Navigate The Heat Treat Industry Calendar

OCPlot your heat treat events with Heat Treat Today's Industry Calendar. This planner is located under "Resources" on, and it is always updating with the latest industry events. As you make your spring 2023 plans, check out three of the season's events in this original content piece!

If you have an event to add -- or want to give us a heads up on an event that you and others are going to attend -- feel free to reach out to the editors at

Jump over to the "Resource" tab on the website, and you'll find the Industry Calendar located fourth down. This calendar lets you search by month in list or calendar view format so that you can visualize your season with ease.

Preview of Spring 2023 events


When: March 14 - March16

"For more than 30 years, ASM International has hosted the AeroMat conference and exposition which showcases the interchange of pertinent technical information on aerospace industry material and processes."

Additive Manufacturing Users Group 2023 (AMUG)

When: March 19 - March 23

"Expert, intermediate and novice users of all commercial additive manufacturing technologies are encouraged to attend the AMUG Conference. AMUG is a global community focused on accelerating the education and advancement of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) Conference brings together engineers, designers, managers, and educators from around the world to share expertise, best practices, challenges . . ."

Metalcasting Congress 2023

When: April 25 - April 27

"For more than a century, Metalcasting Congress has shaped the future of foundries. From cutting-edge research on the latest breakthroughs to professional networking and business development, Metalcasting Congress is the foundry industry’s premier gathering in North America."

There's so much more! Explore the Industry Calendar here.

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