Michelin Acquires New Vacuum Furnace

HTD Size-PR LogoMichelin, a European tire manufacturer with technology centers in the U.S., will receive a new vacuum furnace from a global supplier with locations in North America. Tire manufacturing requires specialized tools; tools and dies used in production are heat treated in vacuum furnaces. The furnace, with a 16" x 16" x 24" heating chamber, will be used for gas hardening and will remove the need for third-party hardening.

Maciej Korecki
Vice President of Business of the Vacuum Furnace Segment

Michelin will receive a SECO/WARWICK Vector® vacuum furnace, enabling efficient hardening processes with the use of high pressure and cooling gas. “With a relatively low expenditure," explains Maciej Korecki, vice president of Business, Vacuum Furnace Segment at SECO/WARWICK, "the compact Vector vacuum furnace makes it possible to become independent from third parties. It also provides better control over the quality of heat-treated components and reduces the risk of delays which, as a result of lack of deliveries, slow down or obstruct manufacturing processes (tire manufacturing in this case)."