Fringe Friday: First “Fossil-Free” Steel Delivered to Volvo in Sweden

Source: New Atlas

Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly “heat treat” but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing. To celebrate getting to the “fringe” of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today’s Heat Treat Fringe Friday Best of the Web article covering Volvo’s fossil-free steel use.

The world’s first “fossil-free” steel delivery, created with green hydrogen instead of coal and coke, will be delivered to the Volvo Group, where it will be used in electric trucks. Sweden’s SSAB Oxelösund made the trial delivery to Volvo in the hopes of building towards a 100% emissions-free manufacturing future.

[blockquote author=”” style=”1″]SSAB’s HYBRIT process uses hydrogen as the reductant as iron ore and limestone are combined to create steel, replacing “coke,” or baked coal. The traditional coal-fired blast furnace is also replaced with an electric arc furnace. The company makes sure the hydrogen electrolyzers, as well as its own arc furnaces, are run on “fossil free” renewable energy as well. What’s more, all of the iron ore used in the process will come from “fossil free” mining operations.[/blockquote]

Read more at: “First “fossil-free” steel delivered to Volvo in Sweden” and “The world’s first fossil-free steel ready for delivery