Heat Treat Furnace Company Joins Coalition to Support American-Made Products

A U.S.-based heat treat furnace manufacturer has joined in a coalition to increase awareness of the American-made battery machinery supply chain, encourage battery facilities to buy American-made products, and strengthen the buildout of machinery and machinist capacity across the nation.

As a founding member company of the U.S. Battery Machine Builders (US BMB), Abbott Furnace joins with Bechtel Global Corporation, BW Papersystems, Charles Ross & Son Company, and Siemens USA, in the creation of this coalition.

While attention has historically fallen on securing supply chains for minerals and battery materials, the machinery that builds these batteries are also essential.

As U.S. manufacturers of battery machines and equipment, Abbott Furnace and others unite behind the common goal of supporting domestic manufacturing capabilities essential for U.S. battery mining, processing, and manufacturing. By showcasing the quality, reliability, and innovation inherent in American-made products, the U.S Battery Machine Builders aim to encourage more companies to invest in domestically manufactured machinery.

"We've joined forced under a shared commitment to build and strengthen the American-made battery machine and equipment sector, shape the policy landscape and ensure federal investments recognize the critical role these U.S businesses play in meeting the needs of the growing battery production supply chain," said Bennett Resnik, a spokesperson for the US BMB and senior vice president at Venn Strategies.

Investing in the machinery that build batteries in the U.S. from the extraction of minerals, production of anode and cathode material, to the assembly of the battery itself, will encourage regional economic development, reduce dependence on products from abroad, protect national security, and help solidify status as a developer of clean energy manufacturing technologies.

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