Heat Treat Capabilities Increase for Tooling and Machinery Component Manufacturer

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Marcin Stokłosa
Project Manager
Nitrex Poland

The YAZICI TRANSFER MAKINA company decided to increase its heat treat capacity in Istanbul with a second turnkey nitrocarburizing system from a Canadian furnace manufacturer. This decision specifically increases the manufacturing capacity of tooling and machinery components for the company’s precision CNC machines. It started production with the new system in the fall of 2021, and is used for Nitreg®-C nitrocarburizing and ONC® in-process oxidation treatments.

This second NITREX furnace is the same type as the first installation, a compact size NXK series furnace that became operational in 2019, simply bigger. Marcin Stokłosa, project manager at NITREX Poland, describes the turnkey system as a "solution that improves the company’s bottom line and reaffirms its commitment to sustainable manufacturing."

For the manufacturer, the Nitreg®-C nitrocarburizing and ONC® in-process oxidation will give a combined ability to improve the wear and corrosion properties of alloy and carbon steel parts.

"In the beginning, YAZICI TRANSFER MAKINA was relying on a very well-known commercial heat treater from the Turkish market to nitrocarburize the parts it needed," says Utku Inan, Nitrex representative in Turkey. "Now, the company has moved heat treating operations in-house, purchasing its own systems to nitrocarburize metal parts, which saves the company on lead time and transportation costs."

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