12 Quick Heat Treat News Chatter Items to Keep You Current

Heat Treat Today offers News Chatter, a feature highlighting representative moves, transactions, and kudos from around the industry. Enjoy these 12 news bites that will help you stay up to date on all things heat treat. 


Equipment Chatter

  1. Following a record year for new equipment orders in 2021, Ipsen’s Vacuum Technology Excellence Center continued that trend by booking 22 new vacuum furnace orders in the first quarter of 2022.
  2. Tenova will supply a second Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) to Tosyali Algeria.

Personnel/Company Chatter

  1. Tenova announced their new corporate website which is designed as a digital hub, targeting specific needs through dedicated portals and customized paths to serve their stakeholders.
  2. Nitrex, a global provider of fully integrated surface treatment solutions, has announced the completion of its Poland plant expansion.
  3. Salzgitter AG and Tenova have concluded an important agreement for the realization of SALCOS® – Low CO2-Steelmaking.
  4. thyssenkrupp Steel will join ResponsibleSteel, a non-profit organization, that ensures, through a global standard and certification program, that steel is responsibly sourced and manufactured at every stage.


Personnel/Kudos Chatter

  1. Graduate engineering students at Clemson University collaborating with Aalberts surface technologies – accurate brazing presented their final projects on topics ranging from sustainability to shipping and a lot of interesting topics in between.
  2. Kamila Baran is a new quality engineer at Bodycote’s Romulus plant.
  3. Tony Olszewski is the new vice president of Sales at Plibrico Company, LLC, a supplier of monolithic refractories and installation services.
  4. Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT) announced that Chris Molencupp joined the company as its new regional sales manager. Molencupp will be responsible for driving sales from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Canada.
  5. Werner Ponikwar will be thyssenkrupp nucera’s new chief executive officer and will assume this position on this year. As deputy CEO, Denis Krude will assume the newly created function of chief operating officer.
  6. Pelican Wire, a Wire Experts Group company, welcomes three new management team members. Joining the company are Mike Dunn as the new plant manager, Bob Soares as quality manager, and Doug Wanser as maintenance manager to the Naples, FL manufacturing facility.


Heat Treat Today is pleased to join in the announcements of growth and achievement throughout the industry by highlighting them here on our News Chatter page. Please send any information you feel may be of interest to manufacturers with in-house heat treat departments especially in the aerospace, automotive, medical, and energy sectors to bethany@heattreattoday.com.


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