Sintering & Powder Metallurgy
Sintering, which is a common process for parts used in the automotive, medical, and firearms industries, is a powder metallurgy process that bonds powder metal particles together to create structural integrity and strength. A variety of metal and ceramic materials can be sintered. Some of the more common methods of sintering include: conventional press and sinter, metal or ceramic injection molding (MIM/CIM), and liquid-phase sintering. In most forms of sintering, the temperature used is below the melting point of the powder metal, but high enough to bond the particles together.
Sintering & Powder Metallurgy Technical Content
AM/3D Trivia
In today's Technical Tuesday installment, we highlight the various techniques and developments in the world of metal AM as it pertains ...
Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production Facilitates Decarbonization
The thermal processing industry is a good example of how the on-site production of hydrogen by water electrolysis can be beneficial ...
Fueling Efficiency: Retrofit Heat Treat Furnace with Combustible Burner Technology
The automotive industry is going electric — electric vehicles are a popular choice for consumers. To continue sustainable efforts for a ...
Sintering Considerations: Vacuum vs. HIP
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces When processing cemented carbide, there are a few considerations you need to understand to use the proper ...
Heat Treating AM Components to Infinity and Beyond
The amazing materials that are produced through additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D machining often require post-processing heat treatments before these become ...
Thermal Processing for Space and Additive Manufacturing
The race to space is in full swing with public and private sector companies staking their claim in this new frontier. ...
An Overview of Cemented Carbide Sintering
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces Cemented carbide is often used interchangeably with other terms in the industry to describe a popular material ...
The Role of Heat Treat in Binder Jetting AM for Metals
Additive manufacturing (AM) at a commercial scale began about 30 years ago and has expanded well beyond its original scope. As ...
Sintering & Powder Metallurgy News
Fringe Friday: Atomizer Enhances Capabilities at Metals Company
We're celebrating getting to the "fringe" of the weekend with a Heat Treat Fringe Friday covering news about a metals company enhancing ...
Naval Ship Builder Expands 3D Parts Annealing Capabilites
A major ship builder has acquired a vacuum furnace for the Additive Manufacturing Division at the company's new Manufacturing Center of ...
NASA Aids AM’s Adoption
NASA has selected Elementum 3D (a developer and supplier of metal additive manufacturing (AM) advanced materials, print parameters, and services) to ...
IperionX and Vegas Fastener To Co-Produce Titanium Fasteners for US Army
IperionX Limited and Vegas Fastener Manufacturing, LLC (Vegas Fastener) have agreed to partner to develop and manufacture titanium alloy fasteners and ...
HIP Adds Abilities to R&D Manufacturing Hub
A hot isostatic press will add a new capability to the research infrastructure already in place at the Sydney Manufacturing Hub ...
IperionX Titanium Furnace Set To Arrive in Virginia
HAMR titanium furnace for Virginia facility (Source: IperionX) IperionX announced their HAMR (Hydrogen Assisted Metallothermic Reduction) furnace has completed its final ...
ESA Launches First Metal 3D Printer to ISS
Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our ...
Skuld Expanding by Opening New Foundry & Manufacturing Facility
Skuld LLC announced that they had purchased the site belonging to the former Champion Foundry in Piqua, Ohio, a gray and ...
Second HIP Contracted For Wallwork
Bringing forward plans by two years, Wallwork Group have signed for a second hot isostatic press. Following hot on the heels ...
Heat Treating AM Parts — Need To Know Difficulties and Solutions for Engineers
Metal 3D additive manufacturing has grown dramatically in the last five years. Nearly every metal printed part needs to be heat ...
AM Supplier Delivers Components to GA-ASI
Nicholas Mayer President of Commericial Norsk Norsk Titanium, a global additive manufacturing supplier for aerospace-grade structural titanium components, announces delivery of ...
GeniCore Partners To Expand SPS Offerings in North America
Earl GoodManaging Director at Retech Systems, LLCSource: Retech Spark plasma sintering technology innovator, GeniCore, will be expanding their North American influence in ...
Power Generation Systems Manufacturer To Expand Heat Treat
Peter Zawistowski Managing Director SECO/VACUUM Technologies, USA Source: SECO/WARWICK A global developer of power generation systems is planning to expand heat ...
Fringe Friday: 3D Printing Premium Performance Tractor Valves
Click to watch the helpful video for the topic Source: John Deere UK IE/YouTube Source: Forbes Sometimes our editors find items ...
With New Heat Treatment, 3D-printed Metals Can Withstand Extreme Conditions
Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our ...
AM Heat Treat Solutions Expected From New Partnership
AddUp, a provider in the field of metal additive manufacturing (AM), and a creator of thermal solutions have signed a partnership ...
2 Heat Treat Furnaces To Assist CMC Industry
Two atmosphere controlled retort box furnaces will be used for de-bindering ceramic matrix composite parts (CMC) as well as powder metals ...
Watch for 3 Heat Treat Events This Summer
Are you ready for summer? Heat Treat Today's Industry Calendar features the key events of the season to make sure you do not ...