Heat Treat Industries

Here you will find news, stories, and other content related to Heat Treat Today's target audience: aerospace equipment manufacturers, automotive manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, energy equipment manufacturers, and general manufacturing companies — all with in-house heat treatment departments. This section also includes news on general heat treat and economic activity. Click a segment below to view all related content.

Aerospace Heat Treating

Aerospace heat treating includes the processing of materials such as titanium, aluminum, and high-alloy steels as well as composites, ceramics, carbon/carbon, and other high-strength, lightweight materials.

Automotive Heat Treating

The automotive heat treat market is diverse, large, and continually growing. Heat treating demands are evolving with the advent of electric cars, but heat treatment of conventional automotive parts remains strong.

Medical Heat Treating

Medical heat treating includes products designed for both non-implantable and implantable medical devices.

Energy Heat Treating

Energy industry heat treating encompasses components and equipment for producing usable energy, including power generation, extraction (oil and natural gas), and energy generation (e.g., nuclear and “green” energy produced by wind, wave, solar, and geothermal technologies).

General Heat Treat

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Heat Treat News

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Heat Treat Economic News

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