Heat Treating and Fishing: New Applications with Induction and Brazing

Source: The Ambrell Blog

How does this heat treat equipment supplier help a fishhook heat treater with their brazing and induction needs? Find out in today’s Best of the Web featured case study from Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions.

The client needed to heat two pairs of fishhooks within a steel tube to form an anchor. This brief case study demonstrates the value in testing new methods to optimize heat treating results.

An excerpt:

[blockquote author=”Bret Daly, The Ambrell Blog” style=”1″]It took 35 seconds or less to heat each sample to temperature. For one of the samples, to prevent overheating of the tube, braze wire was cut up and put inside the tube along with the fishhooks. That way, the entire assembly would…[/blockquote]

Read more: Induction Brazing Fishhooks





(photo source: Sebastian Pena Lambarri at unsplash.com)