Publisher’s Page: Where’d You Learn THAT?

Heat Treat Today publishes eight print magazines a year, and included in each is a letter from the publisher, Doug Glenn. This letter first appeared in Heat Treat Today‘s March 2021 Aerospace print edition.

Last month, this magazine featured a heat treat IQ issue. The issue had everything you need to know about IQ (integral quench) furnaces – the most rugged and widely used furnaces in the heat treat world. The magazine wasn’t really dealing with a person’s IQ (intelligence quotient), but it did get me thinking about how our current and future readers learn about heat treat.

Reading something on the Internet about heat treat can be a risky venture. “I read it on the Internet; therefore, it must be true.” That statement sarcastically makes the point that “I read it on the Internet; therefore, it might very well might NOT be true.” The statement casts doubt on the veracity of anything you might read on the “Interweb.” How is it then that professionals in the heat treat industry learn heat treat stuff these days? Where are they getting their information and how can we be sure that it’s true, accurate and helpful?

Although it’s “cool” to think and say that “digital” is all the rage, multiple studies say otherwise. These studies confirm that material delivered in a hardcopy print format is more believable, trusted, and keeps the reader’s attention for longer than digital content.

Heat Treat Today’s 20-something year old podcast and daily e-newsletter editor, Bethany Funk, – who is also an excellent researcher – pulled together some interesting research regarding print and digital delivery of educational content. According to one study she found from MarketingSherpa, “. . . more people said that they trusted print ads than any other medium.”

Notice that the above research was conducted with UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (youngins as we like to call them) and that the study was performed in 2015 – not that long ago.

While digital learning is good, the evidence seems to point to hardcopy learning as being the preferred method – even for younger folks. Who’da guessed?

Undoubtedly, digital delivery of content is here to stay, and the cost to produce that content is sometimes exceptionally low. Low cost of production inexorably leads to an excess of supply and poor quality. That’s what we’re seeing today – a lot of information and a lot of question

Here’s the remedy. We’re here to help. Our editors will find, filter, and format heat treating content so that it is most applicable, useful, and helpful to you. If you search the internet for “heat treat,” you’re going to come up with a whole lot of stuff that has nothing to do with industrial heat treating – think wood, biomedical, dental, food processing, etc. – all of which have “heat treat” in their name but have very little to do with the type of heat treating in which you are interested.

If you’re interested in learning about heat treating, I suggest Heat Treat Today – hard copy magazine, website, e-newsletters, and Heat Treat Radio. We’re here to help you learn.