Jonathan McKay – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Jonathan McKay
Company: Thomas Instrument
Position: Mechanical Engineer

Jonathan McKay was hired straight out of Texas Tech six years ago, having graduated with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Today, he mans a project to set up an internal heat treat department at Thomas Instrument. From the design of the building to the purchase and assembly of the equipment, he stayed hands on in all parts of the project. Jonathan created procedures and process plans, enabling Thomas Instrument to be approved as a heat treater for a prime aerospace company. Following this accomplishment, Jonathan was able to attain Nadcap accreditation for heat treat.

Jonathan is one of the brightest and most motivated individuals you will ever come across. He is a quick study, trustworthy, motivated, and eager to learn. He has demonstrated all of these characteristics and more. He is rapidly becoming an excellent heat treater. What he doesn’t know he reads about and then asks intelligent questions, absorbs the information, thinks about it, and does not have to ask about that subject again. He is eager to help in troubleshooting any heat treat process to expand his knowledge. Plus, Jonathan is a really good young man.

Nominated by: The HERRING GROUP, Inc.