MIM and AM Client Pleased with Retrofit Sintering Vacuum Furnace

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A retrofitted vacuum furnace will now produce more metal injected molded (MIM) components with considerably less downtime.

In 2021, a North American heat treater, Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, retrofitted a vacuum furnace for use in a new metal injection molding (MIM) and additive manufacturing (AM) binder removal technology application. The goal was to build a vacuum sintering furnace with a new innovative hot zone and pumping technology that would minimize and target the deposit of detrimental binders evaporating out of MIM and AM parts.

Source: Solar
Robert (Bob) Hill, FASM
Solar Atmospheres of Western PA

The hot zone, after a month of repeated 2400°F sintering cycles, remains clean. The problematic binders coalesced at the targeted area within a separate heated pumping port while keeping the primary pump and booster uncontaminated. Most importantly, the client reported that their sintered parts processed in this new furnace never looked better. The MIM parts were extremely bright and met their critical density and dimensional requirements.

The heat treater anticipates considerable maintenance savings on this dedicated furnace versus processing sintering and AM work with binders in a traditional vacuum furnace. Working in a traditional furnace meant added labor and material costs coupled with the lost production time and degradation on the life of the hot zone, which cost the company more than $180,000 per year. The projected maintenance costs on this newly designed sintering furnace will be $10,000 per year.

"Knowing the effects," reported Bob Hill, president of Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, "of what MIM and certain AM processing had done to our equipment in the past, Bill Jones and the engineers at Solar Manufacturing developed an innovative solution for us. Having this newly designed vacuum furnace will be an asset for our future in MIM and AM processing."