Pratt & Whitney Searching for Products, Services to Ramp Up Monthly Engine Production

BOTW-50w  Source:  Manufacturing Engineering

“In 2010 P&W delivered about 55 engines a month. In 2017, that number grows to about 100 engines a month. And in 2024, it continues to climb to about 158 engine deliveries a month, she said.

“And I’m doing that with 20-year-old technology and 20-year-old manufacturing processes and a very well-seasoned workforce” that adds significant complexity to the digital manufacturing transformation of the East Hartford, CT-based firm, Hagerty  said during a panel talk on best practices.

“So the challenges ahead of me are steep.”

In an interview with Smart Manufacturing magazine after the panel discussion, Hagerty said she is “fresh into the exploratory phase” to find products and services her firm needs. She has mapped out her requirements.

“Now, I’m reaching out to the service providers” and scheduling visits to firms using products and services that might well work for Pratt & Whitney.”

Read More:  Pratt &Whitney Searching for Products, Services to Ramp UP Monthly Engine Production