This Week in Heat Treat Social Media: Christmas Edition

Welcome to Heat Treat Today's This Week in Heat Treat Social Media: Christmas Edition. So much content is available on the web, and it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. Heat Treat Today can help you filter the flood to bring you a peak at holiday happenings for heat treaters. Find some gift ideas and ways to relax over the Christmas break; Heat Treat Today is thankful for you!

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1. Gifts That Warm the Heart 

Don't underestimate heat treaters' creativity. A handmade knife or a piece of jewelry with heat treated sapphires will be a welcome addition under the tree.


2. Holiday Experiences

This time of year, spending time together is a great way to share the joy.


Heat treaters know that spending time with each other means good food and fellowship and ways to help others!


3.  Christmas Vacation Relaxation

How fitting that there is a recording artist with the name Heat Treat (of particular interest are tunes "Heat", "Condensers", and "Refinery Surveillance")? Kick back and relax over the break while listening to some tunes. Add some TV (ahem, Heat Treat TV) watching in the mix too, and you'll never have to go out!




4. A Few More Snippets To Extend the Christmas Cheer

"Tempering" and "Brazing" can be used at any time of year, but they seem to hold special places at Christmas! Enjoy some experiments and repairs to make the holidays bright.

"It's not Christmas until we use the brazing torch!" Need we say more?

Have a great Christmas!

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