Fringe Friday: Future of AM in COVID

Source: AMPOWER Report

Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly “heat treat” but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing. To celebrate getting to the “fringe” of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today’s Heat Treat Fringe Friday Best of the Web article on how COVID-19 affected the additive manufacturing (AM) industry.

The trajectory of AM has been altered due to COVID, but specifically by what has happened to supply lines, traceability, and service providers. Further topics, details, graphs, and analyses are highlighted in this article by AMPOWER Report: “Severe economy impact from disruption of trade routes.”

An excerpt:

[blockquote author=”AMPOWER” style=”1″]This reorientation of supply chains offers significant potential for Additive Manufacturing. The accompanying flexibility and availability can represent a considerable added value that has hardly or not at all been considered so far and may also justify a cost increase due to risk reduction.[/blockquote]

Read more: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the Additive Manufacturing market







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