Reader Feedback: Thermocouples 101

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On John Niggle and Ed Valykeo article, "Thermocouples 101" (click here to see original article)

John Niggle, Business Development Manager, Pelican Wire

Edward Valykeo, Thermocouple Specialist, Pelican Wire

In June 2020, Heat Treat Today published a noteworthy technical article on the basics of thermocouples by John Niggle, Business Development Manager, and Ed Valykeo, Thermocouple Specialist, at Pelican Wire, Naples, FL. The article covers the different types of thermocouples, questions to consider when deciding which type of thermocouple to use, as well as a fascinating discussion on thermocouple wire and wire insulations. One feature of significant recognition is the chart included by Niggle and Valykeo:

Thermocouple Color Code Chart (photo source: "Thermocouples 101")


One of Heat Treat Today's editorial contributors and readers, Martin Reeves of Unitherm Furnace, LLC, saw this article and provided valuable information to the subject:

Martin Reeves, Owner, Fontec-global, LLC

"Excellent article and a great base for understanding T/C's. Only one thing missing and that is the differences between US and international lead colours. These are very different and when equipment is sold overseas or imported this becomes important for T/C's to be wired correctly."

International Thermocouple Lead Colors (photo source: Martin Reeves)










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