Heat Treat Q&A: Dodging “Exploding Gas Bubbles”

Source: Bodycote

Let's talk about exploding gas bubbles -- or, perhaps more accurately, cavitation erosion and how cavitation can be prevented. If you're facing surface deterioration, this may be the best of the web article for you!

In this technical summary, you'll learn the basics of cavitation erosion such as the following: what it is, why it happens, what influences it, how to prevent it, and more. The three types of adaptations for prevention are must-reads. Additionally, this article provides a visual aid that supplements a quick breakdown on two different types of cavitation erosion. 

An excerpt:

[blockquote author="" style="1"]Low temperature carburizing or nitrocarburizing offers a solution to enhance mechanical properties without altering the corrosion resistance. These thermo-chemical diffusion processes form meta-stable carbon or nitrogen S-phase while avoiding precipitation of carbides and nitrides that causes sensitization.[/blockquote]

Read more at: "Questions and answers concerning cavitation erosion"

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