Encouraging Careers in Heat Treat

OCA new resource created and run by the Metal Treating Institute (MTI) offers tools to those seeking a career in the heat treat industry. Review some of these insightful videos, resources for young professionals, and a network to further your heat treating capabilities below!

There’s a new kid on the block trying to get young people to join the heat treat “club”. A product of the Metal Treating Institute (MTI), this new website called HeatTreatCareers.com features site tours, first-hand testimonials, and orientation videos for anyone seeking to understand the world of heat treat. These handy videos and brief articles also include resources for heat treaters who are looking to outsource some of their processes or for equipment solutions as they update and expand their offerings.

Calling All Young Industry Professionals

If you know someone who is new to heat treat – maybe a potential hire, a new hire, or a colleague who is looking into joining the field – they must check out this website. For young professionals, this website provides specific direction, explains what heat treating is, and how to pursue a career in it.

Three resources that HeatTreatCareers.com offers are:

  1. “What is Heat Treating?” video (see below)
  2. Searchable directory for heat treaters in your state (or by name)
  3. MTI YES Management Training Program

There are more training opportunities available here to increase professional management and/or technical knowledge pertinent for the heat treating industry.

But perhaps the most import aspect of this website is we get to hear from real heat treaters how this industry is more than a job. Be it the relationships or the day-to-day challenges that inspire creative thinking, it can be hard to locate one specific reason why anyone would enter our obscure industry. The video below makes a great case for this.



More Resources to Increase Heat Treat Capacity

For the young-at-heart and those who are ALWAYS looking to try something new, there are several resources for you, too. The first is a RFP form that allows you to propose a wild heat treat project to a network of commercial heat treaters to help you complete the project. This feature is part of the CallMTI.com resource, which connects you with MTI members from 40 states and eight countries, who are open for consultation.

Another resource is the “Why Outsource” tab that you can navigate to after clicking the Featured Plant Tours page. This resource helps you identify which heat treating challenges you’d prefer to overcome via outsourcing. Those challenges could include:

  • finding qualified good-workers
  • meeting OSHA safety requirements
  • funding needed equipment
  • continuing on-going maintenance

Of course, feel free to use that career finder that we mentioned above. Who doesn’t like a new challenge?

Bottom line: The website has something to offer everyone, especially if you are looking for a change or a challenge. And, by the way, who can visit the site and leave feeling unimpressed. . .?

Head over to www.heattreatcareers.com to find out more for yourself?