A manufacturer in Poland turns to in-house heat treating capabilities rather than outsourcing its nitriding for stainless steel power generation parts. Steam turbine components will now be processed at the facility in Elbląg as a result of funding help from a government program part of the European Union.
Project Manager
Nitrex Poland
P.W.P.T. POSTEOR Sp. z o. o made the decision to stop outsourcing to commercial heat treaters its steam turbine pieces to bring the nitriding in house. The NX series furnace, model NX-620 will streamline production of these parts with its automated capabilities. The pit type furnace from NITREX meets requirement for nitriding, nitrocarburizing, and in-process oxidation. “The turnkey system also includes remote access software, an INS neutralizer for a clean and environment-friendly process, and a custom HMI for the end-user," describes Marcin Stokłosa, project manager at NITREX. "It is entirely automated, requiring little operator attendance or involvement."
POSTEOR hopes to reduce the challenges it was facing in outsourcing the components. With the nitriding furnace the company will have more positive control of the end results.
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