Heat Treat Radio Reminisces

OCWhether you're a long-time follower or a recent listener, Heat Treat Radio has a history of hits that we're highlighting in today's original content article. Read below to see how this resource for heat treaters developed and check out one of the "Top 5 Most Listened to Episodes" or “Top 5 Short Technical Episodes."

Quick History of Heat Treat Radio

Began in April 2016 by Doug Glenn, publisher of Heat Treat Today announcing the first ever episode: "Metallurgical Posterchildren: Hayley Sandgren." To date, there is a total of 70 episodes that have been released on the podcast.

Over the years, several changes in how Heat Treat Radio presented these interviews occurred. If you've been following the podcast for awhile, you've probably seen the change in images that are used to promote the episode:


Additionally, beginning in July 2018, each episode was published with a transcript: "John Vanas on SX Oil Lifters."

The podcast has also changed in terms of delivery. Heat Treat Radio began with asking guests questions and delivering concise, clear answers. This helped the podcast deliver information to listeners, and you can listen to this yourself if you click almost any episode released before 2020. However, a shift to more conversational content happened over the years so that by 2020, you could tune in and listen to heat treating experts chat back-and-forth with Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, as if you were taking a walk around the plant with them. Now, the podcast is moving to deliver content in a fully visual form to give you the opportunity to watch and "sit in" to the conversation with them.

A quick run down of some interesting HTR facts (only according to SoundCloud listens) include what types of guests have been featured, how many episodes have been run, and who has been listening:

As a final interesting note, we found that you like to listen to Heat Treat Radio episodes the day or day after they come out; but if there is an episode that is particularly pertinent/relevant to heat treaters -- like "Heat Treat’s Tight Labor Market: Gaining and Maintaining Works with Josh Hale" -- listeners tune in on the weekends and in the afternoons during the week. Sound familiar??

Below, we compiled a series of statistics that may help you select the next episode for your Thursday, Tuesday 2:00pm, or weekend listening session.



  1. Heat Treat Radio: Heat Treat Radio: Thermocouples 101 with Ed Valykeo, Pelican Wire (Part 1 of 3)
  2. Heat Treat Radio: Metal Hardening 101, Part 1 of 3
  3. Heat Treat Radio: A Discussion with David Wolff, Nel Hydrogen, COVID-19 Update
  4. Heat Treat Radio: James Jan & Andrew Martin on Development of Modeling Software
  5. Heat Treat Radio: Ben Gasbarre on Nitriding