Guest Columns By Michael Mouilleseaux
US DOE Strategy: Why the Heat Treating Industry?
The heat treating industry is under pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), and the response has been a noble ...
US DOE Strategy: Ramifications for Heat Treaters
As heat treaters strive for a sustainable future, pressure mounts to make the right choices while running commercially viable operations. In ...
US DOE Strategy Affects Heat Treaters
As heat treaters strive for a sustainable future, pressure mounts to make the right choices while running commercially viable operations. This ...
Heat Treat Radio #105: Lunch and Learn: Batch IQ Vs. Continuous Pusher, Part 2
Have you decided to purchase batch or continuous furnace system equipment? Today's episode is part 2 of the Heat Treat Radio ...
Continuing the Dialogue: Michael Mouilleseaux on Batch/Continuous Furnace Maintenance
Our readers and Heat Treat Radiolisteners will remember a recent episode entitled "Heat Treat Radio #102: Lunch & Learn, Batch IQ ...
Heat Treat Radio #102: Lunch & Learn, Batch IQ vs. Continuous Pusher, Part 1 – Heat Treat Today
Batch or continuous - which equipment is better for your operations? Today's Heat Treat Radio episode is a lunch & learn ...
How Tip-Ups Forever Transformed Brake Rotor Manufacturing
Are your brake rotors heat treated? Travel back in time to discover how ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) became the heat treatment of ...
Heat Treat Radio #88: Lunch & Learn — 3 Most Underrated Processes
Get ready to watch, listen, and learn about the three most underrated heat treat processes in today's episode. This conversation marks ...
Independent Testing Confirms Advanced Coating Improves Fatigue Life; Airbus Signs On
An HTT consultant on Hardide A coating technology . . . "The technology behind using advanced tungsten carbide coatings for metal ...
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