screen graphic
(Source: Gefran, Inc.)

Vacuum furnaces are complex systems, and the process can be hazardous if not done correctly. Train all personnel on proper furnace use to ensure they understand the hazards associated with the process as well as know the SOPs to ensure safe and repeatable results. Your SOPs must cover all aspects of the process, including loading and unloading the furnace, start-up, shutdown, and emergency procedures. In addition, Gefran’s power controllers offer predictive maintenance functions, such as heater diagnostics and constant temperature monitoring of the power cable connection to give you advance notice before issues develop and the line goes down.

By following these tips, vacuum furnace users will improve process control, optimize performance, and reduce energy consumption and downtime. They will also see increased productivity and improved product quality.

Source: Curt Uhll, Regional Sales Manager, Gefran, Inc.
#vacuumfurnaces #SOP #powercontrollers

#2: Mind Your Seals

Seals are everywhere on any furnace. Do you know where all the seals and leak points are? Door O-rings and rope gaskets are obvious examples. O-rings need to be clean and protected from abrasion. High temperature gaskets need to be flat, smooth, and unbroken. Almost every item of your furnace is sealed in some manner. It is best to replace seals as part of a preventative maintenance program. While your nose can detect ammonia, vacuum leaks require special helium leak detectors and a lot of training. Your furnace manufacturer’s service technician can assist in identifying problem areas and developing a maintenance routine to keep your furnace running. And a simple electronic manometer is great to have handy for running leak-down tests using positive pressures. Auto supply stores sell inexpensive halogen detectors, and some people use smoke bombs to detect leaks.

Source: Nitrex
#leaks #tests #o-ring #preventivemaintenance

#3: Cheat Sheet: Carrying Out Your Brinell Test

Table A. Force-diameter indexes for different materials (Source: Foundrax Engineering Products Ltd.)

Use the correct force-diameter index (F/D²) for the material being tested. Apply the test force in accordance with ISO 6506 or ASTM E10, as appropriate. While the indenter is in downward motion and in contact with the material, avoid doing anything that might create vibrations that could reach the machine. When the indenter has withdrawn, measure the resulting indentation in a minimum of two diameters perpendicular to each other and convert the mean measurement into an HBW number. Note: if using a portable Brinell hardness tester, caution should be exercised when removing the  machine from the component so that the edge of the indentation is not accidentally damaged when the machine is released.

Source: Foundrax Engineering Products Ltd.
#brinellhardness #indentationmeasurement

#4: Preparation Steps When Carrying Out Your Brinell Test

Make sure the test equipment is properly set up. In most instances, this involves keeping the test machine serviced and calibrated in accordance with the international standards (that’s ASTM E10 for Brinell and ASTM E18 for Rockwell) and/or the manufacturer’s instructions (whichever are the stricter) along with mounting it on a level, vibration-free surface. The absence of vibration is crucial if you’re using a lever and weight machine but still desirable for hydraulic and motor-driven types, and it is mandated by the standards.

A brief note for tests made using portable Brinell hardness testers that apply the full test load (albeit without the ability to maintain it uninterrupted for the full 10 seconds): While it might not always be possible to mount the machine on a solid and level surface, the rest of the above still applies.

If the anvil is mounted on a leadscrew, ensure that it is properly secured. Similarly, jigs should be in good condition, correctly mounted and holding the test piece securely. It is easy to become very relaxed about the amount of energy that goes into applying 3,000 kg to a 10 mm ball, but if the component shatters under the load, the results can be dramatic and, potentially, very dangerous. Don’t forget your safety boots! Also, as fingerprint residue is corrosive, gloves should always be worn.

Source: Foundrax Engineering Products Ltd.
#hardenesstesting #testingstandards

#5: Can You Braze It?

“There are many factors to consider when thinking about the right vacuum level for vacuum brazing. Foremost among these is the ability to ‘wet’ the surface so that the braze filler metal will flow freely and be drawn into the braze joint by capillary action. To secure good wetting, the parts must be clean, the vacuum furnace well conditioned and leak free, and the proper level maintained.”

Source: Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®, Vacuum Heat Treatment, vol II, 2016 pp.283
#brazing #vacuum level #leakfree

#6: Voyaging Vacuum Furnace Maintenance

"[If] a vacuum furnace is to be moved from one location to another, a careful inspection and close monitoring of the water system should be done in the months that follow the move. Dislodged scale can clog cooling paths and create hot spots. Corrosion effects can be accelerated, and the integrity of connections can be compromised. Older equipment that has not been on a treated water system of some type is especially vulnerable.”

Source: Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®, Vacuum Heat Treatment, vol II, 2016 pp.283
#inspection #corrosion #movingequipment

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Half-a-Dozen Vacuum Heat Treat Tips Read More »

¿El paraíso perdido?

En los hermosos días de antaño –entiéndase, en el “paraíso”--,
las habilidades se adquirían con el paso del tiempo mediadas
por un tutor. Pero ¿qué de la actualidad?

Read the Spanish translation of this article in the version below or read the English translation when you click the flag to the right. Both the Spanish and the English versions were originally published in Heat Treat Today's September 2023 People of Heat Treat print edition.

Dan Herring
"The Heat Treat Doctor"

Camino al portal de celestial mansión,
Topé un tratador térmico en terrible
Vagabundo e infeliz, bajo dura
–¡Nunca es tarde!– animé en sencilla
— Dan Herring, inspirado por El paraíso perdido,
John Milton, 1667.

Los cuantiosos años trasegados en la industria del tratamiento térmico me han enseñado dos lecciones invaluables. Primero, la nuestra es verdaderamente una ciencia empírica, una ciencia cuyos secretos se dan a conocer en el hacer y (en gran medida) a través de la prueba y el error. En segundo lugar, el sentido común triunfa cuando nada más lo logra; no hay nada que pueda sustituir la experiencia práctica.

Contact us with your reader feedback!

Así las cosas, la pregunta clave a materializar es: ¿de qué manera una persona que ingresa a la fuerza de trabajo en nuestra industria logra adueñarse del conocimiento necesario para convertirse en tratador térmico de talla mundial? El tema es de particular relevancia hoy en día dadas las demandas de rendimiento que pesan sobre los productos, al igual que la naturaleza velozmente evolutiva de la tecnología. (Figura 1)

En los hermosos días de antaño – entiéndase, en el “paraíso”--, las habilidades se adquirían con el paso del tiempo mediadas por un tutor. Las personas de mayor experiencia impartían a los aprendices la sabiduría conseguida fruto del duro esfuerzo, por lo regular en dosis bien medidas según se fueran presentando situaciones que exigieran enseñar una nueva lección o ampliar algún conocimiento. En el taller de tratamiento térmico esta modalidad cae como anillo al dedo.

Figura 1. Eslabones entre pasos críticos de la manufactura de
un producto (Fuente: The HERRING GROUP, Inc.)

Pero ¿qué de la actualidad? La presión hacia la producción que se ejerce sobre la ingeniería y la industria manufacturera ha disparado la demanda de respuestas instantáneas logradas a través de las búsquedas en internet y las investigaciones superficiales. Con frecuencia no hay ni tiempo ni tolerancia para el fracaso.

Uno de mis primeros mentores se lamentaba a menudo de que “la avaricia y la codicia serán el talón de Aquiles de los jóvenes; muy pocos quieren trabajar duro, y aprender cualquier habilidad ¡es duro trabajo!”

No obstante, encontramos muchos individuos jóvenes, esforzados, ávidos de aprender y de gran inteligencia que se vienen incorporando a la actual fuerza de trabajo. Tienden a ubicarse en una de dos categorías –los de excelentes habilidades teóricas que carecen de una experiencia práctica y los de habilidades prácticas que carecen de una comprensión básica de la interrelación entre el equipo, el proceso y el resultado.

El “secreto” del tratamiento térmico radica en controlar la variabilidad relacionada con el proceso y el equipo, pero el terreno de juego nunca permanece estable. Apenas creemos tener el proceso o el equipo bajo control, algo cambia: se presenta un escape, el medio de enfriamiento se deteriora, varía la humedad en el ambiente, y corre la lista sin fin.

¿Cómo, entonces, enseñarle a la próxima generación a enfrentar estos retos? De igual importancia, ¿cómo enseñar de manera tal que logremos retenerlos en nuestra industria? Sin el debido incentivo, motivación y dirección o elegirán un camino más gratificante o se irán en busca de una industria más “glamurosa”.

La clave del éxito en el taller del tratamiento térmico hoy en día es el trabajo en equipo, y la clave para adquirir el conocimiento radica en construir redes de información. Identifica fuentes informativas confiables y enfoca en ellas tu atención. Habla con las personas paraentender no solo lo que han aprendido sino también cómo lo aprendieron. Motiva a otros a compartir lo que saben, y comparte tu propio conocimiento. Saca provecho de los recursos que tengas a la mano, de manera especial lo que te puedan brindar las personas con mayor experiencia o quienes recién sehan retirado de la industria.

No tengas miedo ni de hacer el intento, ni de fracasar. Si fracasas, levántate, sacúdete el polvo, date el espacio de decir –Eso dolió--, y sal de nuevo a fracasar una y otra vez hasta que logres tu cometido.

Por último, piensa antes de actuar y actúa solo después de haber reflexionado tanto en tus acciones como en las consecuencias de las mismas. Nunca dejes de hacerte la pregunta, –¿Por qué no hay tiempo para hacer las cosas bien, pero siempre alcanza para repetir y repetir y repetir? Aquí tienes las claves del éxito y de una carrera gratificante y duradera.

Sobre el autor:

Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor®, es el fundador de The HERRING GROUP, Inc. Más de 50 años en la industria le han sumado una inmensa experiencia en campos como la ciencia de los materiales, la ingeniería, la metalurgia, la investigación de productos nuevos y muchas áreas más. De su autoría existen seis libros y más de 700 artículos técnicos.

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