Fringe Friday: Airbus and Air France Propose Global MRO Venture

Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in one of our key markets: aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, or general manufacturing.

To celebrate getting to the “fringe” of the weekend, Heat Treat Today presents today’s Heat Treat Fringe Friday: a negotiation established between major airline players to expand maintenance capabilities.

Anne Brachet
Anne Brachet
Air France-KLM Engineering & Maintenance
Source: LinkedIn

Airbus is negotiating establishment of a new joint venture with Air France SA to provide component maintenance services (maintenance, repair, overhaul, or MRO) for the global A350 fleet. Looking at a 2024 start, the long-term maintenance needs of A350 operators will be addressed.

The Airbus A350 is a twin-engine wide-body aircraft in service on long-range routes with more than three dozen carriers and leasing agencies. According to Airbus, there are more than 550 A350 jets currently in service and more than 1,000 on order.

“This project aims to bring customers the best expertise of our two companies on a product as high-tech as the A350,” stated Anne Brachet, EVP at Air France-KLM Engineering & Maintenance.

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