Travis Krieger – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Travis Krieger has literally "grown up" within the walls of Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT). He started with the company in 1997 when he was 16 years old as a general laborer. Travis then learned to operate equipment, but was intrigued by the process, and so later advanced in the company, holding the roles of heat treat technician, senior heat treat technician, lead, and now production supervisor.
Travis is able to operate both of AHT's furnace lines and the induction equipment in our Burton Avenue facility. Not only is he technically skilled, he excels with communication, training, and management of people. To this day, he says, "I still enjoy explaining to people that know nothing about heat treating what it is and how it works... and could go on explaining it for hours." Travis is a self starter and a true asset to AHT. These are just a few reasons that he deserves this honor.
Nominated by: Advanced Heat Treat Corp.