Heat Treat Company Purchases Neighboring Property

Source: Crains Cleveland

Stephen Kowalski, president of Kowalski Heat Treating, talks about how the family-owned company will streamline operations after adding three buildings next door from Conveyer & Caster to its other six on Detroit Avenue in Ohio City.
Stephen Kowalski, president of Kowalski Heat Treating, talks about how the family-owned company will streamline operations after adding three buildings next door from Conveyer & Caster to its other six on Detroit Avenue in Ohio City. (Photo Credit: Stan Bullard)

An Ohio City heat treating business recently purchased a neighboring company’s property. The transaction was advantageous to both parties; the owners made a good sale, and the new occupants gained plenty of space without relocating.

After moving to a larger location, Conveyer & Caster sold their three Detroit Ave. buildings to family-owned Kowalski Heat Treating, which now fills nine buildings purchased since their 1975 opening on that street.

“It’s wonderfully exciting,” Kowalski said. “We needed assembly and warehouse space and office space. That’s all there in the Conveyer & Caster buildings. And we don’t have to move.”

Read the full article from Crains Cleveland.