Thanks for your interest in advertising! We believe your customers and prospects are happier and make better decisions when they are well informed, and that's why it's our passion to provide your customer and prospects – our audience – with the most helpful heat treating information they can find in a way that's easy for them to access – print, digital, audio, or video. By helping your customer and prospects, we help you.

Magazines: Eight Special-Focus Annual Editions, Hard Copy and Digital
In 2024, Heat Treat Today will publish eight (8), high-impact print & digital (replica) editions. Each of these special focus issues happens only ONCE each year, so don't miss the ones that are important to you.
Click the "Learn More" button below to find out more about each of the eight (8) editions.

Industry-Focused E-Newsletters
If you're looking to reach key markets, we have four industry-specific e-newsletters that will be of interest. No one else in the industry is offering these industry-specific e-newsletters, reaching heat treaters in Aerospace, Automotive, Energy and Medical.
Click the "Learn More" button below to find out more about these e-newsletters.

Heat Treat Shop E-Newsletter
An industry first – this attractively priced heat treat industry product e-newsletter is for you if you have a heat treat product, component, or service to promote. All you do is provide a compelling image, up to 50 words of copy, and a URL to link to. We'll do the rest.
Click "Learn More" for more details and an example.

Heat Treat Daily E-Newsletter
This quick-hitting weekday e-newsletter is the way to continually stay in front of the heat treat industry. With a loyal and engaged audience, this e-newsletter presents one feature story and one supplemental story each weekday.
Click "Learn More" for more details and to see an example.

Heat Treat Radio
Another industry first! Welcome to the 21st century. Only Heat Treat Today offers a regular offering of podcasts to the industry. With a new edition at least once each month, these podcasts deal with industry trends, products, companies, and technologies. If you have topics you'd like to see covered, we're all ears. Podcasts are available in video, audio, and written transcript.
Click "Learn More" for more details and a sample episode.

Heat Treat Green E-Newsletter
Our popular Heat Treat Green quarterly e-newsletter highlights sustainable technologies in the North American heat treat industry. This is one of our most popular e-newsletters. It gives you the opportunity to talk about the greenness of your company.
Click the “Learn More” for more details and an example.