Ovako Adds 20MW Alkaline Water Electrolyzer for Hydrogen Production

HTD Size-PR LogoOvako, a European manufacturer of engineering steel with a North American presence, will receive a 20MW alkaline water electrolyzer by the end of 2022. The electrolyzer will be used at their plant in Hofors, Sweden for hydrogen heating of steel prior to rolling and hot forming.

Rickard Qvarfort
President of Business
Ovako Hofors

"In June," says Rickard Qvarfort, president of the business unit at Ovako Hofors, "we announced our collaboration with the Volvo Group, Hitachi Energy, H2 Green Steel and Nel Hydrogen with the purpose to invest in fossil-free hydrogen in Hofors[. . .] We are now very pleased to have reached this important milestone of the project. The electrolyzer technology will enable us to eliminate CO2 for heating steel before rolling."

Jon André Løkke
Nel Hydrogen

Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a division of Nel ASA, is scheduled to deliver the electrolyzer in 2022 for first hydrogen production in 2023. The electrolyzer will produce oxygen and hydrogen for Ovako's steel-heating processes and will decrease CO2 emissions by 50%.

"We are very excited to announce the delivery of electrolyzer equipment to Ovako, and this groundbreaking project," Jon André Løkke, CEO at Nel Hydrogen explains. "There is huge potential in reducing CO2-emissions from steel-heating processes through the use of green hydrogen, there are numerous similar sites with equally large potential for decarbonization across Europe and the rest of the world."

Learn more about Ovako here.

Ovako Adds 20MW Alkaline Water Electrolyzer for Hydrogen Production Read More »

Guía para la Selección de Equipos para Tratamiento Térmico

OC¿Se siente siempre seguro cuando selecciona equipos de tratamiento térmico? Do you always feel confident when selecting heat treating equipment?

There are many factors involved when making a purchase. Read this guide on how to select and buy new equipment by Carlos Carrasco, founder of Carrasco Hornos Industriales. The Spanish version is below, or you can check out both the Spanish and the English translation of the article where it was originally published: Heat Treat Today's November 2021 Vacuum Furnace print edition.

¿Se siente siempre seguro cuando selecciona equipos de tratamiento térmico? Hay muchos factores involucrados cuando se hace una compra. Consulte este artículo para conocer los pautas que lo ayudarán en el proceso de selección y compra. Autor: Carlos Carrasco, fundador de Carrasco Hornos Industriales.

Carlos Carrasco
Carrasco Hornos Industriales

¿Por qué es conveniente esta guía?

Este artículo ayuda a los ingenieros a comprar equipos de tratamiento térmico. Hay muchas razones para seleccionar cuidadosamente los hornos industriales. Uno, es el costo del horno en sí y otro, es que el producto que se está tratando térmicamente afectará los resultados de su empresa.

En un equipo para tratamiento térmico, hay más ingeniería especializada de lo que parece en el exterior. Hay varias y muy sólidas razones, para hacer una cuidadosa selección de estos equipos, pues sus componentes son inherentemente de alto precio y en la mayoría de los casos, los resultados del tratamiento térmico tienen un importante efecto en la economía de su empresa.

El objetivo de esta guía es el de tratar de ayudarle a hacer la mejor selección del equipo; porque su decisión afectará no sólo al proyecto, su presupuesto y resultados, sino también a su capacidad como ejecutivo. No será la primera vez que escuche usted comentarios respecto a equipos adquiridos por la empresa en etapas anteriores a la suya o en la misma, y es común en la industria, tanto nacional como internacional, que los operadores o el personal de mantenimiento, comenten: “Cuando adquirieron este horno, nadie pensó en los problemas de mantenimiento [. . .] Como ellos no son los que lo usan día con día, no se dieron cuenta de cuánto trabajo se requiere para mantenerlo o bien para trabajar confi ablemente con él”.

Déjese ayudar, pues como ingenieros consultores en hornos y experiencia de más de 50 años en este ramo; tanto en la fabricación, venta y mantenimiento, con buenos resultados, los comentarios siguientes seguramente pensamos le serán útiles.

Horno de temple al vacío

Primer paso: solicitud de la cotizacion

Al solicitar una cotización, nadie mejor que Ud. puede conocer los requisitos que deben tener sus productos tratados térmicamente. Un proveedor confiable, debe ser capaz de entender todas sus necesidades de tratamiento térmico a partir de la solicitud de cotización que le presente. Consecuentemente, su solicitud deberá ser clara, concisa y tendrá como mínimo los siguientes datos:

  • Proceso de tratamiento térmico a efectuarse en el equipo.
  • Forma, dimensiones generales y pesos del (los) producto(s) a tratar térmicamente.
  • Volúmenes de producción por hora, día o mes.
  • Número de horas disponibles para el trabajo de tratamiento térmico.
  • Material del que están construidas las partes.
  • Combustible disponible o en su caso, si la calefacción será por medio de electricidad.
  • Tensión eléctrica disponible en la planta.
  • Espacio disponible para la instalación del equipo.
  • Consideraciones especiales del manejo de la carga y la descarga.

Es conveniente que Ud. sepa que los fabricantes de hornos necesitan la información anterior para empezar a definir una serie de opciones del equipo que podría ser el más adecuado para sus procesos. Por ejemplo, la producción horaria define: Las dimensiones del espacio para calentar la carga, el tipo de horno, continuo o por lotes, la cantidad de calor a ser liberada en el horno, así como el método de carga y descarga y los dispositivos para acomodar o transportar la carga como charolas, canastillas o bandas transportadoras. Todo lo anterior influye, tanto en el costo inicial como en el de operación, porqué, a fin de cuentas, el costo del equipo propuesto y su funcionalidad, están en relación directa a las especificaciones de su solicitud de cotización.

Ah, y por favor, no trate de llevar a cabo todos los procesos de tratamiento térmico habidos y por haber en un único horno, ni tampoco quiera tomar precauciones de futuras necesidades de producción, de las cuales no tiene ahora ninguna certeza, ya que es difícil llevar a cabo en un solo horno varios procesos que involucran diferentes temperaturas, volúmenes de producción, etc. Un enfoque en este sentido conduce a equipos sobredimensionados y posiblemente fuera de su presupuesto.

Horno de vacío para carburizado a baja presión

Segundo paso: selección de proveedores

Presente su solicitud de cotización, solamente a quien tenga la capacidad técnica y experiencia para preparar una oferta, que satisfaga dicha solicitud. Utilice siempre referencias de instalaciones previas, y de preferencia similares, o mejor aún, iguales a la que usted requiere.

El costo de los equipos para tratamiento térmico es elevado y representa un atractivo a empresas e individuos que consideran la posibilidad de obtener beneficios económicos. La verdad, es que el diseño y construcción de estos equipos involucra una considerable cantidad de ingeniería, resultado de costosas inversiones en investigación y desarrollo con retroalimentación de casos prácticos (los fracasos enseñan) que han sido aprovechados en beneficio de los clientes potenciales. En suma, no permita que sus necesidades sean el método de aprendizaje de un proveedor. Aquí es donde no hay sustituto a la experiencia.

De hecho, el proveedor con experiencia y sólida capacidad técnica es el único que estará en posibilidad de garantizar resultados desde el principio. Desde luego, a Ud. le interesa obtener resultados dentro de especificaciones, desde la primera carga que sale del horno, y no comprar excusas, promesas y retrabajos para corregir lo que de inicio está mal hecho. Quizá, con buenas intenciones, pero poca y en algunos casos, nula experiencia.

Tercer paso: estudio y evaluación de las ofertas

El proveedor responsable invertirá tiempo y dinero en el estudio y preparación de la oferta, porque no puede correr el riesgo de que su proyecto no cumpla su cometido. Ahora la responsabilidad de evaluar las propuestas recae sólo en Ud.

No hay proveedor responsable, que no haya sufrido la decepción de que su oferta sea leída de atrás para adelante. Nos referimos a que el precio es la primera línea que lee el cliente potencial. Hágase una pregunta: ¿Su necesidad primordial es, un precio o un equipo de tratamiento térmico que sea capaz de procesar las piezas para que cumplan sus especificaciones de su tratamiento térmico? La lectura cuidadosa de la oferta, le dará la respuesta a sus necesidades de producción y a la justificación del costo del horno. Si hubiese alguna sección que no sea de su completa comprensión, no dude en llamar al proveedor para que haga las aclaraciones correspondientes. Por favor, no malentienda. La inversión en equipos de producción es muy importante, pero más importante será que la inversión sea rentable.

El equipo para tratamiento térmico debe satisfacer una necesidad de producción y de ciertas especificaciones metalográficas. Consecuentemente, las dimensiones del espacio en donde serán colocadas las partes, quizá sea el factor principal en el diseño del horno. Esto se debe, a que los metales sólo son capaces de calentarse hasta una cierta temperatura, a una razón que está determinada por el método de calefacción, la geometría y acomodo de la carga. Sólo los proveedores experimentados, pueden hacer los cálculos correctos para que su propuesta satisfaga las necesidades de producción del proyecto, del que Ud. es responsable. Solicite al proveedor le muestre y explique la memoria de cálculo que conduce al dimensionamiento del sistema propuesto.

¿Cómo se soportan y/o transportan las partes dentro del horno? Éste es un punto de gran importancia, por el costo inicial de estos componentes y también por los costos del mantenimiento futuro. Conviene tener en cuenta que, cualquier mecanismo que trabaje a alta temperatura, siempre será problemático su mantenimiento y reposición. Las bandas de eslabones fundidos, por ejemplo, (de mayor costo inicial) soportan mejor y durante mayor tiempo, cargas pesadas en comparación con las bandas de malla metálica. Sin embargo, hay notable diferencia en los costos de componentes de aleación Cromo-Níquel, comparados con los de acero al carbón, pero su uso es prácticamente imperativo.

Los hornos tienden a deteriorarse rápidamente en cualquier lugar en donde haya fuga del calor. Asegúrese de que el diseño de las puertas sea el mejor posible para evitar esta fuga de calor y también de que su horno no tenga puertas que no necesita. Esto le ahorrará costos de mantenimiento.

Por lo que respecta al temple, los sistemas de circulación de agua o aceite son de extrema importancia, lo mismo que la capacidad del tanque. De lo contrario, el medio de temple puede sobrecalentarse y los resultados de su proceso, podrían no ser satisfactorios.

En un horno destinado a operaciones de baja temperatura (180 a 600° C), por ejemplo, procesos de revenido, es necesario disponer de un ventilador para la recirculación del aire caliente del horno. La uniformidad de la temperatura en las partes y la rapidez a la que se calientan las mismas, depende de la velocidad de la recirculación, del peso del aire y del diseño del horno que debe forzar el paso del aire en forma óptima, a través de la carga, con la utilización de mamparas deflectoras o plenos de distribución. En los hornos de alta temperatura (700 a 1200° C), la transferencia de calor depende de la radiación de éste hacia la carga y su superficie expuesta, por lo que un ventilador de recirculación no es necesario. El tratamiento térmico, es un proceso crítico en lo que se refiere a temperatura. Los pirómetros reguladores de temperatura deben tener la precisión necesaria.

Escriba sus dudas sobre la oferta y pida al proveedor que las aclare en forma extensa y por escrito. Las respuestas le facilitarán el hacer un segundo análisis de la oferta y compararla con otras ofertas; además, tendrá un registro para revisión por parte de otros colaboradores en el proyecto. Pida opinión sobre sus observaciones a las propuestas, pues uno tiende a pensar en círculos.

Solicite a los proveedores, le entreguen una lista de instalaciones similares a la suya en las que hayan intervenido. Generalmente, los colegas industriales se muestran imparciales en sus comentarios sobre la experiencia que hayan tenido con un determinado proveedor.

Finalmente, haga un cuadro comparativo, en la forma más objetiva posible. No pierda de vista que, frecuentemente las ofertas no incluyen algunas cuestiones subjetivas, que pueden ser importantes para una selección final. Por ejemplo, es probable que algunos proveedores tengan mayores conocimientos y experiencia en ciertos procesos, sencillamente porque han invertido tiempo y dinero para encontrar las mejores soluciones al proceso y Ud. podría verse beneficiado con esas experiencias.

Cuarto paso: el precio

Seguramente, ahora que ha comprendido el alcance de las propuestas que ha recibido y que cumplen con sus necesidades de producción y calidad, se dará cuenta que aún así habrá diferencias entre sus distintos proveedores que podrían llegar a ser significativas.

Este es el momento en que un fabricante de hornos industriales podrá justificar sus costos. Y usted sabrá si ha realizado su oferta pensando en Ud. como un futuro cliente satisfecho o únicamente en los beneficios económicos que la venta le reportará.


Son innumerables los casos en que los equipos fueron mal seleccionados: “La sub-estación y/o la torre de enfriamiento no tuvieron capacidad”, “El equipo no es lo que esperábamos”, “Nunca nos dijeron que el horno necesitaba gas en esas capacidades”. Estos son sólo algunos de los comentarios que todos hemos escuchado.

Tómese todo el tiempo que requiera para analizar sus opciones, piense el porqué hay diferencias de un proveedor a otro y solicite que le sean aclaradas. Pida a sus proveedores las opciones a las que puede acceder con el equipo que está solicitando y que éstas sean cotizadas como eso: opciones. No se olvide de solicitar las refacciones que pudieran ser utilizadas durante el primer año de operación de su horno.

Para finalizar, sólo el tiempo dirá si al seleccionar sus hornos, éstos funcionaron como se esperaba.

Sinceramente, esperamos que estas recomendaciones le orienten en la selección de hornos industriales para tratamiento térmico y estamos seguros, que así será. Seguro que debe haber más preguntas relacionadas con este tema, no dude en contactarnos para obtener ayuda.

Sobre el autor:

Expertos en hornos. Representantes de diversas compañías fabricantes de hornos industriales, partes de refacción y equipo de combustión. Con más de 55 años de experiencia en la industria y consultores. Carlos Carrasco es fundador y expresidente del capítulo México de la ASM International.

Contacto Carlos: contacto@carrasco.com.mx

Guía para la Selección de Equipos para Tratamiento Térmico Read More »

ELVIAL Increases Heat Treat Capabilities for Aluminum Products

Marcin Stokłosa
Project Manager
Nitrex Poland

HTD Size-PR LogoELVIAL S.A.,a large aluminum extrusion company in Greece, has purchased an aluminum extruder furnace to meet needs created by their plant's expansion and increasing manufacturing capacity.

"This additional NX-815 E furnace [. . .] will help increase the production of building materials by the company," says Marcin Stokłosa, project manager at Nitrex. "The first furnace has been operational since 2016."

The NX-815 E is a retort furnace used for extrusion. It operates with NX connect software, and uses the NITREG-C (nitrocarburizing) and NITREG (gas nitriding) technologies for dies extrusion. The order also included a lifting device. All processes for this furnace are compliant to AMS 2759/10.

An ELVIAL representative cited good equipment, technology and service to explain why ELVIAL chose to do business with the supplier this second time.


heat treat buyers guideLooking for Endothermic generators? See listings for equipment and services in the Heat Treat Buyers Guide


ELVIAL Increases Heat Treat Capabilities for Aluminum Products Read More »

Thanksgiving Message from Heat Treat Today

As Heat Treat Today takes the rest of the week off to enjoy a full harvest filled with family and friends, we want to be sure that we let you know how grateful we are to serve and support you in your heat treating needs. This year, we rejoice in the friendships, successes, and wonderful people God has blessed us with in this industry.

Be blessed this Thanksgiving, and we'll see you bright 'n early on Monday, November 29th.

-Bethany Leone and Heat Treat Today

Heat Treat Daily/Heat Treat Radio Editor


Thanksgiving Message from Heat Treat Today Read More »

Innovative Quenching Process from New PEER Energy and Schwing Technologies Partnership

HTD Size-PR LogoTwo German companies, with international reach and North American locations, signed a long-term cooperation agreement to further technical development and marketing of fluidized bed technology for the heat treatment of metal components. The partnership between the two companies focuses on combining innovative quenching processes with fluidized bed technology.

Ralf Giebmanns (PEER Energy) and Andreas Guderjahn (Schwing Technologies) want to further advance heat treatment processes and develop new resource-saving and cost-cutting processes with the new G4Q® bath medium

Specifically, PEER Energy GmbH and Schwing Technologies GmbH will research results and developments of heat transfer rates. The application focus is on faster and more uniform heating and cooling processes for metal parts with the aim of conserving resources and further reducing unit costs.

"We are pleased to cooperate with Schwing Technologies. Together with the proven technology leader for fluidized bed heat treatment and with our latest approaches, we want to open up opportunities in new heat treatment markets," emphasizes Ralf Giebmanns, managing director of PEER Energy. Andreas Guderjahn, heat treatment expert at Schwing Technologies, adds: "We will make use of the extensive knowledge and vast experience of the PEER Energy team for the analysis and design of heat treatment lines and jointly develop innovative processes."

By means of heat treatment, the mechanical properties of conventionally or additively manufactured components are adapted to their static or dynamic application requirements. In this context, the proven and established fluidized bed technology is known for its superior temperature uniformity, robustness and flexibility. It scores particularly well when it comes to high throughput with consistently high quality.

Innovative Quenching Process from New PEER Energy and Schwing Technologies Partnership Read More »

The Use of Graphite for Vacuum Furnace Fixturing

OC Carbon/carbon composite. What is it? Why is the vacuum furnace industry excited about its use in graphite vacuum furnace fixtures, grids, and leveling components?

In this Technical Tuesday, originally published in Heat Treat Today’s November 2021 Vacuum Furnace print edition, explore this new material game changer and learn about its versatility in this informative article by Real J. Fradette, senior technical consultant, Solar Atmospheres, Inc., and Roger A. Jones, FASM, CEO emeritus, Solar Atmospheres, Inc.

Roger Jones, FASM, CEO Emeritus, Solar Atmospheres, Inc.
Additionally, Real J. Fradette, Senior Technical Consultant at Solar Atmospheres, Inc.


The vacuum furnace industry has searched for many years for the ideal material to be used in fixtures and grids for processing workloads at elevated temperatures. The support structures should be lightweight to achieve desired metallurgical results during the cooling phase of the process cycle. These lighter-weight supporting members will also result in overall lower processing costs due to shorter heating and cooling portions of the overall furnace cycle.

The latest and most successful material used in graphite vacuum furnace fixtures, grids, and leveling components is a carbon/carbon composite (C/C) structure. Graphite is an allotrope and a stable form of carbon.

Carbon/Carbon Composite Material

Carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites (C/C composites) have become one of the most advanced and promising engineering materials in use today. These C/C composites consist of two primary components: carbon fibers and a carbon matrix (or binder). They are among the strongest and lightest high temperature engineered materials in the world compared to other materials such as basic graphite, ceramics, metal, or plastic. C/C composites are lightweight, strong, and can withstand temperatures of over 3632°F (2000°C) without any loss in performance.

Ingots processed with graphite support members

Typical Carbon/Carbon Composite Two-Tier Fixture

Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites

C/C composites are a two-phase composite material where both the matrix and reinforced fiber are carbon. C/C composites can be tailored to provide a wide variety of products by controlling the choice of fiber type, fiber presentation, and the matrix carbon/carbon composite. They are primarily used for extreme high temperature and friction applications.

C/C composites combine the desirable properties of the two-constituent carbon materials. The carbon matrix (heat resistance, chemical resistance, low-thermal expansion coefficient, high-thermal conductivity, low-electric resistance, low-specific gravity) and the carbon fiber (high-strength, high elastic modulus) are molded together to form a better combined material. The reinforcing fiber is typically either a continuous (long-fiber) or discontinuous (short-fiber) carbon fiber type.

CFC design fixturing for medical implants

Summarizing Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites

  • Excellent thermal shock resistance
  • Low coefficient of thermal expansion
  • Excellent thermal shock resistance
  • High modulus of elasticity
  • High thermal conductivity
  • Low density (about 114 lb/ft³)
  • High strength
  • Low coefficient of friction (in the fiber direction)
  • Excellent heat resistance in nonoxidizing atmosphere. C/C composites retain their mechanical properties up to 4982°F (2750°C)
  • High abrasion resistance
  • High electrical conductivity
  • Non-brittle failure

Benefits of C/C composites

The carbon fiber matrix can be used to create racks, plates, grids, and fixtures for vacuum heat treating applications.

Various Configurations of C/C Used as Fixtures and Grids

Below are several examples showing different applications of how C/C component graphite materials are used in typical vacuum furnace applications:

347 screens: 347 screens that were annealed at 1875°F in partial pressure nitrogen. The screens were too wide for our normal furnace grid, so we used graphite fixturing to get the screens into the center of the furnace to accommodate the width. The graphite also allows for the screens to settle flat during the heat treating.

Titanium aerospace components: Very intricate and precise graphite fixturing designed to minimize warpage during the solution age heat treatment of these 5-5-5-3 titanium aerospace components. The fixturing was manufactured by 5-axis machining equipment and it allows the part to move during the heat treatment and then settle back into the exact contour of the fixture.

Steel aerospace components: 4340M aerospace components hardened and tempered in partial pressure nitrogen. Graphite fixturing was used to minimize distortion and holes were machined into the graphite plates to help with the cooling phase of the cycle.

Titanium ingots: 10-2-3 titanium ingots homogenized at 2350°F for 24 hours in high vacuum, 10-5 Torr. Each ingot weighs about 10,000 pounds. The fixturing serves two purposes: it keep the ingots from rolling during the heat treatment process, and it also contours to the shape of the ingot so there are no flat spots after the homogenization.

Titanium strips: Titanium strips annealed at 1450°F and aged in high vacuum, 10-5 Torr. Strips were placed on a laser leveled graphite plate to maintain flatness during the run.

Ingot fixtures: These are graphite support members that are used to process the ingots on the first page of the article. They maintain the shape of the ingots while providing support.

The above images are just a small sample of the many supporting graphite designs that have become so critical in vacuum furnace processing. C/C component graphite material can be readily machined for special shapes and applications. We look forward to finding many more ways to successfully use these graphite components.

About the Authors:

Real J. Fradette is the senior technical consultant at Solar Atmospheres, Inc.

Roger Jones is the FASM and CEO Emeritus at Solar Atmospheres, Inc.

The Use of Graphite for Vacuum Furnace Fixturing Read More »

Heat Treating with Low CO2

Today, we look to our European information partner, heatprocessing, to discover how environmental awareness has been influencing heat treat relationships internationally.

Battery Development for Sustainable Use

"Joint Venture Primobius, between the Australian Neometals company and the German SMS group, is showcasing its concept for the industrial recycling of lithium-ion batteries[. . .]"

"Large volumes of material can be mechanically shredded on-site in smaller 'spoke systems'. Central 'hub systems' can be used to recycle the 'black mass'. The mechanical and hydrometallurgical processes cause comparatively low CO2 emissions. They enable purchasers of recovered materials to battery recycling without limits. Doing so, they reduce their environmental footprints. They come out on top with high recovery percentages for the sought-after material lithium."

Read More: "Primobius develops scalable recycling solutions for lithium-ion batteries"


Decarburizing Tech

"Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), Russia, and SMS group, Germany, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU states the intention of both companies to cooperate in the development and use of decarbonisation technologies in order to reduce – potentially to zero – CO2 emissions."

"The Memorandum is valid for five years from the date of signing. Pavel Shilyaev, CEO of MMK and Burkhard Dahmen, CEO of SMS group, signed the document jointly."

Read More: "Decarbonisation: MMK and SMS group sign Memorandum of Understanding"


Hydrogen High, NOx Low

"The new 200-KW TRKSX (Tenova Self-ReKuperative Flameless) SmartBurner was successfully tested with a variable fuel mixture of natural gas and hydrogen to potentially eliminate CO2 emissions during the combustion process. The system works in flame and flameless mode with the aim to keep nitrogen dioxide emissions well below the strictest future limits."

Read More: "Tenova launches hydrogen-ready burner for heat treatment furnaces"

Heat Treating with Low CO2 Read More »

20 Quick Heat Treat News Chatter Items to Keep You Current

Heat Treat Today offers News Chatter, a feature highlighting representative moves, transactions, and kudos from around the industry. Enjoy these 20 news bites that will help you stay up-to-date on all thing heat treat. 

Equipment Chatter

  1. A leading Chinese aviation company began cooperating with SECO/WARWICK, placing an order for a Vector® vacuum furnace for carburizing and gas quenching. The furnace will be used for the manufacturer of hydraulic pump components and other machinery.
  2. Tenova Italimpianti, a technologies and equipment supplier for industrial furnace providers, recently received a contract from Metalloinvest for the reconstruction of the Heating Furnace 2 in the second rolling unit of Alexey Ugarov OEMK, in Russia.
  3. Tenova LOI Thermprocess has received an order from Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. (WISCO) in Wuhan, China for the installation of a continuous quench for the efficient cooling of thin steel plates.

Personnel/Company Chatter

  1. Nitrex’s Aurora commercial heat treat facility is now in the hot testing phase of its newly installed low-pressure carburizing (LPC) and vacuum system, which is expected to start production in September.
  2. Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd. welcomed Johan Vargas to its Mechanical Engineering team.
  3. Mike Stowe, senior energy engineer at Advanced Energy, recently won an ACEEE Champion of Energy Efficiency in Industry award in the industrial leadership category.
  4. Selas Heat Technology Co. announced that Burner Design and Controls (BDC) of Hazelwood, Mo. has joined their network of manufacturers’ representatives. BDC will be handling Selas burners, valves, mixers, and control components serving customers in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Southern Illinois.
  5. The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) recently gathered for its annual meeting in St. Pete Beach, FL, where the National Board of Directors and Executive Officers met in person. The leading Board of Directors consisted of both continuing and new members. Scott Bishop of Alabama Power – Southern Company serves as president; Jeff Valuck of Surface Combustion, Inc. as vice president; Brian Kelly of Honeywell Thermal Solutions as treasurer and Michael Stowe of Advanced Energy serves as past president. Jason Safarz returns to the IHEA Board of Directors as a regional sales manager at Karl Dungs, Inc. Jeff Rafter, vice president of sales and marketing with Selas Heat Technology Co., joins the IHEA Board of Directors this year. Continuing their service for 2021–2022: Gary Berwick, Dry Coolers; Alberto Cantu, Nutec Bickley; Bob Fincken, Super Systems, Inc.; Doug Glenn, ; Francis Liebens, SOLO Swiss Group; John Podach, Fostoria Infrared; and John Stanley, Karl Dungs, Inc.
  6. The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) acknowledges their current committee chairpersons on the IHEA Committees and Divisions: Government Relations Committee led by Jeff Valuck, Surface Combustion, Inc.; Safety Standards and Codes Committee led by Kevin Carlisle, Karl Dungs, Inc.; Education Committee led by Brian Kelly, Honeywell Thermal Solutions; Marketing Communication & Membership Committee led by Erik Klingerman, Industrial Heating The Infrared Division is chaired by Scott Bishop, Alabama Power – Southern Company; and the Induction Division is chaired by Michael Stowe, Advanced Energy.
  7. Alvis Eimuss, head of Customer Support at CENOS, presented the company’s most recent software, CENOS Induction Heating simulation software’s version 3.0 at a webinar titled, “Webinar: CENOS 3.0 release”.

Kudos Chatter

  1. Braddock Metallurgical announced that they achieved the renewal of Nadcap accreditation at their Bridgewater, Boynton Beach, and Jacksonville locations. Additionally, Braddock Metallurgical earned the special Nadcap recognition of Merit.
  2. Solar Atmospheres – Souderton, PA announces that it has been awarded Nadcap 24-month Merit status for heat treating, brazing and carburizing.
  3. Metallurgical Processing, Inc. in New Britain, CT has achieved two-year Merit status with PRI/Nadcap with 10 checklists ranging from Aluminum, Ion Nitride, Vacuum Furnace Brazing and Carburize among others.
  4. The Bodycote team in Berlin, CT completed a three-day Nadcap audit for electron beam welding, maintaining their Merit status for a further two years.
  5.  Bodycote teams at Silao, Romulus, and Canton Haggerty were awarded the Supplier Quality Excellence Award from General Motors for their work in 2020.
  6. Isostatic Pressing Services, LLC successfully completed the PRI evaluation process, becoming Nadcap certified for various criteria including AC7102/6 and AC7102/8 Rev A among others.
  7. Thermal-Vac Technology has been nominated and asked to take part in the Orange County Business Journal’s celebration of the 22nd annual Family-Owned Business Award.
  8. Allied Mineral Products of Columbus, Ohio celebrates its 60th anniversary in August 2021.
  9. SECO/WARWICK, a Polish company with American roots, was awarded a prize at the USA-Central Eastern Europe Investment Summit & Awards, one of the key events summing up the economic partnership between the U.S. and the Central Eastern European region. The award for the Most Successful Expansion was accepted by Sławomir Wozniak, the president of SECO/WARWICK Group
  10. The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) reconfirmed Roberto Pancaldi, Tenova CEO, as member of the Board of Directors in the position of vice president. Enrico Malfa, Tenova R&D Director, was appointed member of the Clean Steel Partnership’s Board at ESTEP

Heat Treat Today is pleased to join in the announcements of growth and achievement throughout the industry by highlighting them here on our News Chatter page. Please send any information you feel may be of interest to manufacturers with in-house heat treat departments especially in the aerospace, automotive, medical, and energy sectors to bethany@heattreattoday.com.


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TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA Modernizes Endothermic Generator

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TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA (TN), an international manufacturer of industrial precision balls, ball screws, rollers, cages, and sheet metal parts recently upgraded their endothermic generator. The generator will now be able to give precise regulation of the gas mixing ratio, reduce pollutant emissions, and remove the necessity to manually correct settings on a day-to-day basis.

UPC-Marathon helps TN retrofit an endothermic generator

TN received the EndoInjector™ from UPC-Marathon, a division of Nitrex.  The upgraded system provides automated regulation of the efficiency and composition of the endothermic protective atmosphere, which aided in lowering operating costs. TN will also have more control over dew point measuring with UPC-Marathon's AtmoSense system.

"[T]he precise regulation of the gas mixing ratio," Zbigniew Terelak, shift manager at Hartownia TN Polska Sp. z o.o comments, "[...] allows for precise regulation of the efficiency [of the mixture] even with a small demand for the endoatmosphere and it constantly ensures the optimal composition of the mixture for its production, improving the efficiency of the device and extending its life."

heat treat buyers guideLooking for Endothermic generators? See listings for products in the Heat Treat Buyers Guide


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Message from the Editor: Firsts

OCLet's talk about "firsts" and the importance of starting new adventures in the heat treat industry. From her editorial perspective, Karen Gantzer, editor of Heat Treat Today, shares her experience meeting the patient, informative experts in the heat treat industry in today's original content article. Where will your next "first" take you?

This article first appeared in Heat Treat Today's November 2021 Vacuum Furnaces print edition. Feel free to contact Karen Gantzer at karen@heattreattoday.com if you have a question, comment, or any editorial contribution you’d like to submit.

Karen Gantzer
Managing Editor
Heat Treat Today

In January of 2019, our publisher and close family friend, Doug Glenn (Doug, his wife Mary, and I go all the way back to our days at Grove City College), called me, a middle school English teacher, and asked me if I’d consider working for them as an editor. While I was honored that they would think of me, my initial response was something like, “Doug, I don’t know anything about heat treating and besides, I’m a humanities girl, not STEM!” He assured me that I could learn the industry and it would be a fun ride. A first for me to dip my toes into STEM waters!

Well, fast forward to present day, having just passed my second year with the Heat Treat Today team, I can truly attest that it has been an exciting, yet growth-filled adventure in many ways. I don’t teach and grade papers of 7th and 8th graders, but I do have the privilege to work with the most talented and inspiring group of dedicated and committed men and women. What a joy to look forward each day to working not only with the Heat Treat Today team, but also with you, the experts in the industry.

I attended my first trade show in October 2019 — The ASM Heat Treat Show in Detroit. I was such a newbie and it was pretty overwhelming, but an enjoyable experience. Doug, Mary, and the managing editor, Laura Miller, were incredibly kind in not only introducing me to many of you, but I was also thankful for the patient tutorials many of you gave as I began learning the industry. I’ve mentioned this Socrates quote many times, but I truly believe it, “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” You helped me understand the terms!

While last year was a blur for us all with the cancellation of in-person trade shows, this year was an oasis for those of us extroverts who are energized by the face-to-face time that real, live shows provide. During this year’s Ceramics Expo in Cleveland and the ASM Heat Treat Show in St. Louis, I was able to meet so many of you — for the first time in person — who before this summer, I’d never met but had communicated with often.

Heat Treat Today team at the ASM Heat Treat Show 2021 in St. Louis. Left-Right: Michelle Ritenour, Doug Glenn, Karen Gantzer, Alyssa Bootsma, Ellen Porter, and Bethany Leone.

I truly believe we were created to be in community with one another, and these trade shows offered the opportunity to connect at a deeper level than emails afford. I loved talking with people about what they were working on and how Heat Treat Today could help in sharing their successes.

One of the people I had the pleasure of meeting was Carlos Carrasco of Carrasco Industrial Furnaces, a veteran expert in the industry. As we were chatting about article ideas, he asked if we’d be open to publishing the content in both English and Spanish. We loved the idea and so, with this issue, we are proud to feature our first ever Spanish-translated article entitled, “Guía para la Selección de Equipos para Tratamiento Térmico!” (p.33) which is “A Guide to Selecting Heat Treating Equipment” (p.28). We were honored to work with Carlos.

Taking those first steps can be wobbly, but oh so exhilarating when you experience the satisfaction of deciding to take on the unknown — whether it’s a career change, meeting new people, or accepting a new opportunity. It’s worth the effort. Go for it!

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