Fringe Friday: Stellantis Builds EV Batteries in Kokomo

HTD Size-PR LogoSometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing. To celebrate getting to the “fringe” of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today’s Heat Treat Fringe Friday press release about some interesting developments in Indiana's electric vehicle industry.

Automaker Stellantis announced plans to build a manufacturing plant for lithium ion batteries in Kokomo, Indiana. Kokomo is already home to a Stellantis aluminum foundry and three transmission plants. The new battery plant will create over 1,000 new jobs and has an initial budget of $2.5 billion. The plant, a joint venture with Samsung, will manufacture rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles, as well as energy-storage systems.

Eric J. Holcomb
Governor of Indiana

The battery modules will have an initial capacity of 23 GWh annually, and the JV hopes to increase this to 33GWh/year. Stellantis has made a commitment to develop new EVs and to increase production of low emission vehicle sales by 40% in the U.S by 2030.

"It’s another incredibly exciting day to be back in Kokomo celebrating such a transformational investment from Stellantis and our new partners at Samsung," stated Governor Eric Holcomb. "Today’s announcement is another step toward positioning Indiana as a leader in the future of mobility, battery technology and clean energy."

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