Fringe Friday: Can Solar Panels Use Non-Toxic Metals?

Source: Interesting Engineering

Solar Panels (photo source:

Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing. To celebrate getting to the "fringe" of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today's Heat Treat Fringe Friday Best of the Web article on efficient alloy-based solar panels. These solar panels are free of toxic metals and can be implemented in producing electronic devices, buildings, and vehicles.

Check out how scientists from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea were able to overcome issues of underperformance in this article by Interesting Engineering: "Efficient Alloy-Based Solar Panels Created Free of Toxic Metals."

An excerpt: "'Thin-film solar cells using bronze (Cu-Sn) and brass (Cu-Zn) as base materials are composed of non-toxic earth-abundant materials, and have been studied worldwide because of their low cost, high durability, and sustainability,' said Kang[...] While theoretically they are said to perform as well as top market products, in reality, they severely underperform[...] The scientists looked for a way to bypass these flaws and produce the best quality CZTSSe (copper, zinc, tin, sulfur, and selenium) thin films. They came up with the ingenious solution..."


(photo source: marvin meyers at

(photo source: gabriel chouinard at









(photo source: Alin Zainescy at