TITAN® Vacuum Furnaces Take a Journey

Ipsen’s TITAN® product line has had quite the journey over the past few years. Found in facilities around the world, these vacuum furnaces can operate in most languages, feature several sizes and configurations and have a small footprint. Now, the PdMetrics® software platform for predictive maintenance also comes standard on TITAN heat-treating systems.

Most recently, Ipsen delivered two TITAN H2-size vacuum furnaces with 1.9-bar gas quenching and the PdMetrics platform to Japan. Shipped within three weeks of each other, these furnaces will be used by separate commercial heat treaters and feature 18” x 24” x 18” (455 mm x 610 mm x 455 mm) graphite hot zones with a 1,000-pound (450 kg) load capacity. They operate at temperatures up to 2,400 °F (1,320 °C) with ±10 °F (±6 °C) uniformity, and are capable of meeting applicable AMS 2750E and Nadcap requirements.

Through the PdMetrics platform – which securely connects to a network of integrated sensors on the furnace to gather and analyze data, run algorithms and provide real-time diagnostics – these TITAN furnaces provide sophisticated monitoring of critical systems and key parameters that improve the health and integrity of the equipment. Both companies also took a proactive approach to preventative maintenance by ordering one of Ipsen’s many spare parts kits. These kits consist of consumable and preventative maintenance items to help ensure equipment uptime and keep the furnace running smoothly.

Ipsen’s TITAN vacuum heat-treating systems provide an advanced solution in the form of speed, reliability and versatility of process capabilities. However, Ipsen is more than just an equipment manufacturer. They also offer expert-driven solutions for customers’ needs through all stages of the system’s life cycle, no matter the location – whether it is facilitating on-site installation, providing expert training and start-up assistance or delivering responsive field support and spare parts.