MTI 2023 Spring Meeting Recap

HTD Size-PR LogoThe Metal Treating Institute (MTI), recently held its 2023 Spring Meeting in Naples, FL. The three-day event included a mixture of business and fun with highlights including money raised for the scholarship fund, keynote speaker Joe Theismann, and educational/informative sessions for attendees.

MTI CEO Tom Morrison discussed the diversity of the events encapsulated in the three days of the meeting:

"What is great about MTI’s Spring Meeting is when you have the best minds in heat treating in one room, only great things can happen. Through key experts and round table discussions, MTI members worked through key issues like workforce development, lean manufacturing, predictive maintenance, and managing costs in inflationary times. MTI also raised $35,000 for the MTI Educational Foundation through raffling off a series of NFL jersey’s, footballs and helmets signed by MTI’s featured speaker, Super Bowl winning quarterback, Joe Theismann from the Washington Redskins."




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