Heat Treat TV
Heat Treat Today pulls the best heat treat videos from the web for your viewing.
If you have a video you’d like included on Heat Treat TV, please send an email to editor@HeatTreatToday.com and include a link to the video.
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Comparing Aluminum Alloy Properties
Follow along as hosts, Mary Jutzi, Stephanie Randolph, and Rachel Weber, of Batesville Products, Inc., compare the mechanical and physical properties of aluminum alloys.
Learn More About Forging Processes in Pittsburgh, PA.
"Pittsburgh, this area: It's not New York, it's not California. It's a hard working, steel-making town."
Learn more about steel-making, the creation of circular forgings, and the manufacture of railway axles — not to mention the incredible
"Steel City" — in this informative video about Standard Forged Products, LLC. and its McKees Rocks Forgings division in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
AM is Great, But We Need the Heat Treat
What is additive manufacturing? What is hot isostatic processing? How should these two processes come together? Get the answers to these important questions in today’s video. Quintus Technologies gives an overview of what high pressure heat treat can do for you.
Heat Treat Radio Sponsorship Highlight: GeoCorp, Inc. Pyrometry Management Software
There is a new product/company in town. Presented by GeoCorp, Inc., the Pyrometry Management Software product/company will help heat treaters ensure pyrometry compliance by tracking and sharing actionable insights and retrieving digital calibration certificates. Learn more about where this service came from and how it works in the video above.
A Journey THROUGH Plasma Nitriding: Animated Visual
As heat treaters, we throw out a lot of terms having to do with “nitrogen.” Jump into this video to walk through the plasma nitriding process with 3D animation into the parts and graphs to show when evacuation and convection heating occur. The dancing atoms flitting to the beat of orchestral music is enough to grab the imagination of any “case hardened” heat treater.
A Measure of Hardness
The Brinell hardness test measures a metal’s ability to resist permanent indentation. The test is conducted by pressing a hard, spherical indenter with a precisely defined force onto the test piece. Then, the surface area of the indentation is evaluated. The testing machine calculates the Brinell hardness of the workpiece by dividing the test force by the surface area of the indentation.
Risk Factors of Decarburization on Quench Cracking
Can decarburization lead to quench cracking? Quench cracking occurs when steel expands on the surface of a part before expanding in the core. Decarburization is a risk factor in quench cracking, because when the surface of steel is decarburized, it has a comparative lack in carbon than the core of the part, causing the core to transform sooner than the surface. Lower carbon martensite expands less than higher carbon martensite, leading to high tensile stress on the surface of the part. Higher tensile stress equals a higher risk of quench cracking.
The Science Behind Heat Treating Steels
“This is probably the best explanation of the stress/strain curve,” one commenter posted on YouTube. If you are a student or an educator who is trying to explain how heat treatment changes the structural properties of steels, this Heat Treat TV video is for you.
This thorough explanation brought to you from Applied Science bridges “the gap between in-depth theoretical explanations of heat treatment, and rote tradition” through illustrations, graphs, and careful examples. Check it out!
Totally Titanium Heat Treat Expedition
Titanium metal is a reactive. It is an amazing metal for use in the medical industry. How do we know? We watched this brief video from Solar, of course!
Learn about the heat treatment process of titanium with finished surfaces in a vacuum furnace and what leads to structural deficiencies in heat treated parts.
Nitriding Furnaces and the Nitriding Process with Nitrex Metal
Take a walk through Nitrex Metal’s plant as they describe their nitride furnace development and nitriding processing. The team finishes the process by taking test pieces to the lab in order to evaluate effectiveness of the nitriding process. The global company provides nitriding/nitrocarburizing technologies, solutions, equipment, and services. Check it out!
Steel Making 101
In this video, check out the science of steel-making and casting. This helpful video clearly illustrates the processes before steel gets to the heat treater. MetallurgyData has this resource and more on their website; be sure to check them out!
Paulo: What Makes Stainless Steel Stainless?
Derek Denlinger, metallurgist at Paulo, shares “What makes stainless steel stainless?” You may anticipate the corrosive resistant abilities, but how exactly does that happen? Find out on this installment of Heat Treat TV.
Press-and-Sinter Powder Metallurgy
Check out this industry update and video resource describing conventional press and sintering with PM. Watch how this video relates to current industry trends.
The Quenching Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop
Heat Treat TV highlights the high-pressure effect on structure due to quenching. The mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop is a well-known phenomenon. Somehow, the glass will not break under direct, significant pressure.
In this video, learn why this structure withstands such stress, when it doesn’t, and the mysteries of quench. For more information about the contributor, visit Integrated Heat Treating Solutions.
Solar Atmospheres
This video demonstrates what a commercial heat treater considers when processing parts, including explaining why a heat treater chooses some methods over others. Topics mentioned in the presentation are brazing, carburizing, and nitriding as well as post-heat treat processing, vacuum brazing, vacuum carburizing, and vacuum gas nitriding.
Surface Combustion
In this video, BJ Bernard, president of Surface Combustion, shares the history and vision of the company and features several comments from customers. “Everybody’s challenged with that opportunity everyday to create something that hasn’t been created before.”
Heat Treat Learning: Principles of Heat Treatment
In this Heat Treat Learning special, metallurgical technician and specialist Neil Hardy at MetallurgyData shares about the background of developing.
Ipsen USA
For over 70 years, Ipsen USA has been manufacturing thermal processing solutions for their customers, including those in the aerospace, medical, energy, and defense industries. This video highlights how Ipsen provides craftsmanship in their vacuum and atmosphere furnaces that keep up with the changing demands of their customers. Enjoy learning more about their operations and customer service.
International Thermal Systems
International Thermal Systems’ goal is to help their customers make better products by providing water-based cleaning and heat treating solutions to be used in their processes for manufacturing and fabrication. They strive to be heavily involved with their customers throughout the process, providing custom design as well as building services.
This video demonstrates how its process, customer-centered goals, and continued support over the entire life of the products provided by their craftsmen, work together to give their customers exactly the solution they are looking for.
ECM-USA’s goal to bring sales and service support closer to their North American customers hasn’t changed in over 20 years. A subsidiary of ECM Technologies in Grenoble, France, they are a worldwide manufacturer of low-pressure vacuum carburizing furnaces and other products.
This video takes us through a brief history of their company, their culture, and what services they offer their customers. Take a brief break to learn more about the products and services they provide to their North American customers.
Furnaces North America 2018
FNA 2018 is the largest heat treat event in the world in 2018. The event, sponsored by AFC-Holcroft, Surface Combustion, and Gasbarre Furnaces will host over 1,700 attendees from 8 countries in Indianapolis, Indiana, from Oct. 8-10.
Tom Morrison and the Metal Treating Institute shared this video with Heat Treat TV to demonstrate why commercial and captive heat treaters alike need to get their whole team to Furnaces North America 2018.
Company Spotlight on Wirco Inc
Heat Treat TV pulls the best heat treat videos from the web for your viewing, and today HTTV highlights Wirco Inc.
For over 50 years, family-owned Wirco Inc. has served numerous industries around the world by supplying high quality American made heat-treated parts. As the company has aged, it has adapted to the changing times and demands of the 21st century.
This video demonstrates how its updated technology, dedication to lab-tested American-sourced products, use of 3D printing technology, and recent expansion has turned it into a state-of-the-art, one-stop shop for its customers.
Drive Aluminum: Safety
"Drive Aluminum" is a four-segment video series published by the Aluminum Association (www.aluminum.org). Featuring former NASA astronaut, Dan Tani, these videos are meant to promote the use of aluminum among automakers and are full of interesting facts about the fuel efficiency, strength, carbon footprint/life cycle assessment, and safety of aluminum. This segment highlights safety.

Cost of Heat Treat Poor Quality Highlighted
The cost of poor quality — with an eye toward eliminating it — was the topic of discussion at a recent heat treat industry conference (Furnaces North America). Todd Wenzel, President of Bluestreak|Throughput Consulting, gave the presentation on October 4th in Nashville. By clicking on the image below, you’ll be taken to a post-event re-recording of the presentation.
Drive Aluminum: Strength
"Drive Aluminum" is a four-segment video series published by the Aluminum Association (www.aluminum.org). Featuring former NASA astronaut, Dan Tani, these videos are meant to promote the use of aluminum among automakers and are full of interesting facts about the fuel efficiency, strength, carbon footprint/life cycle assessment, and safety of aluminum. This segment highlights strength.
Introduction to Materials – Metallurgy for Beginners/Non-Metallurgists
"Introduction to Materials" is the first video in the course ‘Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists’ presented by MetallurgyData.com.
Click here to be taken directly to this series of videos.
Drive Aluminum: Carbon Footprint
"Drive Aluminum" is a four-segment video series published by the Aluminum Association (www.aluminum.org). Featuring former NASA astronaut, Dan Tani, these videos are meant to promote the use of aluminum among automakers and are full of interesting facts about the fuel efficiency, strength, carbon footprint/life cycle assessment, and safety of aluminum. This segment highlights carbon footprint/life cycle assessment.
Drive Aluminum: Fuel Efficiency
"Drive Aluminum" is a four-segment video series published by the Aluminum Association (www.aluminum.org). Featuring former NASA astronaut, Dan Tani, these videos are meant to promote the use of aluminum among automakers and are full of interesting facts about the fuel efficiency, strength, carbon footprint/life cycle assessment, and safety of aluminum. This segment highlights fuel efficiency.