Message from the Editor: Pivoting

In the age of new technology, Karen Gantzer, managing editor of Heat Treat Today, reflects on a year of "pivoting" to make heat treating content deliverable over the best media. If you don't know about the ebook library and podcast videos on the website, find out what Karen has to say about launching these helpful products.

This article first appeared in Heat Treat Today's December 2021 Vacuum Furnaces print edition. Feel free to contact Karen Gantzer at if you have a question, comment, or any editorial contribution you’d like to submit.

Karen Gantzer
Managing Editor
Heat Treat Today

Several years ago, I remember hearing glowing reviews about the Barnes and Noble Nook. How wonderful it was to take one device that could hold numerous full-length books instead of actually having to physically carry all of them! Wow, little did we know then how the advent of the Nook, and eventually the Kindle, would not only revolutionize reading for pleasure, but also the way in which we learn and take in information.

As you know, Heat Treat Today believes that people are happier and make better decisions when they are well informed. That often includes pivoting to ensure we are covering all bases to get the information out there. It was with that belief that Heat Treat Today jumped into the ebook realm. There is always excellent technical information to share that will be helpful to you, and ebooks provide a beneficial and user-friendly platform. It’s a win-win for both the authors and readers. And an added bonus is that you don’t even need an e-reader or app to read any of our ebooks. Just download the book on your device and you’re set to go.

There are two titles currently in the Heat Treat Today ebook series. The first one is Hydrogen Generation and Its Benefits for Heat Treaters. It shares useful information about generating your own hydrogen, a key reducing agent in thermal processing atmospheres. Presently, it has almost 350 downloads. The second, High Pressure Heat Treatment: Leading the Renaissance of Hot Isostatic Pressing, explores high pressure heat treating through the many facets and advances of hot isostatic pressing and has 225 downloads. Both were written in cooperation with Nel Hydrogen and Quintus Technologies, respectively.

Keep an eye out for new titles because coming soon to your virtual ebook shelf are books covering AMS2750F and CQI-9 Rev.4. Both are based on the highly popular Heat Treat Radio episodes that discuss these relevant and important standards.

Not only do we have options for the readers, but we also have compelling and informative video formats for those who like to watch and listen. Heat Treat Radio has recently produced special video episodes. One, with close to 300 interactions, is Heat Treat Tomorrow: Experts Look Forward 10 Years that Heat Treat Today partnered with Eurotherm to produce. It includes a panel of 5 experts who address questions about the next 5–10 years in the heat treat industry, specifically focusing on the trends.The latest video, with 71 downloads, is Heat Treat Tomorrow – Hydrogen Combustion: Our Future or Hot Air? In it, Doug Glenn talks with 5 industry experts who address questions about the growing popularity of hydrogen combustion and what heat treaters need to do to prepare. In fact, you can read part of the transcript on page 34.

Heat Treat Today is here to help you in whatever way we can. So, if you’re interested in collaborating on an ebook or video or have a topic suggestion that is a must for everyone to hear about, please contact me at