Heat Treat Q&A: Dodging “Exploding Gas Bubbles”

Source: Bodycote

Let's talk about exploding gas bubbles -- or, perhaps more accurately, cavitation erosion and how cavitation can be prevented. If you're facing surface deterioration, this may be the best of the web article for you!

In this technical summary, you'll learn the basics of cavitation erosion such as the following: what it is, why it happens, what influences it, how to prevent it, and more. The three types of adaptations for prevention are must-reads. Additionally, this article provides a visual aid that supplements a quick breakdown on two different types of cavitation erosion. 

An excerpt:

[blockquote author="" style="1"]Low temperature carburizing or nitrocarburizing offers a solution to enhance mechanical properties without altering the corrosion resistance. These thermo-chemical diffusion processes form meta-stable carbon or nitrogen S-phase while avoiding precipitation of carbides and nitrides that causes sensitization.[/blockquote]

Read more at: "Questions and answers concerning cavitation erosion"

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Heat Treat Q&A: Dodging “Exploding Gas Bubbles” Read More »

A Guide to Selecting Heat Treating Equipment

OCDo you always feel confident when selecting heat treating equipment? ¿Se siente siempre seguro cuando selecciona equipos de tratamiento térmico?

There are many factors involved when making a purchase. Often, key considerations may be missed. Read this guide on how to select and buy new equipment by Carlos Carrasco, founder of Carrasco Hornos Industriales.

This original content article was originally published in Heat Treat Today’s November 2021 Vacuum Furnace print edition in English and Spanish.

Carlos Carrasco
Carrasco Hornos Industriales

Why Is This Guide Helpful?

There are many reasons to select industrial furnaces carefully. One is the cost of the furnace. Another is realizing heat treating will affect the product and the bottom line. There is more specialized engineering in heat treating equipment than is apparent from the outside.

The purpose of this guide is to help engineers make the best equipment selection. The decision will affect not only the project, its budget, and results, but will also reflect the buyer’s knowledge. After the heat treating equipment is selected, the realization may occur that perhaps insufficient thought was given to potential maintenance problems or the work required to keep it in top working condition.

The following steps, gathered from more than 50 years of experience in the fields of manufacturing, sales, and maintenance, will be a useful guide to selecting heat treating equipment that will please both management and operators.

Vacuum high-pressure hardening furnace

Step One: Quote Request

When requesting a quote, management knows the exact requirements the heat treated products must have. A reliable supplier should be able to understand all requirements for a quote. Requests must be clear, concise, and contain at least the following information:

  • Heat treating processes that will be carried out on the equipment
  • Shape, general dimensions, and weights of the product(s) to be heat treated
  • Production volumes per hour, day, or month
  • Number of hours available for heat treating
  • Part material
  • Fuel type, or if the heating will be done with electricity
  • Voltage available in the plant
  • Space available for installation of equipment
  • Special considerations for handling loading and unloading

Furnace manufacturers need the above information to begin to create a series of options for the equipment that will be most suitable for the required processes. For example, hourly production defines: the dimensions of the space to heat the load, the type of furnace (continuous or batch), the amount of heat to be released in the furnace, the loading and unloading method, and the devices for accommodating or transporting the load such as trays, baskets, or conveyor belts. All these considerations influence both the initial cost and the operating cost, because in the end, the cost of the proposed equipment and its functionality are directly related to the specifications of the request for a quote.

It is difficult to attempt to use one furnace for all heat treating processes or to attempt to take into account future production needs that may not be necessary. It is impractical to carry out several processes that require different temperatures or have different production volumes. Trying to do so leads to oversized and over-budget equipment.

Vacuum low-pressure carburizing furnace

Step Two: Supplier Selection

Quote requests should only be submitted to manufacturers with the technical capacity and experience to prepare an offer that satisfies the request. Always use references from previous installations with similar quote requirements.

Considering the potential for financial gain, the cost of heat treating equipment can be appealing. The design and construction of heat treating equipment involves a considerable amount of engineering resulting from expensive investments in research and development. This research and development is influenced by user feedback detailing equipment failure. This feedback creates opportunities for manufacturers to fix equipment issues. Without the added benefit of other heat treater’s feedback, equipment failure is more likely. Finding a manufacturer with experience is crucial.

Only suppliers with experience and solid technical capacity will be able to guarantee results from the start. The goal is to receive equipment that requires no corrections after the first load leaves the furnace and to not have to rework the design.

Step Three: Study and Evaluation of Offers

A failed project is too much to risk, and so the responsible supplier will invest time and money in the study and preparation of the offer.

Every responsible supplier has been disappointed by an offer read backwards — when the potential customer reads the price first. Is the overriding need to stay within a certain budget or for heat treating equipment that is capable of processing parts to meet specifications? A careful reading of the offer may justify the cost of the furnace in relation to production needs. If there is a confusing section of the offer, it is important to clarify with the supplier. Investment in production equipment is very important, but it is even more important that the investment be profitable.

The heat treating equipment must satisfy a production need and certain metallographic specifications. Consequently, the dimensions of the space where the parts will be placed may be the main factor in the design of the furnace. This is because metals are only capable of heating up to a certain temperature at a rate that is determined by the heating method, geometry, and load arrangement. Only experienced vendors can make the correct calculations to meet the production needs of the project. Be sure to understand the calculations that lead to the sizing of the proposed system.

How are the parts supported and/or transported within the furnace? This is a point of great importance for the initial cost of these components and for the costs of future maintenance. Keep in mind that any mechanism that works at high temperatures will always be problematic for maintenance and replacement. Cast link belts, for example, have a higher initial cost, but they withstand heavy loads longer than metal mesh belts. However, there is a notable difference in the cost of components made of chromium-nickel alloy and those of carbon steel. Since chromium-nickel materials are able to withstand higher temperatures, their use is recommended and almost essential.

Furnaces tend to deteriorate rapidly where the heat is being lost. Make sure the door design is the best possible to avoid heat loss. Be sure that all doors included in the design are necessary. Doing so will save maintenance costs.

When it comes to quenching, oil or water circulation systems are extremely important, as is tank capacity. Otherwise, the quenching medium may overheat, causing unsatisfactory results.

In an oven intended for low temperature operations 356°F–1,112°F (180°C–600°C), for example tempering processes, it is necessary to have a fan to recirculate the hot air from the furnace. The uniformity of the temperature in the parts and the speed at which they heat up depends on the speed of recirculation, the weight of the air, and the design of the furnace, which must force the passage of air optimally through the load with the use of deflectors, screens, or distribution plenums. In high temperature furnaces, 1,292°F–2,192°F (700°C–1200°C), the heat transfer depends on the radiation toward the load and its exposed surface, so a recirculation fan is not necessary. Heat treatment is a critical process and temperature pyrometers must have the necessary precision.

List any doubts about the offer and ask the supplier to clarify at length in writing. The answers will make it easier to do a second analysis of the offer and compare it with other offers. In addition, the written clarifications will be a record for review by other collaborators on the project. Ask for feedback and observations on the proposals to get a second opinion.

Ask suppliers to provide a list of similar installations. Industry colleagues are generally unbiased in their comments about their experience with a particular supplier.

Finally, make a comparison chart in the most objective way possible. Keep in mind the fact that offers often do not include some subjective issues that may be important for a final selection. For example, some vendors are likely to have greater knowledge and experience in certain processes, simply because they have invested time and money to fi nd the best solutions to the process and those experiences could be beneficial.

Step Four: The Price

Understanding the scope of the received proposals that meet production and quality requirements is not all that goes into selecting heat treating equipment. After all this, there are still significant differences between various suppliers. Price is one of these differences. At this stage, the industrial furnace manufacturer will need to justify costs. It will be easy to tell if the manufacturer is thinking of the buyer as a future satisfied customer, or only of the economic benefits the sale will bring.


There are innumerable cases in which the equipment was poorly selected: “The substation and/or the cooling tower did not have the capacity;” or “The equipment is not what we expected;” or “They never told us that the furnace needed gas in those capabilities.” These are just a few of the possible comments everyone has heard.

Selecting heat treating equipment should be done slowly, analyzing all the options,  weighing the differences between providers, and seeking clarification. Ask the supplier for multiple equipment options like requesting spare parts for the first year of operation.

Ultimately, time will tell if the furnace selected was the right choice. These recommendations provide a guide to making that decision. We sincerely hope that these recommendations will guide you in the selection of industrial furnaces for heat treating.

About the Author:

In addition to being the founder of Carrasco Hornos Industriales — furnace experts, consultants, and independent sales representatives for various furnace companies and spare parts — Carlos Carrasco is the founder and former president of ASM International, Mexico Chapter with more than 50 years of experience in the heat treat industry.

For more information:

Contact Carlos at or at

A Guide to Selecting Heat Treating Equipment Read More »

Guía para la Selección de Equipos para Tratamiento Térmico

OC¿Se siente siempre seguro cuando selecciona equipos de tratamiento térmico? Do you always feel confident when selecting heat treating equipment?

There are many factors involved when making a purchase. Read this guide on how to select and buy new equipment by Carlos Carrasco, founder of Carrasco Hornos Industriales. The Spanish version is below, or you can check out both the Spanish and the English translation of the article where it was originally published: Heat Treat Today's November 2021 Vacuum Furnace print edition.

¿Se siente siempre seguro cuando selecciona equipos de tratamiento térmico? Hay muchos factores involucrados cuando se hace una compra. Consulte este artículo para conocer los pautas que lo ayudarán en el proceso de selección y compra. Autor: Carlos Carrasco, fundador de Carrasco Hornos Industriales.

Carlos Carrasco
Carrasco Hornos Industriales

¿Por qué es conveniente esta guía?

Este artículo ayuda a los ingenieros a comprar equipos de tratamiento térmico. Hay muchas razones para seleccionar cuidadosamente los hornos industriales. Uno, es el costo del horno en sí y otro, es que el producto que se está tratando térmicamente afectará los resultados de su empresa.

En un equipo para tratamiento térmico, hay más ingeniería especializada de lo que parece en el exterior. Hay varias y muy sólidas razones, para hacer una cuidadosa selección de estos equipos, pues sus componentes son inherentemente de alto precio y en la mayoría de los casos, los resultados del tratamiento térmico tienen un importante efecto en la economía de su empresa.

El objetivo de esta guía es el de tratar de ayudarle a hacer la mejor selección del equipo; porque su decisión afectará no sólo al proyecto, su presupuesto y resultados, sino también a su capacidad como ejecutivo. No será la primera vez que escuche usted comentarios respecto a equipos adquiridos por la empresa en etapas anteriores a la suya o en la misma, y es común en la industria, tanto nacional como internacional, que los operadores o el personal de mantenimiento, comenten: “Cuando adquirieron este horno, nadie pensó en los problemas de mantenimiento [. . .] Como ellos no son los que lo usan día con día, no se dieron cuenta de cuánto trabajo se requiere para mantenerlo o bien para trabajar confi ablemente con él”.

Déjese ayudar, pues como ingenieros consultores en hornos y experiencia de más de 50 años en este ramo; tanto en la fabricación, venta y mantenimiento, con buenos resultados, los comentarios siguientes seguramente pensamos le serán útiles.

Horno de temple al vacío

Primer paso: solicitud de la cotizacion

Al solicitar una cotización, nadie mejor que Ud. puede conocer los requisitos que deben tener sus productos tratados térmicamente. Un proveedor confiable, debe ser capaz de entender todas sus necesidades de tratamiento térmico a partir de la solicitud de cotización que le presente. Consecuentemente, su solicitud deberá ser clara, concisa y tendrá como mínimo los siguientes datos:

  • Proceso de tratamiento térmico a efectuarse en el equipo.
  • Forma, dimensiones generales y pesos del (los) producto(s) a tratar térmicamente.
  • Volúmenes de producción por hora, día o mes.
  • Número de horas disponibles para el trabajo de tratamiento térmico.
  • Material del que están construidas las partes.
  • Combustible disponible o en su caso, si la calefacción será por medio de electricidad.
  • Tensión eléctrica disponible en la planta.
  • Espacio disponible para la instalación del equipo.
  • Consideraciones especiales del manejo de la carga y la descarga.

Es conveniente que Ud. sepa que los fabricantes de hornos necesitan la información anterior para empezar a definir una serie de opciones del equipo que podría ser el más adecuado para sus procesos. Por ejemplo, la producción horaria define: Las dimensiones del espacio para calentar la carga, el tipo de horno, continuo o por lotes, la cantidad de calor a ser liberada en el horno, así como el método de carga y descarga y los dispositivos para acomodar o transportar la carga como charolas, canastillas o bandas transportadoras. Todo lo anterior influye, tanto en el costo inicial como en el de operación, porqué, a fin de cuentas, el costo del equipo propuesto y su funcionalidad, están en relación directa a las especificaciones de su solicitud de cotización.

Ah, y por favor, no trate de llevar a cabo todos los procesos de tratamiento térmico habidos y por haber en un único horno, ni tampoco quiera tomar precauciones de futuras necesidades de producción, de las cuales no tiene ahora ninguna certeza, ya que es difícil llevar a cabo en un solo horno varios procesos que involucran diferentes temperaturas, volúmenes de producción, etc. Un enfoque en este sentido conduce a equipos sobredimensionados y posiblemente fuera de su presupuesto.

Horno de vacío para carburizado a baja presión

Segundo paso: selección de proveedores

Presente su solicitud de cotización, solamente a quien tenga la capacidad técnica y experiencia para preparar una oferta, que satisfaga dicha solicitud. Utilice siempre referencias de instalaciones previas, y de preferencia similares, o mejor aún, iguales a la que usted requiere.

El costo de los equipos para tratamiento térmico es elevado y representa un atractivo a empresas e individuos que consideran la posibilidad de obtener beneficios económicos. La verdad, es que el diseño y construcción de estos equipos involucra una considerable cantidad de ingeniería, resultado de costosas inversiones en investigación y desarrollo con retroalimentación de casos prácticos (los fracasos enseñan) que han sido aprovechados en beneficio de los clientes potenciales. En suma, no permita que sus necesidades sean el método de aprendizaje de un proveedor. Aquí es donde no hay sustituto a la experiencia.

De hecho, el proveedor con experiencia y sólida capacidad técnica es el único que estará en posibilidad de garantizar resultados desde el principio. Desde luego, a Ud. le interesa obtener resultados dentro de especificaciones, desde la primera carga que sale del horno, y no comprar excusas, promesas y retrabajos para corregir lo que de inicio está mal hecho. Quizá, con buenas intenciones, pero poca y en algunos casos, nula experiencia.

Tercer paso: estudio y evaluación de las ofertas

El proveedor responsable invertirá tiempo y dinero en el estudio y preparación de la oferta, porque no puede correr el riesgo de que su proyecto no cumpla su cometido. Ahora la responsabilidad de evaluar las propuestas recae sólo en Ud.

No hay proveedor responsable, que no haya sufrido la decepción de que su oferta sea leída de atrás para adelante. Nos referimos a que el precio es la primera línea que lee el cliente potencial. Hágase una pregunta: ¿Su necesidad primordial es, un precio o un equipo de tratamiento térmico que sea capaz de procesar las piezas para que cumplan sus especificaciones de su tratamiento térmico? La lectura cuidadosa de la oferta, le dará la respuesta a sus necesidades de producción y a la justificación del costo del horno. Si hubiese alguna sección que no sea de su completa comprensión, no dude en llamar al proveedor para que haga las aclaraciones correspondientes. Por favor, no malentienda. La inversión en equipos de producción es muy importante, pero más importante será que la inversión sea rentable.

El equipo para tratamiento térmico debe satisfacer una necesidad de producción y de ciertas especificaciones metalográficas. Consecuentemente, las dimensiones del espacio en donde serán colocadas las partes, quizá sea el factor principal en el diseño del horno. Esto se debe, a que los metales sólo son capaces de calentarse hasta una cierta temperatura, a una razón que está determinada por el método de calefacción, la geometría y acomodo de la carga. Sólo los proveedores experimentados, pueden hacer los cálculos correctos para que su propuesta satisfaga las necesidades de producción del proyecto, del que Ud. es responsable. Solicite al proveedor le muestre y explique la memoria de cálculo que conduce al dimensionamiento del sistema propuesto.

¿Cómo se soportan y/o transportan las partes dentro del horno? Éste es un punto de gran importancia, por el costo inicial de estos componentes y también por los costos del mantenimiento futuro. Conviene tener en cuenta que, cualquier mecanismo que trabaje a alta temperatura, siempre será problemático su mantenimiento y reposición. Las bandas de eslabones fundidos, por ejemplo, (de mayor costo inicial) soportan mejor y durante mayor tiempo, cargas pesadas en comparación con las bandas de malla metálica. Sin embargo, hay notable diferencia en los costos de componentes de aleación Cromo-Níquel, comparados con los de acero al carbón, pero su uso es prácticamente imperativo.

Los hornos tienden a deteriorarse rápidamente en cualquier lugar en donde haya fuga del calor. Asegúrese de que el diseño de las puertas sea el mejor posible para evitar esta fuga de calor y también de que su horno no tenga puertas que no necesita. Esto le ahorrará costos de mantenimiento.

Por lo que respecta al temple, los sistemas de circulación de agua o aceite son de extrema importancia, lo mismo que la capacidad del tanque. De lo contrario, el medio de temple puede sobrecalentarse y los resultados de su proceso, podrían no ser satisfactorios.

En un horno destinado a operaciones de baja temperatura (180 a 600° C), por ejemplo, procesos de revenido, es necesario disponer de un ventilador para la recirculación del aire caliente del horno. La uniformidad de la temperatura en las partes y la rapidez a la que se calientan las mismas, depende de la velocidad de la recirculación, del peso del aire y del diseño del horno que debe forzar el paso del aire en forma óptima, a través de la carga, con la utilización de mamparas deflectoras o plenos de distribución. En los hornos de alta temperatura (700 a 1200° C), la transferencia de calor depende de la radiación de éste hacia la carga y su superficie expuesta, por lo que un ventilador de recirculación no es necesario. El tratamiento térmico, es un proceso crítico en lo que se refiere a temperatura. Los pirómetros reguladores de temperatura deben tener la precisión necesaria.

Escriba sus dudas sobre la oferta y pida al proveedor que las aclare en forma extensa y por escrito. Las respuestas le facilitarán el hacer un segundo análisis de la oferta y compararla con otras ofertas; además, tendrá un registro para revisión por parte de otros colaboradores en el proyecto. Pida opinión sobre sus observaciones a las propuestas, pues uno tiende a pensar en círculos.

Solicite a los proveedores, le entreguen una lista de instalaciones similares a la suya en las que hayan intervenido. Generalmente, los colegas industriales se muestran imparciales en sus comentarios sobre la experiencia que hayan tenido con un determinado proveedor.

Finalmente, haga un cuadro comparativo, en la forma más objetiva posible. No pierda de vista que, frecuentemente las ofertas no incluyen algunas cuestiones subjetivas, que pueden ser importantes para una selección final. Por ejemplo, es probable que algunos proveedores tengan mayores conocimientos y experiencia en ciertos procesos, sencillamente porque han invertido tiempo y dinero para encontrar las mejores soluciones al proceso y Ud. podría verse beneficiado con esas experiencias.

Cuarto paso: el precio

Seguramente, ahora que ha comprendido el alcance de las propuestas que ha recibido y que cumplen con sus necesidades de producción y calidad, se dará cuenta que aún así habrá diferencias entre sus distintos proveedores que podrían llegar a ser significativas.

Este es el momento en que un fabricante de hornos industriales podrá justificar sus costos. Y usted sabrá si ha realizado su oferta pensando en Ud. como un futuro cliente satisfecho o únicamente en los beneficios económicos que la venta le reportará.


Son innumerables los casos en que los equipos fueron mal seleccionados: “La sub-estación y/o la torre de enfriamiento no tuvieron capacidad”, “El equipo no es lo que esperábamos”, “Nunca nos dijeron que el horno necesitaba gas en esas capacidades”. Estos son sólo algunos de los comentarios que todos hemos escuchado.

Tómese todo el tiempo que requiera para analizar sus opciones, piense el porqué hay diferencias de un proveedor a otro y solicite que le sean aclaradas. Pida a sus proveedores las opciones a las que puede acceder con el equipo que está solicitando y que éstas sean cotizadas como eso: opciones. No se olvide de solicitar las refacciones que pudieran ser utilizadas durante el primer año de operación de su horno.

Para finalizar, sólo el tiempo dirá si al seleccionar sus hornos, éstos funcionaron como se esperaba.

Sinceramente, esperamos que estas recomendaciones le orienten en la selección de hornos industriales para tratamiento térmico y estamos seguros, que así será. Seguro que debe haber más preguntas relacionadas con este tema, no dude en contactarnos para obtener ayuda.

Sobre el autor:

Expertos en hornos. Representantes de diversas compañías fabricantes de hornos industriales, partes de refacción y equipo de combustión. Con más de 55 años de experiencia en la industria y consultores. Carlos Carrasco es fundador y expresidente del capítulo México de la ASM International.

Contacto Carlos:

Guía para la Selección de Equipos para Tratamiento Térmico Read More »

Heat Treat Operators: How Well Do You Understand Dry Pumps?

Source: VAC AERO International Inc.

With the popularity of dry pumps in furnace operations, vacuum furnace operators need to "have a handle" on how to operate them.

In this best of the web feature, the author explains the principles of operation, screw pump design, and various other screw pump characteristics. Learn about the 5 phases of dry pump operation and more in this succinct article.

An excerpt:

"Dry pumps represent a technology that is of interest to many heat treaters as they strive to increase performance and minimize cost and downtime. The advantages of these pumps are comparable to their oil sealed rotary vane cousins, and in certain applications, offer distinct advantages."

Read more at "Dry Pumps: Screw Type"

Heat Treat Operators: How Well Do You Understand Dry Pumps? Read More »

A Brief History: The Rotary Vane Oil Sealed Vacuum Pump

Source: VAC AERO International Inc.

Vacuum pumps. What are they used for? Specifically, rotary vane oil sealed vacuum pumps. What goes on inside these machines? Where did they come from? If you know what we mean by the “slap-slap” or “clack-clack” noise, can you also list the pros and cons of this feature?

In the words of today’s best of the web, “This article discusses one and two-stage ‘medium vacuum’ oil sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps that can produce a catalog ultimate vacuum of about 1 x 10-2 Torr (0.01 Torr or 10 microns) for a one stage model and about 1 x 10-3 Torr (0.001 Torr or 1 micron) for a two-stage model.”


An excerpt:

[blockquote author=”VAC AERO International” style=”1″]The last improvement that the direct drive pump has over the VBD pumps is the ability to use the oil pressure to open and close a valve at the inlet of the pump. In VBD pumps the problem of oil ‘suck back’ into the vacuum system…[/blockquote]


Read more at “The Oil Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump – Background and Designs




A Brief History: The Rotary Vane Oil Sealed Vacuum Pump Read More »

Vacuum Gauges in Heat Treatment

Source: Vac Aero International Inc.

Which vacuum gauges are most often found on a heat treater's vacuum furnaces? What are the conditions for selecting a vacuum gauge? And how do you adapt a vacuum gauge to service floor requirements?

Today's feature article is a "best of the web," that gives you a roadmap when selecting the best vacuum gauge for your heat treating purposes. In this piece, you will also learn how gauges perform differently depending on their type. Read to learn more and see these differences.

An excerpt: "There are several types of vacuum gauges, each engineered for a specific function over a specific range of vacuum pressure. Common types include:

  • Mechanical gauges
  • Absolute pressure gauges
  • Thermocouples or Pirani gauges..."

Read more: "Vacuum Gauges"

(photo source: Collage with images from Vac Aero featured article, Peter's Heat Treat, and Linde website)

Vacuum Gauges in Heat Treatment Read More »

Vacuum Measurement Units: A Language Explained



"Vacuum gauges all measure the pressure readings in the range from atmospheric pressure down to some lower pressure approaching absolute zero pressure, which is not attainable. Some gauges read the complete range and others can only read a portion of the range, usually used for very low pressures."

A typical vacuum furnace can have at least three electronic vacuum gauge heads to monitor the level of vacuum at various positions. These gauges send signals back to the control systems, and "the vacuum readings are used to ensure that the vacuum pumps are working correctly and that the process chamber is at the correct low pressure (vacuum) for the specific process."

In this Heat Treat Today Best of the Web feature, VAC AERO International shares how different vacuum measurement units are being used around the world today.

Read more: Understanding Vacuum Measurement Units

(Photo source:

Vacuum Measurement Units: A Language Explained Read More »

Prevent Catastrophic Fuel-Delivery Accidents: On Valve Safety Trains in Heat Treating Equipment

Robert Sanderson, PE, Rockford Systems, LLC

This article on the critical role of valve safety trains in the prevention of catastrophic fuel-delivery accidents at heat treating facilities is authored by Robert Sanderson, P.E., Director of Business Development in the Combustion Safety division of Rockford Systems, LLC, based in Rockford, Illinois. Valve safety trains require regular inspections, maintenance, and training.

Heat treating, a thermal process used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material or coating, is a high-temperature operation that involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme temperatures, to modify a material’s physical properties — making it harder or softer, for example. Applications for heat treating are virtually endless, but at the heart of all thermal processes is the valve safety train.

These fuel-delivery devices maintain consistent conditions of gasses into furnaces, ovens, dryers, and boilers, among others, making them crucial in assuring safe ignition, operation, and shutdown. Equally important, they keep gas out of the system whenever equipment is cycled or shut off.

A valve safety train isn’t a single piece of equipment. Instead, it has many components including regulators, in-line strainers (“sediment traps”), safety shut-off valves (SSOV), manual valves (MV), pressure switches, and test fittings logically linked to a burner management system.

Flame-sensing components make sure that flames are present when they are supposed to be, and not at the wrong time. Other components may consist of leak-test systems, gauges, and pilot gas controls. At a minimum, there are two crucial gas pressure switches in a valve safety train, one for low pressure and one for high pressure. The low gas pressure switch ensures the minimum gas pressure necessary to operate is present. As you would assume, it will shut off fuel to the burner if the gas pressure is below the setpoint. The high gas pressure switch ensures excessive pressure is not present. It too will shut off fuel if the gas pressure is too high. Both switches must be proven safe to permit operation. Additionally, there will be an air pressure switch to ensure sufficient airflow is present to support burner operation.

Some systems have supplementary pressure switches, such as a valve-proving pressure switch. Switches such as these are typically used to enhance safety or provide other safety aspects specific to that application’s needs. A multitude of sensors within the valve safety train — pressure switches, flame detectors, position indicators — and isolation and relief valves work together in concert to prevent accidents.

Valve safety trains must be compliant with all applicable local and national codes, standards, and insurance requirements. The most common of these for North America are NFPA, NEMA, CSA, UL, FM. Annual testing and preventive maintenance are not only an NPFA requirement, but also oftentimes required by insurance agencies, equipment manufacturers, and national standards, including ANSI, ASME, and NEC.

Set Your Trap

The primary function of a valve safety train is to reliably isolate the inlet fuel from the appliance. Safety shut-off valves are purposely selected to do this. To protect these valves, the initial section of a safety train is used to condition the fuel and remove debris that could potentially damage or hinder all downstream safety components.

The first conditioning step is a sediment trap (a.k.a. dirt leg, drip leg). This trap captures large debris and pipe scale and provides a collection well for pipe condensates. The proper orientation of a sediment trap is at the bottom of a vertical feed. This downwards flow arrangement promotes the capture of debris and condensate into the trap. A horizontal feed across a sediment trap is an improper application. The second conditioning step is a flow strainer or filter element. These devices are fine particulate sieves. The removal of fine particulates from the fuel stream further protect the downstream safety devices from particulate erosion and abrasion. Taken together these conditioning steps remove particulates and condensates that might block, hinder, erode, or otherwise compromise the safety features of the downstream devices.

The Explosive Force of a Bomb

Owing to the presence of hazardous vapors and gases, a poorly designed or inadequately maintained safety train can lead to catastrophic accidents, ranging from explosions and fires to employee injuries and death. When this explosive force is unleashed, the shock wave carries equipment, debris, materials, pipes, and burning temperatures in all directions with tremendous force.

The following incidences provide just a few examples of why it is important to purchase the highest quality valve safety train and to keep it professionally maintained, inspected, and tested.

  • In 2018, a furnace explosion at a Massachusetts vacuum systems plant killed two men and injured firefighters as a result of fuel malfunction.
  • In Japan, an automobile manufacturer lost tens of millions of dollars when it was forced to shut down production for nearly a month after a gas-fueled furnace exploded due to flammable fumes building up in the tank.
  • In a Wisconsin bakery, an employee was seriously injured when he ignited an oven’s gas and was struck by a door that was blown off. A malfunctioning valve had allowed natural gas to build up inside the oven.
  • In 2017, a van-sized boiler exploded at a St. Louis box company, killing three people and injuring four others. The powerful, gas-fueled explosion launched the equipment more than 500 feet into the air.
  • In 2016, a boiler explosion in a packaging factory in Bangladesh enveloped the five-story building in flames, killing 23 people.

Two Dangers: Valves and Vents

Valves are mechanical devices that rely upon seats and seals to create mechanical barriers to control flow. Over time, these barriers wear out for a variety of

Glassblowing Furnace with Pipes

reasons, whether it is age, abrasion, erosion, chemical attack, fatigue or temperature. Increased wear contributes to leaks, and leaks lead to failures and hazards. Defective valves can allow gas to leak into a furnace even when the furnace is not in operation. Then, when the furnace is later turned on, a destructive explosion could occur.

Testing a valve’s integrity is an evaluation of current barrier conditions and may be used to identify a valve that is wearing out prior to failure. As such, annual valve leakage tests are an important aspect of a safety valve train inspection program. Along with annual testing, valves should be examined during the initial startup of the burner system, or whenever the valve maintenance is performed. Only trained, experienced combustion technicians should conduct these tests.

Improper venting is another danger. Here is the problem: Numerous components in a valve safety train require an atmospheric reference for accurate operation. Many of these devices, however, can fail in modes that permit fuel to escape from these same atmospheric points. Unless these components are listed as “ventless,” vent lines are necessary. Vent lines must be correctly engineered, installed, and routed to appropriate and approved locations. In addition, building penetrations must be sealed, pipes must be supported, and the vent terminations must be protected from the elements and insects. In short, vent lines are another point of potential failure for the system.

Even when vent lines are properly installed, building pressures can vary sufficiently enough that they prevent optimal burner performance. Building pressures often vary with seasonal, daily weather, and manufacturing needs, further complicating matters. Condensate in vent lines can collect and drain to low points or into the devices themselves. Heating, cooling, and building exhausters are known to influence building pressures and device responses, but so can opening and closing of delivery doors for shipping and receiving. Hence a burner once tuned for optimal operation might not be appropriately tuned for the opposite season’s operation.

The smart alternative to traditional vented valve trains is a ventless system that will improve factory safety and enhance burner operation. Ventless systems reference and experience the same room conditions where the burners are located, resulting in more stable year-round operating conditions, regardless of what is happening outside. Additionally, ventless designs typically save on total installation costs, remove leaky building penetrations, eliminate terminations that could be blocked by insects, snow or ice, improve inspection access, and ensure a fail-safe emergency response.

Final Thoughts

Valve safety trains are critical to the operation of combustion systems. Despite being used daily in thousands of industrial facilities, awareness of their purpose and function may be dangerously absent because on-site training is minimal or informal. To many employees on the plant floor, this series of valves, piping, wires, and switches is simply too complex to take the time to understand. What is known can be dangerously misunderstood.

Understanding of fuel-fired equipment, especially the valve safety train, is necessary to prevent explosions, injuries, and property damage. The truth is, although valve safety trains are required to be check regularly, they are rarely inspected, especially when maintenance budgets are cut. And while codes require training, they offer very little in terms of specific directions.

As a safety professional, the onus is on you. You and your staff must have a core level of knowledge regarding safe practices of valve safety trains, even if a contractor will be doing the preventive maintenance work. Most accidents and explosions are due to human error and a lack of training when an unknowing employee, for example, attempts to bypass a safety control. Preventive maintenance is essential to counter equipment deterioration, as is the documentation of annual inspection, recording switch set points, maintaining panel drawings, and verifying purge times. Accidents happen when this type of documentation is not available. Don’t wait for a near-miss or accident to upgrade your valve safety train.

Prevent Catastrophic Fuel-Delivery Accidents: On Valve Safety Trains in Heat Treating Equipment Read More »

The Heart of a Vacuum Furnace System


Source: VAC AERO International


Heat treaters know that the heart of a vacuum furnace system is the pumping system. As broad as the variety of furnaces is, so is the selection of pump types.

A roots blower, which also goes by the name “booster pump” and “intermediate stage vacuum pump,” is a dry, gas transfer pump that boosts the performance of the primary pump, providing an increase in pumping speed and pressure. This article from VAC AERO International’s Vacuum Pump Technology: Education and Training page provides an exhaustive analysis of the heart of a vacuum furnace system: the pump.

“Roots blowers have the reputation of being virtually indestructible and run for years seemingly unattended while the primary (mechanical) and high vacuum (diffusion pumps seem to receive all the attention. While they need little day-to-day maintenance, monitoring of the oil level in the pump is required. The main function of these booster pumps is to improve pump-down rates and ultimate vacuum levels.” ~ VAC AERO International

Read more: “Roots Blowers (aka Booster Pumps)”

The Heart of a Vacuum Furnace System Read More »

Selecting the Right Vacuum Pump Oil Starts with Knowing Your Pump



Source: VAC AERO International


Vacuum furnace heat treaters know that one of the most critical parts of their system is the pump oil, but it may be a bit overwhelming trying to determine which is the right kind of oil is needed. Selecting the correct vacuum pump oil starts with knowing your pump.

“‘Oil’ is a bit of a misnomer because modern pump oil technology has evolved well beyond the original distilled petroleum products. There are now double- and triple-distilled oils available, as well as hydro-treated oils, low sulfur oils, silicone-based synthetic oils, and flushing oils used to clean the pump. Due to the wide variety of formulations available, these are often now referred to as pump ‘fluids’ rather than pump ‘oils’.” — VAC AERO International

“Different pump oil formulations are specifically designed for different pumps and different vacuum applications,” notes VAC AERO, and a key factor in learning how to select the correct pump oil is the understanding of vapor pressure, viscosity, and distillation methods, as well as solvent refining, hydrotreating, synthetic oil (Perfluoropolyether), flushing oil for vacuum pumps, and diffusion pump oils.



Figure 1 | Viscosities of various liquids


Read more: “Vacuum Pump Oil”



Selecting the Right Vacuum Pump Oil Starts with Knowing Your Pump Read More »