Heat Treat Capabilities “Take Off” at Edwards Air Force Base

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Edwards Air Force Base, an historic airfield engaged in experimental aviation, is expanding its heat treat capabilities with two dual chamber furnaces.

DELTA H® delivered the two Defender Series dual chamber aerospace heat treating (DCAHT®) systems. These systems were developed for specific requirements of the armed forces; they meet the pyrometry standards of USAF/NAVAIR Tech Order 1-1A-9 and qualify to SAE AMS2750G.

Defender Series are "deployable" and has stackable chambers that can be configured with 500°F, 1200°F or 2000°F maximum temperatures as either dual or single chamber systems. They serve as "universal heat treating systems" for hangar sheet metal back shops that are tasked with “keeping them flying” – and are “mission essential” equipment. In addition to Edwards AFB, these systems are located at Texas and Kansas Air National Guard facilities as well as Beale AFB in Northern California to date.

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