Heat Treat Economic Indicators

Heat Treat Today’s Economic Indicators measure and report on four, heat treat industry indices. Each month, approximately 800 individuals who classify themselves as suppliers to the North American heat treat industry receive the survey. Below are the results. Data started being collected in June 2023. If you would like to participate in the monthly survey, please click here to subscribe.

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The four heat treat industry-specific economic indicators have been gathered by Heat Treat Today each month since June 2023. Although all four economic indicators compiled in the first week of February reflect anticipated growth, there is a net decrease compared to January, as the industry adjusts to geopolitical transitions and a rebounding market.

The indicators show that heat treat industry suppliers anticipate the economy to experience growth throughout the month of February across all indices. The numbers in all four categories remain above 50 for the fourth month in a row, however, suppliers to the North American heat treat industry show cautious expectations for economic growth over previous months in number of inquiries and health of the manufacturing economy. In the latter category, respondents anticipate growth at a rate 8 to 10 points lower than the other indices.

The results from this month’s survey (February) are as follows; numbers above 50 indicate growth, numbers below 50 indicate contraction, and the number 50 indicates no change:

  • Anticipated change in Number of Inquiries from January to February: 60.4
  • Anticipated change in Value of Bookings from January to February: 62.3
  • Anticipated change in Size of Backlog from January to February: 60.4
  • Anticipated change in Health of the Manufacturing Economy from January to February: 51.7