Global Automotive Supplier, Precious Metals Producer Purchases Continuous Belt Furnaces

Brazing Furnace for Automotive Supplier (Image Source: Abbott Furnace Co.)

A diversified global automotive supplier, focused on metal forming, aluminum casting, fluid systems and flexible assemblies to help automakers meet their lightweight requirements, and a multinational corporation that specializes in producing chemicals and precious metals and operating in more than 30 countries worldwide, have placed orders for furnaces to be installed in the 2nd quarter of 2020. Abbott Furnace Company will design, manufacture, and install both furnaces.

Calcine Furnace for Precious Metals Producer (Image Source: Abbott Furnace Co.)

The automotive supplier has placed an order for a continuous belt stainless steel brazing furnace to be installed in Mexico. They will receive a five (5) zone electrically heated industrial furnace that is rated for 2,150°F and includes a 30” wide belt, silicon carbide muffle and will feature Abbott Furnace’s Varicool convective cooling system.

The precious metals producer has placed an order for an electrically heated continuous belt calcine furnace. The industrial furnace that is rated at 1,850°F and includes an 18” wide inconel belt, silicon carbide muffle and data acquisition system.


(Image Source: Marc Kleen on