What Will Heat Treating in the Mid-21st Century Look Like?

The Heat Treat Doctor® has returned to offer sage advice to Heat Treat Today readers and to answer your questions about heat treating, brazing, sintering, and other types of thermal treatments as well as questions on metallurgy, equipment, and process-related issues.

This informative piece was first released in Heat Treat Today’s January 2025 Technologies to Watch print edition.

As a very young engineer, I vividly recall our company president had a statue of a three-headed elephant in his office. One head faced forward, one faced slightly to the right, one faced slightly to the left. The moral: looking backwards is not the path forward! Let’s learn more about what the heat treatment industry will look like by the middle of this century.

The Market

A number of market studies and economic forecast models suggest that the global heat treatment market will grow to between 130–150 billion U.S. dollars by no later than 2030 and to around 200–220 billion U.S. dollars by 2040, barring another significant or sustained global economic event. These forecasts assume several minor downturns in the economy of various countries and in manufacturing segments due to economic and geopolitical factors in the coming decades.

Heat Treatment Market Shift

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The most significant and fundamental shift that is and will continue is in the makeup of the heat treatment equipment segment of the North American market. What began in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a transition from older, long-established practices and processes to equipment capable of meeting the rapidly evolving demands of technological innovation will continue. Standardization (for cost containment), changes in manufacturing methods and methodologies, and environmental considerations are also fueling this change.

A demand for higher performance products, end-of-life expectations (in some but not all products), an emphasis on systems with single-piece flow or small batch productivity are just a few examples of this change. Other factors such as equipment obsolescence, the need for even higher manufacturing efficiencies, long term operator health and safety concerns, predictive (as opposed to preventative) maintenance, and adaptation to both the speed at which the manufacturing landscape is changing and the type of flexible equipment/processes reinforce these conclusions.

From an equipment standpoint, vacuum furnaces and applied energy systems are and will continue to experience rapid growth at the expense of more traditional atmosphere furnaces. Safety, open flames and emissions of any kind (NOx, CO2, particulates) are driving this change. As such, the dramatic reduction and control of greenhouse gases and the cooling of our planet by the mid-century will be metamorphic. This trend is not only expected to continue but to accelerate (Figures 1–2).

Figure 1. North American Industry by Equipment Segment, 2012–2018 (see Herring, Atmosphere Heat Treatment, Vol. 1, 2014)

For example, the driving force behind the development, use and integration of vacuum technology into manufacturing is not only due to the fact that it is lean, green, and agile, but also that vacuum technology best addresses the identified needs of the heat treatment industry, namely:

  • Energy efficient equipment
  • Processing with minimal part distortion
  • Optimization of heat treatment processes (especially diffusion-related processes)
  • Environmentally friendly by-products and emissions
  • Adaptability/flexibility for new and advanced materials
  • Process controls incorporating intelligent sensors
  • Designs based on heat treat modeling and simulation
  • Equipment/process integration into manufacturing

Change — Its Pace and Form

A paradigm shift in the workforce has occurred, transitioning to a vastly more mobile and younger group of individuals relying on the growing role of automation and communication in manufacturing. This shift is principally responsible for accelerating the pace of change in the heat treatment industry, from what has traditionally been a slow moving and slow-to-adapt industry, to one capable of meeting the need for rapid deployment of new products and one that keeps pace with technological innovations.

Moving forward, equipment manufacturers and suppliers to the industry will continue to look at product standardization to maximize profitability, thus driving the industry to “cookie cutter” solutions or, in a diametrically opposite philosophy, looking to provide highly customized solutions, often with risk factors incorporated into the pricing as specialized solutions with high profit margins to application-specific needs.

Figure 2. North American Industry by Equipment Segment, 2024–2035 (see Herring, Atmosphere Heat Treatment, Vol. 1, 2014)

Technology/Innovation Drivers and Industry Trends

Heat treatment will always be a core manufacturing competency, and as such, decisions will continue to be made to either heat treat in-house or outsource to commercial heat treatment shops. It is significant that the percentage of manufacturers with in-house heat treat departments (80–85%) to commercial (10–15%) heat treat shops hasn’t really changed in the last six decades! The consolidation of companies is a trend that is expected to continue.

What is more prevalent today than ever is the tremendous pressure being exerted on manufacturing from senior management to increase product velocity and lower unit cost. While recalls seem to be a way of life these days, product liability and consume demands for product performance are forcing change, even in the most extreme applications.

As a result, the most identifiable trends in today’s North American heat treatment industry are:

  • Growing the manufacturing portion (percentage) of GDP through mobility and adaptability, coupled with more sophisticated and higher paying jobs
  • Lowering product unit cost through technology adaptation
  • Obsoleting older equipment and technologies and replacing them with innovative new and/or high productivity heat treatment systems. Examples include:
    • New materials development allowing for different processing methods and/or lower temperature heat treatments while maintaining environmentally friendly equipment and processes
    • Transition of carburizing/ carbonitriding from atmosphere to low pressure vacuum processes with either oil or high-pressure gas quenching, or both
    • Use of single-piece heating and quenching of parts and/or small (versus large) batch processing to improve product velocity
    • Changes in product materials and/or designs to allow more low temperature atmosphere treatments (e.g., nitriding, nitrocarburizing)
  • Use of advanced quenching techniques and quenching technologies to better manage distortion
  • Implementing artificial intelligence-based modeling and simulation software capable of equipment control and process optimization
  • Implementing the next generation of intelligent sensors, real-time data collection methods and analytics (including cloud-based computing)
  • Changing the focus of companies from “generalization” toward “specialization” with respect to products, services, processes (proprietary or unique) and new or innovative technologies to capture greater market share or present opportunities to generate higher profit margins
  • Accelerating the implementation of lean manufacturing strategies and applying these strategies to heat treatment:
    • Eliminate high labor costs (via automation and controls), simplify operations (i.e., reduce the number of manufacturing steps), and adopt “build to order” strategies.
    • Conservation of energy, on-demand part production, shortening of process cycles, and the move toward smaller lot sizes is the order of the day.
  • Continuing the transition from heat treatment departments to integrated manufacturing cells

In Summary

It is, and will be for decades to come, a truly magical time in the heat treatment industry. The slow-moving, plodding, three-headed elephant has been replaced by a lean and agile animal — technology. This will not only ensure a greener workplace but an environment of innovation for future generations. And as I am fond of saying about the future, there’s “magic in the aire!”


ASM International, Vision 2020. 1999.

Herring, Daniel H. “Esoteric Heat Treatment Industry Critique: 2019 and Beyond.” Industrial Heating, January 2019.

Herring, Daniel H. Atmosphere Heat Treatment, Volume 1. BNP Media, 2014.

Wolowiec-Koreka, Emilia. Carburising and Nitriding of Iron Alloys. Springer, 2024.

About the Author

Dan Herring
“The Heat Treat Doctor”

Dan Herring has been in the industry for over 50 years and has gained vast experience in fields that include materials science, engineering, metallurgy, new product research, and many other areas. He is the author of six books and over 700 technical articles.

For more information: Contact Dan at dherring@heat-treat-doctor.com.

For more information about Dan’s books: see his page at the Heat Treat Store.

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What Will Heat Treating in the Mid-21st Century Look Like? Read More »

Most SMBs Unprepared for CMMC 2.0, Risk Losing Contracts 

“The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 aims to improve cybersecurity across the defense industrial base (DIB), but many small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) struggle to meet the standards, putting them at risk of losing crucial contracts.” In this Cybersecurity Desk column, Joe Coleman, cybersecurity officer at Bluestreak Compliance, a division of Bluestreak | Bright AM™, raises the alarm if small to mid-sized heat treaters neglect compliance standards and guides companies through the minefield of cyber threats facing all SMBs.

Read more Cybersecurity Desk columns in previous Heat Treat Today’s issues here.

Despite an increasing cyber threat landscape, many small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) in the Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain remain unprepared for compliance with NIST SP 800-171 R2 and CMMC 2.0. The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 aims to improve cybersecurity across the defense industrial base (DIB), but many SMBs struggle to meet the standards, putting them at risk of losing crucial contracts. Surveys suggest that nearly 70% of SMBs are unready for the new requirements, and the real figure could be even higher due to some businesses inaccurately reporting compliance by inflating their assessment scores. 

Understanding CMMC 2.0 

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CMMC 2.0 simplifies the original five-tier framework into three levels: 

  • Level 1: Basic cyber hygiene for contractors handling Federal Contract Information (FCI). 
  • Level 2: Advanced practices for those working with Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). 
  • Level 3: Stringent requirements for contractors involved in national security projects. 

Compliance is mandatory for any contractor bidding on DoD contracts, including those working indirectly for federal contractors and subcontractors. SMBs should anticipate customers clients inquiring to inquire about their compliance as these standards will soon impact their business relationships. Achieving compliance is a lengthy process, typically taking 12 to 18 months. 

Low Readiness and Risks 

The lack of readiness among SMBs threatens both business continuity and national security. Many smaller contractors lack the resources and expertise to meet CMMC 2.0’s standards. Given the defense sector’s reliance on a wide variety of contractors, this gap could create widespread repercussions. 

Financial Implications of Non-Compliance 

Irreversible consequences from waiting to comply

Compliance with CMMC 2.0 can be financially burdensome. Implementing measures such as multi-factor authentication, encryption and continuous monitoring can be costly, especially for businesses with limited resources. The lack of in-house cybersecurity expertise compounds this issue, requiring companies to hire or train specialized personnel, further increasing costs. 

Failing to comply with CMMC 2.0 could result in losing valuable DoD contracts, which can be a significant portion of SMB revenue. Such losses could lead to layoffs, revenue declines or even business closures. 

Challenges to Compliance 

Several challenges contribute to the widespread unpreparedness among SMBs: 

  • Unclear timelines: Uncertainty surrounding DoD’s compliance timelines complicates planning and prioritization for SMBs. 
  • Complexity of requirements: While CMMC 2.0 simplifies the original framework, its specific requirements remain difficult to interpret for many SMBs, particularly in identifying necessary security measures. 
  • Resource limitations: The cost of achieving and maintaining compliance strains smaller businesses, which often lack the budgets for the required technology and expertise. 
  • Lack of cybersecurity expertise: A shortage of qualified personnel poses a significant obstacle, as demand for cybersecurity professionals is high across industries. 

Government Support Initiatives 

To help SMBs, the DoD has introduced various programs, including training, grants and educational resources. A phased implementation timeline also provides additional preparation time. However, industry experts suggest that further support, such as tax credits or subsidies, could help SMBs offset the costs of compliance. Clearer guidance from the DoD would also be beneficial in helping businesses navigate the certification process. 

Path Forward for SMBs 

Click image to download a list of cybersecurity acronyms and definitions.

To secure future contracts, SMBs must prioritize cybersecurity. This involves conducting internal risk assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and creating compliance plans. Partnering with cybersecurity experts or managed service providers can help SMBs develop cost-effective strategies. Additionally, leveraging government resources and adopting critical security measures early will better position SMBs for CMMC 2.0 certification. 


The widespread lack of preparedness for CMMC 2.0 poses significant risks to both SMBs and the defense supply chain. As deadlines approach, proactive measures from both businesses and the government are necessary to close the readiness gap and ensure the continued participation of SMBs in the defense sector. 

About the Author

Joe Coleman
Cyber Security Officer
Bluestreak Consulting
Source: Bluestreak Consulting

Joe Coleman is the cybersecurity officer at Bluestreak Compliance, which is a division of Bluestreak | Bright AM™. Joe has over 35 years of diverse manufacturing and engineering experience. His background includes extensive training in cybersecurity, a career as a machinist, machining manager and an early additive manufacturing (AM) pioneer. Joe presented at the Furnaces North America (FNA 2024) convention on DFARS, NIST 800-171, and CMMC 2.0.

For more information: Contact Joe at joe.coleman@go-throughput.com.

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Most SMBs Unprepared for CMMC 2.0, Risk Losing Contracts  Read More »

What Is Thermal Expansion?

The Heat Treat Doctor® has returned to offer sage advice to Heat Treat Today readers and to answer your questions about heat treating, brazing, sintering, and other types of thermal treatments as well as questions on metallurgy, equipment, and process-related issues.

This informative piece was first released in Heat Treat Today’s December 2024 Medical & Energy Heat Treat print edition.

The subject of thermal expansion and contraction is a very important one to most heat treaters given that the materials of construction of our furnaces and our fixtures experience these phenomena every day. However, to find a simple explanation of what it is and how we can help minimize the issues caused by it can be difficult. What we need is an explanation in laymen’s terms, along with some simple science and a few examples. Let’s learn more.

Thermal Expansion Effects

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When exposed to a change in temperature, whether heating or cooling, materials experience a change (increase or decrease) in length, area, or volume. This not only changes the material’s size but also can influence its density. The freezing of ice cubes is a common example of a volume expansion (on freezing or cooling), while as they melt (on heating), we see a volume contraction.

As most of us recall from our science classes, as temperature increases, atoms begin to move faster and faster. In other words, their average kinetic energy increases. With the increase in thermal energy, the bonds between atoms vibrate faster and faster creating more distance between themselves. This relative expansion (aka strain) divided by the change in temperature is what is known as the material’s coefficient of linear thermal expansion.

We must also be aware, however, that a number of materials behave in a different way upon heating. Namely, they contract. This usually happens over a specific temperature range. Tempering of D2 tool steel is a good example (Figure 1). From a scientific point of view, we call this thermal contraction (aka negative thermal expansion).

Figure 1. Change in length of D2 tool steel as a function of tempering temperature (Image courtesy of Carpenter Technology — www.carpentertechnology.com)

A related fact to be aware of is that thermal expansion generally decreases with increasing bond energy. This influences the melting point of solids, with higher melting point materials (such as the Ni-Cr alloys found in our furnaces and fixtures) more likely to have lower coefficient of thermal expansion. The thermal expansion of quartz and other types of glass (found in some vacuum furnaces) is, however, slightly higher. And, in general, liquids expand slightly more than solids.

Effect on Density

As addressed above, thermal expansion changes the space between atoms, which in turn changes the volume, while negligibly changing its mass and hence its density. (In an unrelated but interesting fact, wind and ocean currents are, to a degree, effected by thermal expansion and contraction of our oceans.)

What Is the Effect of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion?

In laymen’s terms, the coefficient of thermal expansion (Table 1) tells us how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. Specifically, it measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure. Lower coefficients describe lower tendency to change in size. There are several types of thermal expansion coefficients — namely linear, area, and volumetric. For most solid materials, we are typically concerned in the heat treat industry with the change along a length, or in some cases a change in volume (though this is mainly of concern in liquids).

Table 1. Comparative values for linear and volumetric expansion of selected materials

Heat Treat Furnace Examples

When calculating thermal expansion, it is necessary to consider whether the design is free to expand or is constrained. Alloy furnace muffles, retorts, mesh and cast link belts, and radiant tubes are good examples. The furnaces that use them must be designed to allow for linear growth and changes in area or volume. If not, the result is premature failure due to warpage (i.e., unanticipated movement).

If a component is constrained so that it cannot expand, then internal stress will result as the temperature changes. These stresses can be calculated by considering the strain that would occur if the design were free to expand and the stress required to reduce that strain to zero, through the stress/strain relationship (characterized by Young’s modulus). In most furnace materials it is not often necessary to consider the effect of pressure change, except perhaps in certain vacuum furnaces or autoclave designs.

A Little Science

For those that are interested, here are the formulas most often used by heat treaters to calculate the coefficient of thermal expansion.

Estimates of the Change in Length (L), Area (A), and Volume (V)

Linear expansion is best interpreted as a change in only one dimension, namely length. So linear expansion can be directly related to the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (αL) as the change in length per degree of temperature change. It can be estimated (for most of our purposes) as:


  • ΔL is the change in length
  • ΔT is the change in temperature
  • αL is the coefficient of linear expansion

This estimation works well as long as the linear expansion coefficient does not change much over the change in temperature and the fractional change in length is small (ΔL/L <<1). If not, then a differential equation (dL/dT) must be used.

By comparison, the area thermal expansion coefficient (αA) relates the change in a material’s area dimensions to a change in temperature by the following equation:


  • ΔA is the change in area
  • ΔT is the change in temperature
  • αA is the coefficient of area expansion

Again, this equation works well as long as the area expansion coefficient does not change much over the change in temperature ΔT(ΔT), if we ignore pressure and the fractional change in area is small (ΔA/A <<1)ΔA/A<<1. If either of these conditions does not hold, the equation must be integrated.

For a solid volume, we can again ignore the effects of pressure on the material, and the volumetric (or cubical) thermal expansion coefficient can be written as the rate of change of that volume with temperature, namely:


• ΔV is the change in volume
• ΔT is the change in temperature
• αV is the coefficient of volumetric expansion

In other words, the volume of a material changes by some fixed fractional amount. For example, a steel block with a volume of 1 cubic meter might expand to 1.002 cubic meters when the temperature is raised by 90°F (32°C). This is an expansion of 0.2%. By contrast, if this block of steel had a volume of 2 cubic meters, then under the same conditions it would expand to 2.004 cubic meters, again an expansion of 0.2% for a change in temperature of 90°F (32°C).

Thermal Fatigue

In many instances, we must consider the effect of thermal fatigue as well as thermal stress. One example is on the surface of a hot work die steel as H11 or H13: one must ensure that in service, when it experiences a (rapid) change in temperature, it will avoid cracking.

The equation for thermal stress is:


  • σ is the thermal stress
  • E is the Young’s modulus of the material at temperature
  • α is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion at temperature
  • ΔT is the change in temperature

Here both E and α depend on temperature and the resultant stress will either be compressive if heated or tensile if cooled, so we must use these constants at both maximum and minimum temperatures. Considering the temperature dependent stress-strain curve, this stress may exceed the elastic limit (tensile or compressive) and contribute eventually to thermal fatigue failure. There are software programs to aid in the calculation of the resultant thermal stresses. Thermal expansion at a surface at a higher temperature than the core results in a compressive stress, and vice versa.

Final Thoughts

The effects of thermal expansion will be highlighted in a forthcoming article in Heat Treat Today, but it suffices for all heat treaters to remember that this phenomenon is responsible for a great deal of downtime and maintenance in our equipment. It also can affect the end product quality (disguising itself as distortion) and hence create additional cost or performance issues for our clients.


Chandler, Harry, ed. Heat Treater’s Guide: Practices and Procedures for Irons and Steels, 2nd Edition. ASM International, 1995.

Herring, Daniel H. Vacuum Heat Treatment. BNP Media, 2012.

Herring, Daniel H. Vacuum Heat Treatment Volume II. BNP Media, 2016.

Special thanks to Professor Joseph C. Benedyk for his input on the topic.

About the Author

Dan Herring
“The Heat Treat Doctor”

Dan Herring has been in the industry for over 50 years and has gained vast experience in fields that include materials science, engineering, metallurgy, new product research, and many other areas. He is the author of six books and over 700 technical articles.

For more information: Contact Dan at dherring@heat-treat-doctor.com.

For more information about Dan’s books: see his page at the Heat Treat Store.

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Merry Christmas from Heat Treat Today

Your Heat Treat Today team will be celebrating the holidays with our families, and our offices will be closed from December 21 to January 1. Look for your next Heat Treat Daily e-newsletter on January 2nd! Until then, we hope this message encourages you and directs you to the true source of hope during this season.

Room with Him

In the next few days, it’ll be easy to get overwhelmed with all the activities, the gatherings, the lights and colors, crinkly wrapping paper and Christmas songs . . . and the movies. Who doesn’t settle down at least once during the season to watch a favorite Christmas movie? Some folks prefer the classics like White Christmas or It’s a Wonderful Life. Others love the new seasonal specials, like Home Alone or Elf. Maybe it’s Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that reigns in your house. My family’s favorite is The Muppet Christmas Carol.

In most Christmas movies, there’s always a special scene that moves viewers, reinforcing the themes of Christmas: hope, love, hospitality, faith, generosity, thankfulness. One scene from Rudolph moves me more than most, but I bet it’s not the one you’re thinking of.

Do you remember the residents of the Island of Misfit Toys? Dolly, and Charlie-in-the-box, and the boomerang who wouldn’t come back — toys that weren’t wanted because they didn’t do what was expected of them, or they were a little different in their design. Exiled to the Island of Misfit Toys, they waited and hoped for a chance to be enjoyed, appreciated and loved. However, the island was so far off course that they were forgotten year after year, and they were never given the opportunity to brighten a child’s Christmas morning.

Disappointments, slights, brokenness are felt, even at this time of year. Dolly’s words resonate with us when she says, “I just don’t feel like I have any more hope left in me.” Our hearts are troubled, and our coordinates don’t register on the radar. We might feel lost and forgotten along with the misfit toys.

This season is about more than parties, gifts, and decorations, as we all know. Jesus, the Son of God, became man, taking the form of a baby and living as the God-man, the perfect redemption for the lost, the broken, the misfits.

It is striking that at the end of his ministry, as he was wrapping up his time with his disciples before he went to the cross, Jesus assured them, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” (John 14:2-3) Jesus wandered about without a place to lay his head, yet he is quick to promise his troubled people not merely shelter, any shelter, but a room in the Father’s house.

Although the Savior came to no room at his birthplace, he has gone on to prepare rooms for us, and it’s not just a room, that is, a designated space with measurements and coordinates. He will be there also. And not just a room with him there — that would be awesome enough, but he also prepares for us, his followers, to be with him, to abide with him, to reside in him. He is what makes up the features, the atmosphere, the feng shui of the room. He is home. He is the where of kicking off our shoes and settling down with a cuppa joe. He is comfort food, a soft blanket, and a wagging tail at the door. This is what Christians mean when we say Jesus is our Sabbath.

A popular saying at this time of year is “Make room in your heart for Jesus.” Notwithstanding we can’t make the room, but he must, the truer saying is that “Jesus has made room for us.”

Hear his tender words of encouragement, which come after his prediction that Simon Peter will fail and deny him, just as we do in unbelief and discontentment: “Let not your hearts be troubled.” What follows next is his exhortation: “You believe in God? Believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

He doesn’t leave us to our own devices or our own means of finding our way to him. He comes to dwell with us; he becomes our dwelling place. And now, he is preparing an eternal dwelling place for his people. That’s the hope he gives the disciples as their steps falter under the burden of their troubled hearts, “that where I am you may be also.”

Know Jesus, and we can be assured we won’t be left on this island of misfit toys forever. We have a home.

And that makes for a merry Christmas message!

Here at Heat Treat Today, we are looking to 2025 with much anticipation and hope for more opportunities to work together and challenge ourselves and others with new ideas in the North American heat treat industry. Thank you for the opportunities every day to serve and encourage you in our heat treat corner of the world.

From the entire Heat Treat Today team, we wish you a very joyous and restful Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ!

by Laura Miller

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Understanding Inductance in a Furnace Heating System

In this installment of the Controls Corner, we are addressing inductance in a furnace heating system, and the critical role it plays in various industrial systems, including furnace load systems. Impedance acts as a measure of how much a circuit resists the flow of AC current. In this guest column, Brian Turner, sales applications engineer at RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., explains how impedance applies in electrical circuits.

This informative piece was first released in Heat Treat Today’s November 2024 Vacuum Heat Treat print edition.

Inductance is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering, and it plays a critical role in various industrial systems, including furnace load systems. In furnaces used for heating, inductance is a key factor influencing the system’s electrical performance, energy efficiency, and overall operational behavior.

To talk about inductance, let’s first address impedance and how it applies:

In electrical circuits, impedance refers to the total opposition to the flow of alternating current (AC), which is a combination of both resistance (from resistors) and reactance (from inductors), essentially acting as a measure of how much a circuit resists the flow of AC current, taking into account both the resistive component (like a resistor) and the reactive component (like an inductor at a specific frequency) within the circuit.

Load configuration, power source (IGBT, VRT, ERT) to the furnace feedthrough
Source: RoMan Manufacturing Inc.


Inductance is the property of an electrical conductor that opposes a change in the current flowing through it. It arises from the magnetic field generated around the conductor when an electric current passes through it. The unit of inductance is the Henry (H).

In an AC circuit, inductance creates a phenomenon known as inductive reactance, which resists the flow of current. Inductive reactance (XL) is given by the formula:

XL = 2πƒL

XL is the inductive reactance (in ohms)
f is the frequency of the AC supply (in hertz)
L is the inductance (in Henrys)

This reactance influences how the current behaves in the system, which is particularly important in furnace load systems where high current flows are common.


Electrical resistance is the opposition that a material offers to the flow of electric current. It is measured in ohms (Ω) and depends on factors such as the material’s properties, its temperature, and the geometry of the conductor (length, cross-sectional area). In heating systems like vacuum furnaces, resistance is harnessed to convert electrical energy into heat through Joule heating (also known as resistive heating).

The relationship between electrical power, voltage, current, and resistance is governed by Ohm’s law:

V = IR

V is the voltage across the heating element(in volts)
I is the current through the element (inamperes)
R is the electrical resistance of theelement (in ohms)

The heat generated by the furnace’s heating elements is a function of the power dissipated in the resistance, given by the equation:

P = I2 x R

This shows that the heat produced is directly proportional to the resistance and the square of the current flowing through the heating elements

Close Couple

  • Reducing the material in the secondary* reduces resistance (HEAT = I2 x R)
  • Reducing the area in the secondary reduces inductive reactance increasing power factor

To be most efficient, use the shortest amount of conductor material from the electrical system secondary to the furnace feedthrough. Additionally, keep the distance between those conductors as small as possible.

Power Factor and Efficiency

Inductance in a furnace load system causes the current and voltage to be out of phase. This phase difference results in a lower power factor, which is a measure of how effectively the system converts electrical power into useful work. A lower power factor means that more apparent power (the combination of real power and reactive power) is required to achieve the same level of heating.

In practical terms, a furnace with a high inductive load will draw more current from the power supply for a given amount of heating, leading to increased energy losses and inefficiency.

In practical terms, a furnace with a high inductive load will draw more current from the power supply for a given amount of heating, leading to increased energy losses and inefficiency. Power factor correction techniques, such as the use of capacitors, are often employed to counteract the effects of inductance and improve system efficiency.


Inductance is a fundamental factor in the operation of furnace load systems, influencing everything from heating performance to energy efficiency and power quality. By understanding and managing inductance, furnace operators can optimize their systems for maximum performance while minimizing energy losses and operational costs. Controlling inductance is essential for ensuring that furnace load systems operate reliably and efficiently in demanding industrial environments.

*The connection from a vacuum power source to the furnace’s feedthroughs, this connection can be made using air-cooled cables, water-cooled cables, or copper bus.

About the Author:

Brian Turner
Sales Applications Engineer
RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

Brian K. Turner has been with RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., for more than 12 years. Most of that time has been spent managing the R&D Lab. In recent years, he has taken on the role as applications engineer, working with customers and their applications.

For more informationContact Brian at bturner@romanmfg.com.

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Cybersecurity Desk: CMMC vs. NIST SP 800-171: Understanding the Differences

In Department of Defense (DoD) compliance, many acronyms and standards define how businesses manage processes to stay compliant. In this Cybersecurity Desk column, which was first released in Heat Treat Today’s September 2024 People of Heat Treat print edition. In it, Joe Coleman, cybersecurity officer at Bluestreak Compliance, a division of Bluestreak | Bright AM™, discusses the similarities and differences between the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 and NIST Special Publication 800-171 Rev. 2.

What Is CMMC?

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) evaluates the maturity of an organization’s cybersecurity program. Developed by the DoD, it aims to equip over 300,000 Defense Industrial Base (DIB) contractors with robust defenses against cyber threats. Once formally published, CMMC 2.0 will be a mandated framework for private contractors and subcontractors seeking government contracts.

CMMC’s comprehensive approach includes NIST SP 800-171, NIST SP 800-172, and the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), incorporating industry-leading practices. It ensures the effective implementation of critical controls and safeguards the integrity of the supply chain. CMMC 2.0 compliance certification has three levels:

  • Level 1: Foundational: For companies handling Federal Contract Information (FCI) but not Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
  • Level 2: Advanced: For companies that store, process, or transmit CUI.
  • Level 3: Expert: For companies implementing highly advanced cybersecurity practices.

It will be referred to as DFARS 242.204-7021 when integrated into government-awarded contracts.

Source: Department of Defense

What Is NIST SP 800-171?

NIST SP 800-171 is the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171 Rev. 2. It outlines security standards for non-federal organizations that handle CUI, ensuring they maintain strong cybersecurity practices. Compliance is mandatory for DoD primes, contractors, and supply chain service providers.

NIST 800-171 specifies five core cybersecurity areas: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. These areas serve as a framework to protect CUI and mitigate cyber risks. The standard comprises 110 security controls within 14 control families, leading to 320 control or assessment objectives. Compliance is measured on a 110-point scale, with a possible range from -203 to 110. An initial negative score is not uncommon.

Even for organizations with some cyber/IT security measures, retaining a qualified DFARS/NIST 800-171 consultant or a CMMC Registered Practitioner (RP) or CMMC Registered Practitioner Advanced (RPA) is highly recommended to guide you through the process.

Similarities Between NIST SP 800-171 and CMMC

Both CMMC and NIST SP 800-171 aim to strengthen information security and protect sensitive data, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational information assets. Here are some of the key similarities:

  • Control Alignment: CMMC 2.0 Level 2 aligns with NIST SP 800-171 Rev. 2’s 110 controls.
  • Focus: Both frameworks emphasize protecting data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  • Role Definitions: They describe roles within an organization’s cybersecurity program and interactions among those roles.
  • Asset Identification: Both require identifying assets and vulnerabilities and creating a risk management plan.
  • Cybersecurity Program Development: Organizations must develop a program with policies, procedures, and standards.
  • Risk Management: Both require identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and responding to risks, though CMMC is more comprehensive.

Differences Between NIST SP 800-171 and CMMC

While both frameworks enhance cybersecurity, they have distinct features:

  • Compliance Requirement: DFARS 252.204-7012 mandates NIST SP 800-171 compliance; DFARS 252.204-7021 mandates CMMC certification for handling CUI.
  • Assessment: NIST SP 800-171 compliance is self-assessed, while CMMC requires an independent third-party assessment.
  • Levels: CMMC has three certification levels, each more stringent than NIST SP 800-171 alone.
  • Scope: CMMC integrates additional NIST SP 800-172 practices and industry standards beyond NIST SP 800-171.


Click image to download a list of cybersecurity acronyms and definitions.

Understanding the differences between CMMC 2.0 and NIST SP 800-171 Rev. 2 is crucial for organizations enhancing their cybersecurity posture. Both frameworks are essential for assessing maturity in governance, risk management, incident response, data protection, and technology assurance. Adopting these frameworks ensures proactive adaptation to evolving threats and compliance with regulatory standards.

About the Author:

Joe Coleman
Cyber Security Officer
Bluestreak Consulting
Source: Bluestreak Consulting

Joe Coleman is the cybersecurity officer at Bluestreak Compliance, which is a division of Bluestreak | Bright AM™. Joe has over 35 years of diverse manufacturing and engineering experience. His background includes extensive training in cybersecurity, a career as a machinist, machining manager, and an early additive manufacturing (AM) pioneer. Joe presented at the Furnaces North America (FNA 2024) convention on DFARS, NIST 800-171, and CMMC 2.0.

For more information: Contact Joe at joe.coleman@go-throughput.com.

Cybersecurity Desk: CMMC vs. NIST SP 800-171: Understanding the Differences Read More »

US DOE Strategy: Why the Heat Treating Industry?

The heat treating industry is under pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), and the response has been a noble effort to attain sustainability. In two previous articles in this continuing series, guest columnist Michael Mouilleseaux, general manager at Erie Steel, Ltd., discussed the U.S. Department of Energy’s initiative related to the decarbonization of industry and its potential impact on the heat treating industry.

The first installment, US DOE Strategy Affects Heat Treaters, appeared on April 10, 2024, in Heat Treat Today, as well as in Heat Treat Today’s March 2024 Aerospace print edition. The second in the series, “U.S. DOE Strategy: Ramifications for Heat Treaters“, appeared on June 18, 2024, and in the May 2024 Sustainability print edition. This informative conclusion to the series was first released in Heat Treat Today’s June 2024 Buyer’s Guide print edition.

The endeavor to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), albeit noble in intent, begs the question: Why is the heat treating industry being asked to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions?

Some background:

  • The United States’ GHGE account for approximately 14% of the total worldwide emissions.
  • According to the U.S. DOE, U.S. industry accounts for approximately 23% of the total U.S. GHGE.
  • According to the U.S. DOE, “process heating” accounts for approximately 43% of the total GHGE generated by U.S. industry.
  • According to the U.S. DOE, heat treating accounts for approximately 2.8% of the GHGE they have attributed to process heating.
  • In sum, heat treating accounts for 0.3% of the total U.S. GHGE (23% x 43% x 2.8%), and 0.04% of the worldwide GHGE (14% x 23% x 43% x 2.8%).

Why is the Department of Energy imposing natural gas restrictions on an industry that they have calculated to be responsible for 0.3% of the country’s total emissions?

The answer has two parts. First, natural gas has been deemed “unacceptable” due to its generation of CO2 as byproducts of combustion, and our industry has been swept up in an uninformed effort to stem global warming (or as it is now known, climate change). Remember: Heat treating accounts for just 0.04% of global GHGE!

Second, this administration has spent something between several hundred billion and a trillion U.S. dollars to incentivize power, transportation, and industrial sectors in their effort to stem global warming. Years from now, we will look back at this as one of the greatest capital reallocations in our history. If we can accept that the “past is a prologue,” we have a storied history of government failures to determine the future of the agricultural, aircraft, and financial sectors. This is already happening in Western Europe: Power is substantially more expensive, and industrial output has dropped nearly 6% for the past two years — the European Investment bank attributes the reduction in industrial output to “elevated energy costs.”

Perhaps it’s time for us to take notice and slow down this effort until such a time that we have the technology in place to accomplish decarbonization without eviscerating our industrial, transportation, and power industries. A greatly overused term today is “existential threat” — but our livelihood, our national security, and our way of life are, in fact, on the line.

Attend the SUMMIT to find out more about the DOE’s actions for the heat treat industry.

On www.heattreattoday.com/factsheetDOE, you can utilize the one-page resource to let governmental officials know what our industry is, who we are, who we employ, and the effect this effort has in regulating us out of business.

I want to thank Heat Treat Today for providing me with this forum to speak on this issue, as I believe this needs to be said.

I want to thank Surface Combustion, Gasbarre, and Super Systems Inc. for the guidance they provided me with in navigating the technology of this subject matter.

Any errors contained herein are mine and mine alone.

About the Author:

Michael Mouilleseaux
General Manager at Erie Steel, Ltd.
Sourced from the author

Michael Mouilleseaux is general manager at Erie Steel, Ltd. He has been at Erie Steel in Toledo, OH since 2006 with previous metallurgical experience at New Process Gear in Syracuse, NY, and as the director of Technology in Marketing at FPM Heat Treating LLC in Elk Grove, IL. Michael attended the stakeholder meetings at the May 2023 symposium hosted by the U.S. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.

For more information: Contact Michael at mmouilleseaux@erie.com.  

US DOE Strategy: Why the Heat Treating Industry? Read More »

Dual Chamber Vacuum Furnaces vs. Single Chamber Vacuum Furnaces — An Energy Perspective

The need to understand how certain furnace designs operate comes at a time when heat treaters are weighing each energy cost and benefit of their systems and processes. Read on for a quick summary on how dual chamber furnaces preserve energy.

On April 17-19, 2024, TAV VACUUM FURNACES provided a speaker at the 4th MCHTSE (Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering). The speech focused on the energy aspects of vacuum heat treatment, a subject towards which all of us within the industry need to pay attention for reducing the carbon emissions aiming at a zero net emissions future.

We have already analyzed the essential role that vacuum furnaces will play in this transition, with a focus on the optimization of energy consumption in our previous article. With this new presentation, we wanted to emphasize how selecting the right vacuum furnace configuration for specific processes may impact the energy required to perform such process. For doing so, we compared two different furnace designs — single chamber vs. dual chamber vacuum furnaces — detailing all of the components’ energy consumption for a specific process.

TAV DC4, dual chamber vacuum furnace for low pressure carburizing and gas quenching

As a sneak peek into our presentation, we will summarize below how the main features of the two vacuum furnaces design are affecting their energy performance.

Let’s start by introducing the protagonist of our comparison: a single chamber, graphite insulated vacuum furnace, model TAV H4, and a dual chamber furnace TAV DC4, both having useful volume 400 x 400 x 600 mm (16” x 16” x 24”) (w x h x d).

In a single chamber vacuum furnace, like the TAV H4, the entire process is carried out with the load inside the furnace hot zone. This represents a highly flexible configuration that can perform complex heat treatment recipes with a multiple sequence of heating and cooling stages and to precisely control the temperature gradients at each stage.

Configuration of the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

Alternatively, a dual chamber vacuum furnace, like the TAV DC4, is equipped with a cold chamber, separated from the hot zone, dedicated for quenching. Despite the greater complexity of this type of vacuum furnace, the dual chamber configuration allows for several benefits.

First, in dual chamber furnaces, the graphite insulated hot chamber is never exposed to ambient air during loading and unloading of the furnace; for this reason, the hot chamber may be pre-heated at the treatment temperature (or at a lower temperature, to control the heating gradient). But in single chamber vacuum furnaces, the hot zone must always be loaded and unloaded at room temperature to avoid damages due to heat exposure of graphite to oxygen.

Because dual chamber furnaces have more controlled heating, this will result in both faster heating cycles and lower energy consumption, as a substantial amount of energy is required to heat up the furnace hot zone. This advantage obviously will be more relevant in terms of energy savings the shorter the time is between subsequent heat treatments.

View of the cold chamber of the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

Secondly, since the quenching phase is performed in a separated chamber, the hot zone insulation can be improved in dual chamber vacuum furnaces by increasing the thickness of the graphite board without compromising cooling performance. This translates into a significantly lower heat dissipation, to the extent that at 2012°F (1100°C) the power dissipation per surface unit (kW/m2) is reduced by 25% compared to an equivalent single chamber vacuum furnace.

Additionally, quenching in a dedicated cold chamber allows to obtain higher heat transfer coefficients and higher cooling rates compared to a single chamber vacuum furnace. Since the cold chamber is dedicated solely to the quenching phase, it can be designed for optimizing the cooling gas flow only without the need to accommodate all the components required for heating. All things considered, the heat transfer coefficient achievable in the TAV DC4 can be, all other things being equal, even 50% higher compared to a single chamber vacuum furnace. Secondly, since the cold chamber remains at room temperature throughout the whole process, only the load and loading fixtures need to be cooled down; as a result, the amount of heat that needs to be dissipated is significantly less compared to the single chamber counterpart.

CFD simulation showing a study on the cooling gas speed in a section of the cooling chamber for the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

For heat treatments requiring high cooling rates, it is possible to process significantly higher loads on the dual chamber furnace compared to the single chamber model; translated into numbers, the dual chamber model can effectively quench as much as double processable in a single chamber furnace, depending on the alloy grade, load configuration and overall process. The savings in terms of energy consumption per unit load (kWh/kg) achievable in the dual chamber furnace for such processes can be as high as 50% compared to the single chamber furnace.

In the end, the aim of the speech was to highlight how the energy efficiency of vacuum furnaces is highly dependent on the machine-process combination. Choosing the right vacuum furnace configuration for a specific application, instead of relying solely on standardised solutions, will improve significantly the energy efficiency of the heat treatment process and drive the return on investment.

About the Author

Giorgio Valseccchi
R&D Manager

Giogio Valsecchi has been with the company TAV VACUUM FURNACES for nearly 4 years, after having studied mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Milano. 

For more information: Contact Giorgio at info@tav-vacuumfurnaces.com.

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Sustainability Insights: Forging a Sustainable Path to Decarbonization

The search for sustainable solutions in the heat treat industry is at the forefront of research for industry experts. In this article, provided by IHEA Sustainability Initiatives, a path to sustainable decarbonization is suggested that cuts through the murky waters of changing terms and shifting protocol and charts instead a navigable course with updated definitions and industry resources, such as IHEA’s upcoming Decarbonization SUMMIT in Indianapolis, IN, this fall.

This Sustainability Insights article was first published in Heat Treat Today’s May 2024 Sustainability print edition.

There is no hotter topic (no pun intended) than decarbonization. Just about everywhere you go and everything you read or listen to talks about sustainability and decarbonization. As leaders and stewards in the industrial heating industry, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) is committed to being at the forefront of providing valuable information and developments around the topics of sustainability and decarbonization. For the past 18 months, IHEA has been developing and delivering a highly successful Sustainability Webinar Series; continuously updating terms and definitions, frequently asked questions, and resources for the industry on the IHEA website; and, in its biggest step, is now offering a comprehensive Decarbonization SUMMIT from October 28–30, 2024 in Indianapolis, IN.

Current IHEA President and Sustainability Committee Chair Jeff Rafter states, “All IHEA members are continuously being asked about ways to decarbonize their processes. As the industry association dedicated to all things ‘heating,’ we feel it is our duty to present an unbiased view of what’s happening now, how companies can begin the process of lowering their carbon emissions on their current equipment, while beginning to look at all the alternatives that are coming and how those might fit into their operations. There is no question that change is imminent. We want to be the resource that the industry uses for information on all options to begin to decarbonize operations.”

While not much is going to happen overnight, “Legislation is going to be coming,” notes IHEA Board Member Mike Stowe, who is serving on the ISO Decarbonization Committee. “The best thing companies can do is begin preparing now. Take a look at your current operations and start making changes that improve efficiency now. Educate yourself and your staff on technologies that will help you lower carbon emissions. Be ready for what lies ahead.”

IHEA is ready to help the industry take the next step by hosting its first Industrial Heating Decarbonization SUMMIT. This event is designed to start shaping the future of manufacturing heating processes. It will include keynote addresses by industry visionaries; ways to begin your decarbonization process now; a look ahead at various technologies that can also help you decarbonize; case histories and a panel discussion on decarbonization collaboration; networking with industry leaders, and a tabletop exhibition that showcases cutting-edge technology.

Themes Running Throughout the SUMMIT Will Focus On:

  • Low Carbon Fuels in Industrial Processes
  • Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies
  • Global Benchmarking
  • Economics and Business Concerns
  • Innovations in Clean Technologies
  • DOE (Department of Energy) Programs and Tools
  • Policy Frameworks for Decarbonization

Target Audience for the SUMMIT:

  • CEOs and Executives from Industrial Companies
  • Sustainability Officers and Environmental Managers
  • Government Officials and Policymakers
  • Researchers and Academics in Clean Technology
  • Sustainability Engineers and Program Managers
  • Directors of Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Utility Representatives

“We are in a unique position,” comments IHEA President Jeff Rafter. “There has never been an issue like this that has faced our industry. Working together and bringing the industry together at a SUMMIT gives everyone a forum to learn, share ideas and best practices, review recent technologies, and begin lowering carbon emissions as an industry. No one is going to do this alone.”

IHEA’s tabletop exhibits that will accompany the SUMMIT programming will allow attendees to get a close look at a wide array of information that will help them in their decarbonization efforts. Those interested in reserving a tabletop should visit summit.ihea.org. Tabletops are expected to sell out quickly.

As IHEA works its way towards the SUMMIT in the fall, the Sustainability Webinar Series is still underway. Nearly 1,000 people have logged on over the past year since the first webinar was launched. Upcoming Webinars include:

May 16Increasing Available Heat to Lower CO2 Emissions
June 20Understanding Carbon Credits & Net Zero
July 18U.S. Codes & Standards
August 15Renewable Fuels

Additional webinars will be supplemented to this list regularly. IHEA’s webinars are free to attend. You can register by going to IHEA’s website (www.ihea.org) and clicking on the Sustainability logo on the home page. Then scroll down and click on the “Sustainability Webinar Series” to review and register for the upcoming webinars. If you have a sustainability topic you would like us to address, please email the topic to anne@goyermgt.com, and we’ll work to create a webinar.

For more information:

Connect with IHEA Sustainability & Decarbonization Initiatives https://www.ihea.org/page/Sustainability

Article provided by IHEA Sustainability Initiatives

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Basic Definitions: Power Pathways in Vacuum Furnaces

Ever wish you had a map to follow when navigating your power source? In the following Technical Tuesday article, Brian Turner, sales applications engineer at RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., charts the route that power takes from the source to the load and back again in a vacuum furnace.

In a vacuum furnace, the journey from the load (the material being heat treated) to the incoming power involves a complex arrangement of components that deliver, control, and monitor electrical energy. Here’s a breakdown of the path from the source to the load and back to the source of incoming power of a vacuum furnace:


The material — either an item or batch of items — that is undergoing heat treatment; can be metals, ceramics, or composites.

Heating Elements

Common materials for heating elements include graphite, molybdenum, or tungsten, depending on the temperature range and application.

Electrical Feedthrough

These are used to transmit electrical power or signals through the vacuum chamber wall. They often contain insulated conductors and connectors to ensure safe transmission without leaking air into the vacuum environment.


The most common methods to connect power from a vacuum power source to the furnace’s feedthrough include air-cooled cables, water-cooled cables, and copper bus bar. Power efficiency can be improved when selecting the length, size, and area between conductors. This can be achieved by close coupling the power system to the electrical feedthroughs, reducing resistance and inductive reactance, and improving the power factor.

Machined Copper Bar
Source: RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

Controlled Power Distribution Systems

The furnace market today generally relies on three primary types of control power distribution systems: VRT, SCR, and IGBT. Each of these technologies employs different methods to regulate the power input to the furnace, which in turn generates the required heat.

VRT (Variable Reactance Transformer)

  • The VRT controls AC voltage to the load, this is accomplished by a DC power controller that injects DC current into the reactor within the transformer.

SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)

IGBT (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor)

  • Balanced three-phase voltage is rectified through a bridge circuit to charge a capacitor in the DC bus. The IGBT network switches the DC bus at 1000Hz to control the AC output voltage to a Medium Frequency Direct Current (MFDC) power supply.
  • MFDC power supply transforms the AC voltage to a practical level and rectifies the secondary voltage (DC) to the heating circuit.
  • A line reactor on the incoming three-phase line mitigates harmonic content.

Control Systems

These systems manage the furnace’s operation, including driving the setpoint of the power system, temperature control, vacuum levels, and timing. They often consist of programmable logic controllers (PLCs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), sensors, and other automation components.

Incoming Power

This is the origin of the furnace’s electrical energy, typically from a utility grid. It provides alternating current (AC), which is distributed and transformed within the furnace system to power all necessary components. In industrial settings, power companies usually charge for electricity based on several factors that reflect both the amount of electricity used and how it’s used. Some common charges/penalties are energy consumption (kWh), demand charges (kW), power factor penalties, and time-of-use (TOU) reactive power.


The careful arrangement of heating elements, electrical feedthroughs, conductors, and controlled power distribution systems allows for precise temperature control, ultimately impacting the quality of the processed material. Understanding the role of various control systems, such as VRT, SCR, IGBTs, and transformers is crucial for optimizing furnace performance and managing energy costs

About the Author:

Brian Turner
Sales Applications Engineer
RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.
Source: RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

Brian K. Turner has been with RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., for more than 12 years. Most of that time has been spent managing the R&D Lab. In recent years, he has taken on the role as applications engineer, working with customers and their applications.

For more information: Contact Brian at bturner@romanmfg.com.

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