Fringe Friday: ArcelorMittal Dofasco Lowers Carbon Footprint

HTD Size-PR LogoSometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing. To celebrate getting to the “fringe” of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today’s Heat Treat Fringe Friday press release: an agreement for the supply of a direct reduction system for ArcelorMittal Dofasco, in North America.

ArcelorMittal Dofasco chooses Tenova for the supply of a hydrogen-ready 2,500,000 tons/year ENERGIRON® direct reduction system, to be located in Hamilton, Canada. This system will be incorporated in the decarbonization plan through a direct reduced iron (DRI) program.

Ron Bedard President & CEO
Source: LinkedIn

"While [the project] involves installing new technology and equipment, the investment is really about people and planet," explains Ron Bedard, president and CEO of ArcelorMittal. "It will help our customers lower their carbon footprint, ensuring they deliver low carbon products to consumers. It will create and protect green careers in advanced manufacturing here at Dofasco. It will improve the work environment for our operations, maintenance, and technology teams. And it will significantly reduce the environmental impact of steelmaking in Hamilton.”

The manufacturer will transition away from the blast furnace (basic oxygen furnace steelmaking production route) to the DRI-electric arc furnace production route. The technology has the capability to capture and use CO2, reducing overall CO2 emissions and providing an additional revenue stream for the system operations. The system will produce hot DRI pellets that will be processed via the proven HYTEMP, a pneumatic transport system, to a new EAF mill to be located next to the ENERGIRON® system.

Stefano Maggiolino
President & CEO
Tenova HYL
Source: LinkedIn

“This innovative direct reduction plant will help ArcelorMittal to reach its target of reducing carbon emission and Tenova is very proud to be part of this journey.” said Stefano Maggiolino, president and CEO at Tenova HYL.

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